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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Yesterday they urged the public to wear masks again... Now it is fake news??
  2. the 3rd in a week time... Thailand can use it as soft power maybe?? Come and enjoy a possible accident if you travel by bus or in cars??
  3. Everything must be celebrated... a lot of wasted money, in other countries, they just are happy and announce it and finished, but here in " happy" THailand there is a ceremony needed
  4. They never stopped wearing masks... so no need to urge them wear them again
  5. Do something about the dangerous traffic so that less young people die.. They could have babies, but passed away and a result is that the average age is going up....
  6. Not allowed to make fun about this high class hard working system and its officers
  7. Maybe start with the banning of alcoholsales hours, allow e cigarettes, stop double pricing, be friendly and welcoming, just a few things to atrack tourists instead seeing tourists as walking ATM machines. Invest in expats and retiring persons, by more simple visa rules and abolish the 90 days reports, address reports after a holiday and annual renewal. Make long term visa for 5 years or so simple measurements that will do more good than calculate how many Chinese will come
  8. I still believe that daily salaries are not working and there should be paid monthly. As for daily salaries with so many holidays the people don't earn a dime except army and government officials.. Searching on the internet seems that Thailand a minimum wage has of 12k a month, but I know we we can read that teachers often only get 7000 THB a month paid. and if you search more it seems that 50% is earning 88k average...So there should be possibilities to raise the lower salaries. What is the average wages in Thailand in 2023? Wages in Thailand increased to 15452.59 THB/Month in the third quarter of 2023 from 15411.82 THB/Month in the second quarter of 2023. Thailand Average Monthly Wages - Trading Economics https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages#:~:text=Wages in Thailand increased to,the second quarter of 2023.
  9. And how many die in accidents because of the lack of good drivers education?
  10. It shows again that Thailand has no clue how to be attractive to tourists... Old fashioned idea's and outdated laws and no clue what tourists want
  11. I don't know for America, but kids going to school at 6 am because they have to go by the schoolbus to school and being at home at 6 pm also because of the schoolbus .. Other kids whoi special classes after the normal lessons and are finished too at 6 pm.. I think it is too much. Yes at 2 pm the kids in America will go home and will have time to relax and play, as here in Thailand probably in most days the kids have to do homework too. When will the brain of a kid relax?
  12. What do you expect if the curriculums are outdated, no progression is made to come into the 21st century but lot of times are being wasted to stand, pray, march, and copy..... No questions allowed and the teacher is the all knowing otherwise they loose face. Kids brains are overworked as many leave home at 6 am and return at 6 pm...with hardly an hour break in the afternoon for lunch. With 40/50 in a class there is no time to teach a kid, because what can you learn in a minute? I wrote many times already my ideas but nothing will ever change as long as the army and conservative governments are in power..
  13. How can you raise kids with only barely 400 THB a day??? Kids cost money, for school, food, clothes, and they are growing.... But in Thailand they don't understand?? Keep the salaries very low and complain that there is no more poverty... more kids more poverty more borrowing money to make ends meet....start to solve the problems first
  14. The results of new calculator of TAT probably.. The old one was very optimistic and expectations are not reality....
  15. Amazing Thailand.. In Dubai he never have spend so much time in a hospital
  16. And who will check??? RTP is doing nothing even in daytime, and the corruption will be rising for hose who do the job... Close at 1 or 2 am ok.. In certain areas with strict controls only in the weekend till 4 am. But IMO first start with the entertainment industry to check all licenses and see if they follow the rules before giving them what they want. we all know and read the last year about underaged people , alcohol abuse, drugs gambling and even sadly even fire with no free exits to flee....Let the entertainment industry first invest and follow the rules before giving them what they want
  17. We all know that during daytime they even don't do their work, and surely not at night.. after 17.00 the workday is over
  18. Meningitis is an infection and inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. These membranes are called meninges. The inflammation from meningitis typically triggers symptoms such as headache, fever and a stiff neck. Swine fever and meningitis are not the same.... Swine fever can cause meningitis, please inform people properly
  19. The night is for the vermin..... Stop the idiots of the entertainment industry. 2 am is more than enough
  20. When your time is up it is up.. nobody can tell what age it will be. Indeed averages means young and old and nowadays the healthcare is better, but still...Strangely enough a lot of my male friends and familymembers died around 65/70 while the women are around their 90's already and still very fit. Probably people in the West die sooner as they are used to work harder and more, while in the tropical countries life is more relaxed..
  21. It is the truth.. as long as I know Thailand is famous for its sex industry and Pattaya is the sex capital of the world... Although according to the police there are no hookers there, people all over the world know that there are plenty sex workers in Thailand. But by brainwashing people how good and perfect the country is they have to deny it and that is why this kind documentaries are blocked, forbidden or censored. It could open eyes... And what would Thailand have been without sex paradise? Ttourism was built on it
  22. It is a part of life.. everybody has to die, no matter of flu, covid, bacterial infections, or anything. It happens and yes elderly die too more chance the older they are... but nothing to panic about.. part of being born
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