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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Several years back we travelled by train in daytime from Bangkok to Surat Thani to go Koh Samui.. It took a whole day to reach Surat and we were happy we could take the last ferry.. All because the train stopped at every hollow tree that seems to have a station. But what to expect from railways built in the 19th century and never upgraded, maintained, renewed?? Now promoting the train is a bit too early.. Make a decent infrastructure and than promote the travels instead of accepting bookings and never know if the train will arrive in time or arrive at all
  2. Indeed.. watching a foreign movie is undoable by all the blurring.. even a glass wine, beer, a cigarette a bikini everything seems to be inappropriate in worlds most known sex country
  3. no so much... pay a bit and let her be in prison and than suddenly she is suffering of high bloodpressure and all problems solved.. Another option I can not mention here
  4. Is that not education??? drugs and alcohol and driving?? Or is it accepted?
  5. In health care there is a lot wrong.. Why are so many young people committing suicide? Why are conflicts fought with guns, knifes or people beaten to death? All because people have mental problems, but in overcrowded hospitals with beds in the corridors and no mental care institutions no wonder... and than I don't talk about the noise pollution everywhere.. Noise is being used to torture so if people are stressed, where can they find a place to come to peace in their mind?? The temples?? they are evne the worst. So she really has a point.. Mental care should have much more attention and help from the Government
  6. An example of a failing Government for decades... Young people die because of lack of proper driving education, no fail policy, and no police enforcements...And complaining now there are so few babies born.... How many young people die or are being disabled because of traffic accidents??
  7. The most fake newws of the year already.. Thaksin lived in Dubai and was healthy as he could go everywhere. Back in Thailand he is serious ill that he can't stay in prison, but in a luxury hospital... Justice in Thailand is far away and only within reach of the rich ...Which normal person stays in a hospital for more than 4 months, whatever treatment they give them except they are in coma or so
  8. Can't agree more.... but therefor you need a working policeforce, and that is not available in Thailand.
  9. Quality tourists...... but this behavior can't be accepted. Also in Western countries, people don't that, but complaining after 2 months is very strange... Anyway the severest punishment for doing so is over the top too.. There more offences that are worse..
  10. Not only entertainment venues, but also fairs, temples, parties in open air, shows, concerts... implement a maximum of DB and check it... and if it is too much fine them and and by repeating offence confiscate the speakers.
  11. It will not work.. How are they going to check all the information they get?? Even a new application as Mor Prom can't go smoothly and that is only for Thailand.. Now they have to deal with 138 countries and thousands of companies ....
  12. In a few days we will read that Thailand is the country for retirement.... But when people consider to come and know that they probably have to pay double tax or unnecessary tax, the retirement paradise will be over soon, and with that another blow for the tourism
  13. be careful... maybe she get defamation charges by Russian police and airport employers...That would be the case in Thailand, but stupid.. Valuable things should be in your hand luggage and not in check in luggage...
  14. Masturbation is mentally ill?? Or why is it possible that a mental ill person can be a monk?? Monks should give their life to meditation and prayers and mentally ill doesn't fit the requirements to be a monk IMO
  15. If adoption is allowed by samesex couples there would be more kids, sorry to see that you don't understand.... Homophobic reaction. Indeed samesex can't get kids, but they be adopted and lesbians maybe will carry their own babies, but the Government is doin nothing for them.. Still have to wait maybe another year...or more... promises, but no actions
  16. Thailand will suffer indeed, not because there are more elderly, but because of the many unnecessary deaths of youth in and because of the traffic, secondly because the daily wage is far to low to raise 1 kids how can you raise more kids as you have to problems to make end meets with 1 already?? Solve these problems first.. Start with traffic education and real tests, inform parents that Prathom 5 students are not allowed to drive motorcycles, crack down on wearing helmets, and bigger fines and severe punishments for traffic offenders to really get less accidents..And than although everybody says it is impossible raise the daily wages to a decent level... Less millions/billions profit for the business should be no issue, but almost all businesses are in hands of the Government people and the other one and they are all too rich already... Share a bit and you will get more in return
  17. And my personal misery are neighbours wiho can't conversate in a normal way.. we always can literally hear what they are talking/screaming about.. normal speaking is impossible, and on the other side there is neighbour who likes to sing karaoke as good as he can, but unfortunately he can't at all
  18. So no more 250% tax but only 10% or are the prices of the wines going down with5- 10%?
  19. In a few days we will read that Thailand is the country for retirement.... But when people consider to come and know that they probably have to pay double tax or unnecessary tax, the retirement paradise will be over soon, and with that another blow for the tourism
  20. Again a example of a failing system by the entertainment industry... They want to open till 4 am, but can't even follow the normal standards... And did the 500 minors pee too to test them?? It would be probably a surprise how many were clear...
  21. There is so much sound pollution by the Thai people themselves that they have to punish foreigners for it?? Temple activities, fairs, special discounts promoted by cars with speakers, Movies at a temple that you can hear miles further, scooters and cars driving like crazy with a lot of noise ... and that is no problem as they are Thai... but a Russian on a motorbike... Investigate and fine them
  22. They don't need to tell the people that.. They all know.. Thaksin was is and always be a criminal in every possible way.
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