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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. In Thailand they invent every day the wheel again in everything.. They have no clue what they are doing.
  2. If there was a good registration system, modern and computerized, there would never be a problem. Transfers of land should be done by lawyer or solliciters instead hand over papers which could be fake or not registered.. We don't live in the 19th century anymore and everybody who owns land or want to buy land should be able to visit the registers.... but here it is only paperwork and stamps and old fashion way of handling this poperty with all kind problems and fake transactions.
  3. He should be banned from driving for 10 years and brought to court, instead punished by the police...I saw the video too and the man is just crazy, but there are many like this...Big fines and punishments are the best options.. He has no license plate so he is not even allowed to be on the road
  4. All elections in Thailand are a farce... this another one with corruption, and promised benefits, who are elected... And the EC must be dismantled as soon as possible.. They are the worst institution of all elections
  5. It was not that Pita could not form a Government .. He had no opportunity to form one as the old guard were holding back on him,.. It was impossible to do as he was/is not accepted.. In a normal democracy the biggest parties would join hands and form a Government, but here the refused even to try to make one... and as excuse section 112...In the Netherlands nobody wants to make a Government with the PVV ( a right winged party).. for the same reasons....Look what in a mess they are now too...Same here in Thailand. As soona s MFP won there were suddenly all kind of cases against Pita and the Senators even refused to vote.. Is That democracy and than as excuse he could not form a Government// No of course not if all parties already say we don't want to rule with you you are doomed.
  6. Most drugs dealers are Thais.. and of course foreigners will buy , but the police is only watching in a one way direction. Believe me... In my neighbourhood there is drug dealer too, and when he is caught he has to pay a 50k and RTP release him, till next time.. Easy to blame foreigners but there are more criminal Thai in this country out of 70 million than foreigners
  7. Anutin, the most incompetent and xenophobic man in Thailand, and of course he will keep silent as he knows Thailand made a mistake with Uyghurs... He is a coward only when he can win something with it he will come out... Hope we should get rid of this man quickly
  8. Move Farward was the winner of the elections, but as they were a threat for the current leaders and army they were made impossible to make a coalition. You forgot that Pita was unable to be PM? All kind of tricks were used to prevent that he would be PM and nd the managed to ban him . PHeu Thai was the first party that saw their chance and formed a formed a government with their friends to keep the power, so not an elected Government in fact but a Government that was formed to keep the people in power who already were there. Everybody wrote enough about it.. The same parties in another Government. But with the return of Thaksin it seems that there would be changes,,, but untill now they are only working to get Yingluck back and nothing is achieved yet, as we all know that it is the same as in the last decade. This is not the US nor a democracy..
  9. No surprise.... What ha sthe Government done so far??? Even the promised 10k wallet is being postponed time after time, a PM who doesn't attend the meetings, and a non elected man who is ruling the country...In the meantime everything goes down and down...
  10. a few things,but what about the airpollution by blacksmoke cars and motorcycles, illegal wildfires, and industry which is more harmful than some cleaning products and insecticides.
  11. Question, where does these articles come from?? who is involved and last but not least how can you manage to forbid something that widely used in the country by government officials, RTP, military, and common people and freely available all over the country on markets and streetcorners?? Where are the brains?? Why only e cigarettes and why not the normal cigarettes that are even more dangerous
  12. They were brothers in arms...That is why they never speak about the WW2 here
  13. The corruption and lies in Thailand are unbelievable ... This is another proof. Human Rights are unknown here as how is it possible to detain people for so many years without even a lawyer... Thailand should be punished for this by the international community. Let the Chinese take over Thailand and make it a province like they did with Taiwan.. It should fit better for Thailand as they are already only fixed on China. Thailand will always do what China wants as the elite and most government officials have Chinese roots... Thailand never colonized and they are proud on that but being taken over by China is silenced
  14. The corruption and lies in Thailand are unbelievable ... This is another proof. Human Rights are unknown here as how is it possible to detain people for so many years without even a lawyer... Thailand should be punished for this by the international community. Let the Chinese take over Thailand and make it a province like they did with Taiwan.. It should fit better for Thailand as they are already only fixed on China
  15. I thought that TAT did not smoke cannabis, but it seems they are further away than we think.. What a lot of crap written here... Tourists will flee away, with the entrance fee and the digital entrance card coming up, the double standards in everything, the non alcohol sales and ban hours and the Buddhistic holidays... and of course the vaping.. It are all things that in many countries are no issues, only here. Yes Thailand was a nice destination but they have broken down the tourism sector and don't know how to repair it and now implementing things that will do the opposite. Tourists from Europe are being urged to have nearby holidays too as for the climate change.. Some airports will have higher taxes, and the tickets will be more expensive.. But TAT doesn't care, they have all the knowledge. And Pattaya is still known as the sex capital of the world, but nowadays a lot of criminals are being there too from all nations and so also Thais, and a lot of unexpainable falls from balconies. What a family resort?
  16. The shame of Thailand.... It shows how Thai Government has no Human Right policy and should be removed out of the organization. Thailand claims they protect people, but look around in prisons, refugees from Myanmar and now this Uygur deportation. Maybe there should be some economic sanctions to Thailand be made... When it cost them money Thailand will change their attitudes
  17. not a tourism fee an entrance fee for a country that will do double pricing and standards for all foreigners. The long term vis holders should be exempt too as they live here and are no tourists, but contribute a lot already to the economy. But Thailand never has enough and the greed will bring the country down.
  18. Again a example who is running the country... The army came to "rescue" his fellow, but happily the RTP did do their job and kept him... I am wondering what will happen as I suspect that maybe the agents will have to explain or get an other post because of this
  19. That should not be too difficult, as when you walk around in Bangkok you will many places which sell e cigarettes and vapes.. But for a crackdown you need a working policeforce, but that is difficult to fine anywhere in Thailand. Working is bad word
  20. There is just no control and enforcement of any rule in Thailand
  21. Thai people are not educated to lower their voice when they speak.. screaming is the normal here.. No wonder I suppose as everyone has an ear damage already because all the noise pollution in parties, temple activities election driving around cars and at home even normal talk is impossible... Go to a restaurant and the music is so loudly played that a conversation is impossible. But also at home.. my neighbours have a barbecue every weekend and they make a lot of noise, and at the other side there is a small restaurant with rice soup, where the owners speak so loudly I can literally hear what they talk about... and you have to know there is a soi between our houses and they live on the corner and I am the third house in the soi, opposite site of theirs. So please stop with blaming foreigners for things Thais do same and more . Thailand is full of Thai people and only a few foreigners
  22. TAT soft power to attrack tourists.. Why is nobody doing something about this kind of accidents... All busses should be checked before they are allowed to ride out, with decent driving times for the drivers and several drivers in a bus with a good education and responsibilty for the people they are carrying... But government, RTP and companies don't care about anything... Fines should be skyhigh and they will loose their license to open another similar business for lifetime. But........ I keep on dreaming
  23. Not only in Pattaya noise pollution.. Everywhere in Thailand.. Somewhere in a temple about 800m my place they play music so loudly that we have turn on more volume on our TV. Don't understand why neighbours don't complain to the temple and/or police... Although we know that both don't care at all. Enforcing max DB's is impossible in the land of smiles
  24. To clean the drinking water...... ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer
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