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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Thai people don't take advice or listen to other peple.. They know everything by themselves, hve their own solutions. Thailand is the center of the Universe and even if friends for many decades, from Japan have idea's why should they do anything with it... Only when it goes wrong it the others to blame
  2. 14.000 new cases and 1000 from prison missing........and the numbers are really as they lie...But who cares... The country must open...... no going back........millions of THB for artists, managers, organizers and hotels and the poor can do it with no or bad effective vaccines...Happiness to the people
  3. Nothing is the same in Thailand, Delta + not the same as elswhere in the world, same for vaccines and combinations of vaccines, Democracy as Mr Prayuth said Thailand has its own democracy, the police force, the freedom of speech, the elections and even the opening for tourists with all the paper work and restrictions in the entertainment industry... No Thailand is very very different and stands far away from world in the 21st century
  4. 1000 prisons infections are unknown where they came from and are not in the figures yet..... Manipulate, manipulate and we open next week
  5. who will believe a man who brought his country down, who doesn't accept critics and failed in the pandamic, who manipulated numbers and many more..........
  6. Deja vu Same as the Pfizer from the USA.........The Government seems to be incompetent more and more day afer day
  7. It depends on how you see it.. If you only count the PCR test than the cases are declining, but if the rapid test are being included than there is a slight rise.. IMHO I think that the recoveries will contain also the ones from the rapid test, so in fact they don't count them as positive but they count them when recovered... It looks good on both sides, but is it the truth????
  8. They will never learn anything... lack of everything... education, parental control, police/law enforcement...Today these kids tomorrow other
  9. 12.200 new cases....and that for a long weekend is a lot... comparing a few days ago 15.000
  10. The whole alcohol ban is only because the THai Government is xenophobia of alcohol.. Even in foreign movies it must be blurred.. When do they understand that we are living in the 21st century?? It is easy to control the alcohol consumption .. if you eat you can drink, no food anymore no alcohol, in bars and pubs the restrictions are the responsibility of the bartender or owner... maximun number of people in the bar ... Let people have a live instead of so called protecting them by putting them in jail for nothing
  11. According to The Netherlands Thailand is a high risk country... so if there are tourists coming or not coming doesn't matter.. The figures are manipulated already and will still be done, because in Thailand everything must be a succes.. Look at the Sandbox in Phuket.. More cases not because of the tourists, but because of the low quality vaccines, the Thai mentality of not worrying, and the so called low numbers all the time..
  12. It is not the amount, It is just that everything has to cost money for nothing. I have a international passport why not use it and so are many other people.. and all that 50 THB is a lot of money for something we don't need
  13. 13.500 new cases it looks these cases are less severe and that is good. A lot of vaccinated people will be less sick, although 13.500 is still high for reopening for tourists as schools, surely in the red and dark red areas
  14. I have already a yellow vaccine passport for many years, but the hospital refused to fill in the vaccination and only gave me a vaccinationcertificte.... Again a money scam???
  15. a few days ago another website mentioned that the Thailand pass was available at 2nd of November and the CoE was not available anymore.....So 1 st of November opening and the website opens 2nd November ?? will be a very quiet week I think https://thethaiger.com/news/national/thailand-pass-website-launching-accepted-from-november-2
  16. can't have sex anywhere, in a hotelroom afew months there was a sex party, on internet, against a so called holy tree, and now next to a monument.... Police is getting crazier by the day
  17. Reduce speed , wear helmets and get educated shall save more lioves than a hole in road
  18. Stupid rules that can not be followed...Keep the schools closed and continue with online learning is much better and less risks and easier to do. The commission has no experience in schools apparently
  19. Some schools to reopen, Boys can get 2nd Pfizer, Is there anyone in this country who can think or decide more than 1 hour ahead????? It seems it is impossible after 6 months schoolclosure to make a decision. Schools are open or not but not maybe, some, only if...... IT seems very clear in red and dark red areas keep them closed until 1 st January and let the term expand to Songkran than. December is a month with a lot of days off so no problems as kids don't study so much in this month. Other areas can start on 1st of November with half classes even studentnumbers in the even weeks and the uneven numbers in the uneven weeks. If there is an outbreak in a school or area close again... So difficult to decide??
  20. I am wondering how many people will come. no word anymore about the Travel Pass or CoE... And if you are coming to Bangkok than you welcome to stay in the polluted air as bonus
  21. Unbelievable that so many people around did not interfere in this abnormal abuse... They should do the same with him and much slower... In the passion they whipped Jesus maybe that is what they should do with this men
  22. Maybe you did not do a notification of address to Phetchaburi?? I live in Phetchaburi and have never a problem. I don't do it online, because the immigration told me if it goes wrong you have problems, you better come to the office
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