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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. yes I know that are 1.100 a day.. Thailand has 70 provinces... so what is the point??
  2. That were only the ones who were checked and not paid any money.. All the rest were allowed to drive on with greetings from the RTP. It is just unbelievable that in 7 days there were only 1.100 in 70 provinces drivers with alcohol behind the wheel ( hardly 15 a day per province).. And than we don't even count the ones with drugs.
  3. Is not time that RTP is getting to do their jobs?? 15 yrs old, 14 yrs old, 18 yrs old with guns??? It looks the Wild West and will not any good for the image of Thailand
  4. MFP is the party with brains and visions.. Proven again, but the old school will do what they want and nobody can stop them
  5. It is so easy to call numbers... but as said many times, Thailand has nothing to offer anymore after they ruined their tourist industry. Things that should change are the alcohol sales hours, allow vaping, stop double standards, be friendly, don't be chased by the RTP, while the locals are free to do as they like.. Make visa extensions easier, stop with the 90 days reporting, be welcoming... and it will take years to get the tourists back... In the past backpackers came here to work, and spend their earned money in the local economy, but the Government made visa difficult , working without permit because of outdated laws, and punishments and fines etc... Break down everything and than cry...
  6. Just buy a coffee machine and make your own starbucks coffee at home if you like it.. Much cheaper and far less expensive.. We did the same and we went to the bakery and bought some cake and we had our coffee in the garden, for 2 persons less than I have to pay for one 1 cup at the Starbucks store without cake...
  7. If the students were obliged to go to the nearest school from their house instead of to go to so called famous schools with overcrowded classrooms, a lot of problems would be solved..In overcrowded classrooms students don't learn anything and in mixed classes because the school has too less students it is the same... The quality of the teachers is no issue...Advantages are plenty, no travel time to and from school if nearby, less pollutiuon and traffic congestion and better education just to name some
  8. A peacemaker and praised?? for not being in jail? for divide the Thai society more than ever??
  9. Time to repeat 1789, indeed.... They are right it is not normal for a fugitive who should be in jail to get treated as celebrity..while the common people suffer in prisons, he is relaxing in the hospital so called ill and maybe not even there...as no one is allowed to visit him
  10. I am wondering what the road safety campaign was... I never saw anything or read anything..unless on internet
  11. Of course ... How could anything fail here in Thailand? just manipulate the numbers and everything looks fine... Many tourist with huge spendings, less traffic accidents , injured and deaths, as we only count them who died instantly, later on the way to the hospital or in the hospital we don't count anymore.. We order not count every accident in every province and see... It works
  12. Not attacking Thailand.... but the wines here are very very expensive and hardly drinkable.. Never went abroad?? When I go to Europe I can have a bottle of good /very good wine for 15 euro (600 THB) in a restaurant, as for this price in Thailand you have chateau Migraine, because of the 300% tax...I am convinced that if the imported wine was less taxes the revenue would be bigger as more people would like to buy and drink it...Nothing to do with attacking Thailand..but Thais unfortunately think that Thailand is the best country in the world, but many have no clue what is outside
  13. It would be much better to lower the tax on imported wine and beverages, as the local stuff is undrinkable
  14. Probably more but the numbers must look better than previous years to show how good the RTP and the government are doing their best for the public safety
  15. How can a 15 year old accidentally get a gun or whatever....Probably it is no accident, but stupidity and no guidance of parents.. H did not know where guns are used for?? What was his intention to take it with him?? Buy a bottle of cocacola?
  16. I am happy to read that he is so wealthy and I am sure the workers who work for him to get him so rich will be paid a daily salary of 350THB a day.. and there will be no room for a decent salary raise... The family has already so much money that as long as they all will live never have a shortage.. but the people who are the ones to give him this wealth must be scrape every satang to get some food... Nice example
  17. As you probably know sound pollution makes people stressed and with other issues maybe it was too much.. Working every day in the noise, and everywhere around you.. Try to find a place to relax... Even the temples are the worst... It would be a start to forbid the temple parties
  18. That they sleep is not the intention. the purpose is to delay their travel and reason to hurry
  19. And the slavery should be stopped... The high earners, companies and owners of the country should stop abusing the people and give decent salaries.. Elderly with 3000 THB a month is a shame.. teachers or classroom helpers with 7000 THB a month is laughable.. and yes maybe prices will increase but must the elite earn billions millions are not enough for them?? No they shout they can't afford it, while they drive many luxury cars, have houses abroad, luxury holidays... It seems Thailand is still living in the time of a banned movie
  20. The police believes a lot in Thailand.. better do proper investigations.. Besides probably the music was too loud and too much noise as it is common in Thailand. Sound pollutions drive people crazy... Even in a shopping mall there is no background music but it seems you are in a pub.. Complaining doesn't help as they have no clues..but it is proven that soft played background music will improve the sales and loud music will chase customers away... but alas who am I?
  21. At the roadside.... hire a ricefield and let the people sit or lay down to sleep.. They are the ones who made a mistake no need to pamper them...
  22. Every year the same story on New Year and Songkran, but nothing is being done by the Government during the rest of the year.. severe punishments, real checking of alcohol and drugs at checkpoints, speeding and lane changing. hold the drivers and show them a 4 hour video obliged to watch so they will belayed more as they should drive normally..and drunk/ drugs in the blood, forbid them to drive on.. confiscate the vehicle until they are totally sober again. Just a few things
  23. What is the problem? The selling ? the masturbation? the many followers?? Many people are exposing themselves on internet for free
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