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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 3 hours ago, billd766 said:

    I could agree with you on that IF only every general involved in a military coup were put on trial for treason against the state and executed.


    Or is staging a military coup against an elected government and deposing them, OK by you?

    Totally correct all the coup makers should be arrested too and in public beheaded.... but the army have made a constitution that protect them from everything and amendment are almost impossible to make. Thaksin came home like a hero, no prison, but fake illness to spend in hospital and now free waiting for his parole.. Re arrested?? Impossible 

  2. 2 hours ago, mokwit said:

    The meter has to be adjusted to provide a living wage first, then you go after the ones refusing to use it. This taxi anarchy was precipitated by the previous government not allowing adjustment in line with living costs as they felt a low flag fall was liked by tourists - for all their concern about Thailand's image one of the most damaging things to Thailand's image is the behaviour of the bad half of taxi drivers - tourists coming here have never seen anything like it and it leaves a very bad taste in their mouths.

    INdeed and even worst they tell family and friends they they will think twice before they come.. taxis are 1 example but many others there are too

  3. 3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    The government has no interest in it as I doubt that many ministers take taxis. If they really wanted to solve the problem of drivers not using the meter or refusing a fare, refusing to take money from potential passengers and then claiming they are poor, they only need to get a few dozen, maybe more, soldiers out of their barracks where they do who knows what all day, dress them in civilian clothes and set them the task of trying to actually get a taxi driver to do their job and if they refuse then arrest and fine them a few thousand baht (they can afford it as they are so rich they don't need passengers in their taxi to make money). Second offence, remove their license. If they attack passengers, send them straight to jail. Start outside hotels and shopping malls.


    But, as with every law that is ignored, no-one actually cares. It's just the normal way of life which every Thai knows will never change. The problem for Thailand is that sometimes foreigners get caught up in the anarchy and don't accept it as normal, and they don't stick their head in the sand but let others know what has happened. In this case, the Japanese are not too keen on that kind of treatment and might decide there are better places to visit, places with a semblance of law and good manners.

    Indeed, but they complain that the tourists don't come in big numbers anymore, But 1 Japanese man will tell his story to his family and they tell it to their friends and so more people are avoiding the country. And this is just 1 example but there are many others


  4. 30 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Sorry but apparently words are not enough.

    2007 Thailand Constitution, Chapter III "Rights and Liberties of the Thai People", Part 13 "Right to Protect the Constitution, Section 68:

    • "No person shall exercise the rights and liberties prescribed in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State under this Constitution or to acquire the power to rule the country by any means which is not in accordance with the mode provided in this Constitution."

    The 2007 Constitution only prescribes elections as the means to changing governments.


    When NCPO Gen. Prayut in mid-May 2014 overthrew the elected Yingluck government through military force, he abolished the 2007 Constitution (albeit as an after-thought revived Chapter II "The King"), unilaterally replaced it with NCPO's Interim Charter (including amnesty for the overthrow), followed by a new Constitution authored by NCPO in 2016 - both of which omitted the original Section 68 language. During those years the Constitutional Court continued to exist without any adverse reaction to the coup.





    Indeed, so Mr Prayuth and his cronies are far worse than an amendment of section 112

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  5. In Buddhism it is not allowed to take someones life... In most religions it is the same. However legal abortion in Thailand should be carried out, as the law allows it. If a doctor refuses because of his believe, there should be possibilities in some clinics around the country. The women have the right to end their pregnancy, as for many reasons, as rape, incest, violent husband or even not enough money.  Thailand should enter the 21st century and change the thinkings.. Unnecessary suffering should also be permitted. I believe there are no Gods that don't care about the wellbeing of the believers. They all want that everybody can have a happy and healthy life without suffering and pain. 

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