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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I never go to Phuket , because I don't like the place at all.....I went once and that was more than enough
  2. I know and I agree with Suvarnabhumi, but tourists will go to different places and not everywhere are the cabs so controlled. Besides be fair.. It is a long time ago that tourists came and the cabs has lost a lot of money and they want to make more now..... Understandable but not correct
  3. You did not read the taxi fares at the Phuket airport in July apparently,
  4. Iif there really 100k tourist coming the positive cases will drop seriously.. They have never performed 100k test for the THai people so they will not be tested because there is capacity anymore and the tourists are vaccinated... everybody happy.. No covid anymore in Thailand
  5. Can you imagine?? Quality tourist come to THailand... First long waiting time at immigartion with unfriendly officers... Than a long row waiting for the PCR test, and than the taxiscam to your hotel... It will be very first impression of you holiday destination
  6. It says enough.... they have never tested 100.000 people in a day, that is why he Covid cases in Thailand are so low.. If thee are now tourists they have to do more tetsts with a result that probably he cases are rising and than they have to go back to lockdowns
  7. Probably service fee for the Government to approve and handling the Moderna vaccines.... It is shameful that there is no standard price for all these vaccines. It would be very clear for everyone and if you living in poor country, there are ways to help to get these vaccines.. Easy asnd clear for everyone
  8. THailand, all over the world known for the sexindustry has a law that sextoys are illegal... I suppose in the law is written that only living materials are allowed.....to protect the industry
  9. In my place there are 33 cases in BIg C, but Big C is still open and everything seems to be normal.Same for Kao Yoi where there would be a new cluster..If they don't care about the real numbers, how can the be serious telling that everything is under control?? THey can manipulate the numbers and than they are angry if there will be more cases because the people lower their guard or start coming together again... Yes if there are a few cases it doesn't seems so bad, so why follow the rules???
  10. Happiness to gthe people... No drinking, no parties but a lot of around if he visit a province or village is ok??? or at a pressconference a lot of people standing in the back??
  11. The Thai kids can better watch the news in Thailand... There they will see and hear how, when , and for what tiny problems will be killed for nothing.
  12. If he is in jail he would not have a living either, but maybe better as an example to prevent others
  13. jail again.... instead revoking his driving license and crushing his vehicle... That will have more impact than always threatening with jail
  14. They have the tourist industry ruined by changing the visa rules years ago already.. They wanted to get rid of all the people living here, spending their money and took care of families, but who could not get another visa than a tourist visa. The visa system is so outdated, but these people left the country already.. Than the backpacker were the target to get rid of.and so fewer tourists came. In the meantime they have crackdown all kind of jobs , such as teachers who are working without a workpermis. I know you have to follow the rules, but sometimes it is by all the bureaucratic rules it is impossible to get your papers for a workpermit. But they don't care that these people contribute to the economy by travelling in their freetime and spending their earned money. All these measures are tighted after the coup. It seems that tey wanted to get rid of the foreigners. Now they want quality tourists, but in the meantime Thailand has got a bad reputation already, by double pricing, draconic alcohol rules, the incompetent and corrupt RTP, and the general feeling of being unwelcome here. Quality tourists will surely go other places and for Thailand, which never needed to do anything to get the cheaper tourists , because they came all by themselves, they have to change a lot to be attractive again. But therefor they need a vision and they lack of that They only can assume, predict, hope, expect and so, instead of making things easier, better, and attractive for those who wanted to come. If you say we only want quality tourist is wrong. People who have less money or backpackers, feel that they are not welcome anymore and find other destinations... But Thai logic is unlogical
  15. I am wondering hoe they get all these vaccines???probably 10 times more because under the skin jabs...
  16. Quality tourists not quantity.... So TAT can go home.... they always predict large groups of tourists that will spend billions...
  17. Mr Prayuth told the storm not to give floodings... and if so he will be praised for his efforts
  18. instead of banning alcohol they should ban all singers.. Every one who thinks that he/she can sing is singing in a bar with so much noise that a conversation is impossible and it is terrible to listen to....Ban all live music
  19. In another newspaper it was written that Thailand told Wada to reconsider.... If Thailand should have any influence or power than they better could use to order Moderna to deliver, but who will listen to a Government which is incapable of doing anything... even in sports
  20. It has nothing to do with Anutin. It is the decision of the UK Government for the welfare for its citizens and visitors.. But Thailand want to show how much influence they have ... same as the told wada that...... Who do they ( Thailand )think they are?????
  21. maybe less severe cases because of the vaccinations, but still numbers are going up.. 18.000 today for the third day on a row up. Surprisingly the numbers in prison suddenly only 72...Any way numbers still high in general public..
  22. As long as he is leading the country everything went down. In the beginning I had confidence that he would really chance the country for better, but now after 7 years everything went down except his own bankaccount probably. He has to leave better today than tomorrow, because every is a day too long. New elections with younger people with a view to take over instead of all retired almost disabled men
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