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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I don't know for America, but kids going to school at 6 am because they have to go by the schoolbus to school and being at home at 6 pm also because of the schoolbus .. Other kids whoi special classes after the normal lessons and are finished too at 6 pm.. I think it is too much. Yes at 2 pm the kids in America will go home and will have time to relax and play, as here in Thailand probably in most days the kids have to do homework too. When will the brain of a kid relax?
  2. What do you expect if the curriculums are outdated, no progression is made to come into the 21st century but lot of times are being wasted to stand, pray, march, and copy..... No questions allowed and the teacher is the all knowing otherwise they loose face. Kids brains are overworked as many leave home at 6 am and return at 6 pm...with hardly an hour break in the afternoon for lunch. With 40/50 in a class there is no time to teach a kid, because what can you learn in a minute? I wrote many times already my ideas but nothing will ever change as long as the army and conservative governments are in power..
  3. How can you raise kids with only barely 400 THB a day??? Kids cost money, for school, food, clothes, and they are growing.... But in Thailand they don't understand?? Keep the salaries very low and complain that there is no more poverty... more kids more poverty more borrowing money to make ends meet....start to solve the problems first
  4. The results of new calculator of TAT probably.. The old one was very optimistic and expectations are not reality....
  5. Amazing Thailand.. In Dubai he never have spend so much time in a hospital
  6. And who will check??? RTP is doing nothing even in daytime, and the corruption will be rising for hose who do the job... Close at 1 or 2 am ok.. In certain areas with strict controls only in the weekend till 4 am. But IMO first start with the entertainment industry to check all licenses and see if they follow the rules before giving them what they want. we all know and read the last year about underaged people , alcohol abuse, drugs gambling and even sadly even fire with no free exits to flee....Let the entertainment industry first invest and follow the rules before giving them what they want
  7. We all know that during daytime they even don't do their work, and surely not at night.. after 17.00 the workday is over
  8. Meningitis is an infection and inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. These membranes are called meninges. The inflammation from meningitis typically triggers symptoms such as headache, fever and a stiff neck. Swine fever and meningitis are not the same.... Swine fever can cause meningitis, please inform people properly
  9. The night is for the vermin..... Stop the idiots of the entertainment industry. 2 am is more than enough
  10. When your time is up it is up.. nobody can tell what age it will be. Indeed averages means young and old and nowadays the healthcare is better, but still...Strangely enough a lot of my male friends and familymembers died around 65/70 while the women are around their 90's already and still very fit. Probably people in the West die sooner as they are used to work harder and more, while in the tropical countries life is more relaxed..
  11. It is the truth.. as long as I know Thailand is famous for its sex industry and Pattaya is the sex capital of the world... Although according to the police there are no hookers there, people all over the world know that there are plenty sex workers in Thailand. But by brainwashing people how good and perfect the country is they have to deny it and that is why this kind documentaries are blocked, forbidden or censored. It could open eyes... And what would Thailand have been without sex paradise? Ttourism was built on it
  12. It is a part of life.. everybody has to die, no matter of flu, covid, bacterial infections, or anything. It happens and yes elderly die too more chance the older they are... but nothing to panic about.. part of being born
  13. The only country in the world that makes headlines of Covid again.. No wonder everybody is still wearing a mask...we never get rid of it..
  14. He is right, the whole 10k wallet scheme will have a negative impact on Thailand.. It is too expensive and with the money they could do other things that are more beneficial, such as educated and trained people to install solar panels, a security fund for the elderly that are coming in the next year and who can't live of 3000 THB a month, make roads safer, invest in electric cars to solve the air pollution, invest in decent education instead of the indoctrination in school. That would benefit Thailand more
  15. It are only Thais who are confident in this case... but the reality is mostly very different....and than they are quiet again. Free visa will not solve the problems in Thai tourism, but many other things could contribute as alcohol sales, e cigarettes, double pricing, and double standards.. If the act on these issues, it could improve tourism
  16. No prostitution in Pattaya we have read many times.. No underage girl available either and no corruption... So what is this article about?? Arrest the policeman, get a good registration of passports, so immigration can see that the man was charged are just a few things they can do and a good registration of all sexworkers and the police who do checks.. But that are all dreams
  17. There is no ministry of environment in Thailand?? There are no cleaners in the city only street sweepers?? I think it is the duty of everyone to clean their mess, Loy Kratong, Songkran, fetivals, concerts, the beach just name it...Keep Thailand clean is a duty for everyone
  18. The Government can't solve the problem. They have to take measures to stop this scam of debt creating. I know for example a dealer in cars sells a car to a young boy barely 20 with no drivers license and no steady income. His income was 15k a month, but he could buy a car fully financed and with a monthly payment of 8k a month!!! He has a girlfriend not married and 2 kids to care for living with the parents of his girlfriend. Of course after a few months problems, he could not pay anymore the dealer took back the car for 50% of the amount he paid and now he has to pay more than 165k debt.. His girlfriend left him and he left his job..The amount will rise every month because of interest they calculate on the 165k.. In my opinion it is the idiot dealer who made the mistake and he has to take the loss. There should be rules that this kind of scam is forbidden. And there are more such cases. Make people aware that borrowing money will cost dearly and make people also aware that those who give the money won't see anything back, as there plenty of examples enough. But don't pay back the debts. Let the companies who took no care of the customers get their loss. It is a part of their business to take the risk.
  19. Soft power schedule in Thailand to atrack tourists. January month celebrations for Chinese New Year, February month of Valentines's Day, March Lisa's famous Buriram balls, April Songkran month, May month of sticky rice and mango, June the month of Pad Thai and green curry July month to celebrate Kao Pan Saa and Asaharn Buchaa. August month of Mother's Day, September the month of the rainy season OCtober month for Halloween. November month of Loy Kratong and December Christmas and New Years celebrations.. tourist will cue up for these soft power events
  20. The money will speak justice... not the illness and all other reasons will be waived away... Thaksin is seriously ill will be the conclusion and need to stay in the hospital.. x in a brown envelope case closed
  21. In Thailand sadly enough the most people have no clue what they are doing. How many times don't we read about things done by one party and the opposite by another. Laws and regulations are not being changed and some are very outdated. The country doesn't invest in the infrastructure. The railway system is 19th century and never been updated, the roads are overloaded and not safe anymore. Houses are being build everywhere without the need as many are not sold and/or empty and sometimes not even finished for some reason. The uneducated people accept everything whta is going on and believe the lies of the army based governments and the people with power, as it is the culture to respect them and don't think for yourself. Tourism is broken down and will be difficult to restore.. Laws like alcohol restrictions, electronic cigarettes, double pricing and now the latest idea for tax refund are not doing any good. The grumpy immigration and long cues at the airports are also not welcoming tourists. Local tourism is the last years promoted, but with so many days of it is no wonder the the economy is going back. A holiday on a weekend day will have an extra day of, as it was not a free day.. Most people don't earn anything or have to work on these days as no work means no money and the holidays are only paid if you work for army or government. Reduce the holidays, stop with day wages, but gives monthly salaries so that everybody in every sector will have paid holidays. Educate people how to spend money instead of constantly pushing to buy and make rules for customers that before they want a loan for a car or motorcycle or whatever that they need a minimum leftover to live from... The economy can be boosted by investment of solar energy. Educate people how to install solar panels, instead of the 10k handout, give people who makes solar panels on their house a discount paid by the government. Stimulate electric vehicles and get rid of the 20 years and pre World War cars, it will improve the air quality, and make restriction for the industry that are very pollution too. Make a police force that do their job. Forbid the burning of rice fields and black fuming cars. Raise the salaries to a normal amount about 600 THB a day. and a workweek of not more than 6 days of 8 hours. And so I can go on and on The past 2 decades Thailand did not do anything and now they have to pay for it. The greed and corruption, the lack of changes will ruin the country.
  22. THe motion was not from the ruling parties, but Move Forward and therefor doomed to fail
  23. Better stop with the alcohol sales and buying bans and the ridiculous high taxes on wines from abroad...Very bad quality wines for a high price. In western countries you almost can buy a whole box for the price here and of better quality
  24. The shameless greed of the rich and failing justice. The people of Thailand have to pay to keep Mr Thaksin out of prison..When will be released from hospital It is much cheaper than than spending so long in it that only seems to be a luxury hotel
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