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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. And it will go down even more as the RD makes their plans real for taxing the money of foreigners
  2. Says someone who don't know anything about the laws of Thailand, concerning relationships
  3. It shows the quality of the Chinese tourists as they need Chinese policemen.. If you behave you don't need an own policeforce to control
  4. No words for this kind of childabuse about nothing... It only shows again that people who are brought up with violence will do the same as they don't know that tere are other ways to educate ....fire and imprison the teacher
  5. after the debacle of the Covid crisis.... Nothing is is ever enough in the land of the blind
  6. I know tax in Thailand is very low,but I know also that the RD have no clue who is earning what and we had an example a few months back when a official only claimed he earned 1 million but in reality it was 50 times more... As long as there is no control and the RD doesn't know who is doing what everybody can fill in what they want...In my country every business needs an accountant, and they fill in the tax for and once in a few years time the tax people come and check everything to see if there is no fraud. Here in Thailand there is no control whatso ever, and many don't fill in a tax form not even to get a reduction and many are paid without tax paying.. It is all outdated the whole system, but now they want the foreigners to pay for their own shortcomings
  7. Maybe the RD should start with the Thai people to let them fill in a tax form ad check if the information is correct. 70% of the Thai people don't pay tax while they have a lot of money to spend it seems, although many don't have that wealth. Foreign taxes are much complicated than they think and it is the question if the RD is capable of handling all that in formation as it will be in the native language or maybe English, but English is not the strongest language here.. and not to speak about the complex information in the language of the country. Anyway I think it will be more affect Thai citizens than expats.We all know that digital programs are not working well too.. many examples aswe have seen fr the Covid , 90 days reporting immigration services.. If you enter Thailand they local immigration have no clue ..and still need a picture by extending your visa and all kind of information that was given already at the airport a week ago.. So don't worry too much now
  8. webfact Posted 5 hours ago Budget travel: Thai travelers choose affordability amid economic instability Can someone explain???
  9. Monks are supposed not to have money, not to smoke, not use drugs, no have women... and no have sex that they all do tooo??
  10. but no police to enforce the stricter measures... who will do it than/
  11. there is so much a need to recognize samesex relations.... but this Government again will not do it I am sure... promises but no actions
  12. Don't promise if you can't fulfill and besides that.. sorry for th kids, but it is not a real missing.. education material maybe a colorpage or a small booklet with games and KFC is delicious but expensive and fried even unhealthy.. So practice your thank you and keep it for someone who will do what they promise but don't believe everything
  13. Easy win for Setthra for sure... fire all the policemen who don't do their job and are corrupt and replace them.... Easy to do... a total new policeforce can take over than...
  14. Thai Buddhism ... love, respect, etc....surely on a day like this.. Maybe a alcohol ban would slove the problem?
  15. Maybe that is why in my country there so many traffic deaths in one year as here in Thailand in a day
  16. Maybe the tax department should first set up a good system for their own people, as almost nobody in Thailand pays taxes.. They have n clue what people are doing, earning and possess.... And the ones who pay taxes are not reliable too as we have seen recently in the news.... And when hey have that done, maybe they cold focus on foreigners
  17. When I learned to drive a car we always had to slow down at traffic lights.... not braking, but here in Thailand is speeding the only things that counts and than unexpected things occur as there is no time for braking anymore
  18. Everything is under control in Thailand... there is no free market and economy... the only thing ithe government tmust do is taking measures against abuse of the monopolists... And yes I know the most in the Government are owners of the businesses
  19. drop of temperature with 2 or 3 degrees??? That will be really cold season and that for a whole month.... Maybe the same as the rain that is faling every day and no floodings..The weather is unpredictable...
  20. make the money into Loas Kipp and sure will reach the target....
  21. too young truck driver and irresponsible...as many no proper education and no clue that if you brake it takes time to stand still
  22. What is the court doing if they take so much time to make a ruling???
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