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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. What a wise men in Thailand.... Better should get some education first before brawling a lot of nonsense
  2. That is exactly why they should now as soon as possible give an accord to the Civil union Bill. Than as a LGBT couple at least you can take take of your loved one. If it first needs a constitution change for man and woman to replace it in a person we are still decades away. Better first a bit than the rest will follow, Now we are / have nothing that protect the rights of the same sex couples
  3. Okay ... In fact it is a small step forward, but still a long way to go. I expected that a real marriage was not possible at this moment. But with the Civil Union Bill there is a good alternative for LBGTQ community to get some rights.. But please Government you have the Bill ready pass as soon as possible now. You have waited for the verdict now it is time to pas that Bill
  4. That is nice... Copied from the western countries where there are demonstrations because people find it unfair that people are being forced to be vaccinated. Now in the Netherlads I have read there are about 20.000 kids in the age of 5 to 12 year old who have tested positive for Covid. How are they going to hadle that when the school are fulle open?? They are not vaccinated too but carriers of the virus. Although kids are less symptonic they can spread the virus. And 1 jabi is not vaccinated. Only the ones who recieved 2 jabs are vaccinated and the vaccinations will only be effective for about 6-8 months.... Many things to solve...
  5. It is as was expected.. so no news in fact. They claim the constitution was accepted by a lot people but I wonder if who from which country knows what is in the constitution of their country... As same here.. The constitution was accepted because it was told it was good and a lot of people voted in confidence, but now the problems rise time after time
  6. Yes I believe that is a very dangerous situation. People who pray and put a kratong in he water, with no other activities allowed...It is just one evening , while in Pattaya there is a big music festival till who knows.....Gatherings were prohibited by the Governement, so what a lot of stupid talk again...
  7. At this moment there is only 1 thing to do...... Stay away from Thailand, They have inferior tests, and if you are positive they will let you pay the most they can get...As the court said .. Foreigners have a lot of money so double pricing is no problem. It will help the economy... So please don't let you use yourslf and look for another country where you are more welcome with less hoops
  8. The key to fix the education system is abolish the stupid law of always passing. The students are made lazy because they can't fail. This no fail policy has the result that nobody wants to anything in their life .as it continious goes on on for example driverslicense to university degrees...And secondly limit the number of students per class. In many schools there are more than 50 students in a classroom, probably because the school is famous and in rural area's there mixed classes with 15 students grade 4,5,and 6 together...Divide the students, than there is time to really educate students. A teacher doesn't have time to help a student in a class of 50 and a teacher in a mixed class has to divide his attention to 3 levels and that is not good too... Check the work of the students and the teaching by the teachers y national tests... The schools has to swap teachers for that day or days so that cheating will be difficult. I see sometimes that the teachers are given answers of tests to the students because if there are too may students fail the test it seems that they are bad teachers. Yes there is a lot of work to do in education but they will never change anything, because educated students are a thread for the Government and other institutions
  9. If you only want to catch the biggest fish, you will be very disappointed with all the others you can catch.. Result will be that stay empted handed......Why not focus on "normal" people, middle class, and easier immigration rules for those who are here already for several years... The rules of 65.000 income a month is already enough. Not many Thais has this monthly income...smoother rules will bring also more retirees instead of many who are fleeing now. Pamper them a bit more and everyone will be happy.
  10. I think in Europe a lot more people are more human than here... they don't kill their family for nothing, torture kids...( ever been in a school in THailand where kids are being hit for nothing??) refugees as Rohinya and foreigners living here are discriminated... That is not a few people but the whole country... And yes there are bad people in every country and good people too as here in Thailand, but follow the news please and see what is happening.. Ever seen a peaceful demonstration knocked down like here with teargaz and watercanon with chemicals??? Peaceful demonstration I said.... In Europe they dont suffocate a suspect with a plastic bag and so on and so....
  11. I am from an European country, but whatever religion you follow this is not how you treat humans if they are injured or dead, you don't dump them.
  12. IMO Thailand as a country that promotes Buddhism as THE religion, has proven many times that in the Covid, the treatment of Rohinha, refugees from Myanmar and now this are not very in the line with what they preach..
  13. But gatherings are forbidden since 1 November due to danger of Covid spread.... How to explain??
  14. No not at all... Buddhism in Thailand is honour for every form of life.. That is why stray dogs, monkeys, cats can not be killed..and same for all kind animals and insects, even so it is impossible for euthanasy for your own life to arrange... Buddhism in Thailand is helping eachother without exceptions.. So that is what is preached and learned in schools and than they do this,.... I don't know if you must be proud if straydogs are threated better.. A few weeks back here was even a boy who saved a cockroach...... it was all over the news what a good boy he was..........and than I don't even speak of the murders of men and women for nothing the reckless driving that kills innocent people and many more things.... That is a disgrace for the religion the country has.....There is a failure somewhere
  15. It are not the deaths that apparently is seen as a Covid control or less Covid problems... If I read in the last months that people died at a age of 90 and up by Covid, I think that they have a age that it is not abnormal to die. However every dead of the Covis is one too much, but....you have to be realistic too. On the other hand we see that there are more new Covid cases than recoveries and that is worrysome much more. More people are getting vaccinated and the chance to get very serious ill will be reduced, but still thy will and can transfer the virus further. Even in Europe with a lot more vaccinated people the cases are going up and they are calling now for the third shot. So Covid is still not under control
  16. In my school I think there is no sex eduction at all. I only do 1 lesson a year for 6th grade for World Aids Day, and that is the most funny lesson of the year. The kids are very shy and even the Thai teachers get red ears if talk about aids and sex. But the kids they want to know more and more and they feel free to as everything , but after 3/4 of the hour is passed because it is totally new subject for them it seems. Even in the O net test there is a question what you should do if you feel horny with he right answer, go play football......just to mention what the sex education is in Thailand
  17. It seems that THailand must change its name in Phuket, so many atrticles about this island every day..........
  18. Is this the Buddhism of Thailand??? Stray dogs are treated better........inhumane and the Government must find out who is responsible, but as usual.... probably the traffickers has hig ranked friends and nothing will happen
  19. I have heard something before...... but there are many commitees, FDA GPO and parliament discussions neede before get approval so in with a bit of luck end of next year they can order
  20. in Thailand nothing can be done online except shopping. For all the rest you need lots of copies and papers to do anything, extension visa, driverslicense, 90days reports and other immigration issues, workpermits, not only for foreigners but for Thais too... Thailamd still far away from the digital era
  21. It is very difficult for a lot of people to get a vaccine... Why?? first of all all who got 1 vaccine get an an appointment for a second one, second, because of the bad working vaccines in the beginning now people need a third jab or a so called booster, Third they start to vaccinate groups of students. There is no time anymore to vaccinate people who got nothing at all. Besides that the delaying of the Moderna, made people decide to wait, and now they are almost begging people to come for a Sinovac. But now the Moderna has arrived and who wants to get another vaccine now?? It is a mess, The unvaccinated have to wait longer and longer with all risks
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