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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. As long as a few people can control the mass nothing will change.. It is ridiculous that 250 senators are in the way for moving forward. Only 250 senators against millions of votes for change.. and see what is happening the army will be the winner again, although they lost. Thai Government dare to speak about democracy, but they have no clue what that is.. Democracy in their eyes we say what you do, but that is dictatorship, a totalitair regime, no room for changes unless they approve it.. Look at the old law of section 112. In all kingdoms all over the world they have changed a similar kind of law, just to go forward. Ridiculous that some one get a jail sentence that is worse than killing some one because violating section 112. Or that young kids are being held in prison because they have an opinion .. You can wonder in what kind of country we live in. Surely not a democracy
  2. There will be a non workable situation, as there are a lot of conflicts of interests in this Government. I foresee a short term before new elections will be held
  3. a legal team to be sure not PT but Anutin or Prawit will be the new PM??
  4. Only in Thailand I hardly read on other airports these incidents
  5. Thai Democracy is another word for dictatorship or totalitary regime... Votes of the people are just a show and the judges are not independent at all
  6. I had a student in my class and with playing a game I was asking is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable.. The correct answer is a fruit, although everybody think it is a vegetable. One student started to discuss with me as it was a vegetable and I like that very much and the other kids had fun in the discussion. I searched on the internet to show him the differences between the vegetables and fruits, and in the end he saw in that it was a fruit .... But that lesson I think everybody learned a lot and I was very happy that there was a least 1 student who thinking and dared to challenge me ...
  7. Family dramas happen all over the world.. Question is why did the teacher give the kid to leave school without calling the mother. and if you saw on TV how many people were on the crimescene I am wondering if they could really do a good investigation in what happened. Rip to the kid
  8. As to be expected, hat the army will never give up its power...Civils are never going to be in charge unless with new elections.. Pheu Thai have lost it already, as they are being used by the military and so called " friend/coalition" parties.. Settha is not to trust and Pheu Thai governments have ended always in coups... so nothing left than Anutin or Prawit. The first uncapable and the other too old, but he is from the army so what.. Shameful for Thailand, and disgrace for the voters
  9. There need to be new elections....The ITV shares of Pita, the mistakes by the EC,. the unwillingness of the CC they all ask for it.. Keep the streets empty and hold new elections... otherwise the people will come out and who knows what will happen.
  10. It are not the legal advisors it are the not independent judges...A Civil PM they don't want just a a civil party to Govern... Judges are appointed by the junta and will do everything always in favor of them.. Ever seen that Mr Prayuth got a ruling against him?? Never..Thailand need changes so much
  11. MFP please stay away.. boycot the fake government they want to set up...
  12. Prayuth said that the students have to do critical thinking. and when they do they are banned... teaching is brainwashing in Thailand and different views are not accepted... 19th century behaviour
  13. So maybe be absent in the next voting for the PM is the best solution.
  14. Forbid things and everyone will do it.. It is in the Human Brain all over the world... How do other countries deal with acohol?? These draconian things as blurring in movies for example makes things worse... It is very annoying and not normal... But go to a market or fair and see how much advertising is there for beer brands everywhere... Stupidity..
  15. Instead of wasting these new uniforms , they should start to work, do their job.. instead of new uniforms
  16. Drugs and other criminal activities are accepted in the parliament as we have seen in the past years, but beer ... o dear.... It is a crime . because of outdated laws and monopoly of the branch
  17. yes I believe that, but I think that the political situation is more of influence of the Thai Baht than China.. Negative publications about high household debts in Thailand are doing no good too and an economy that stays behind because of outdated laws and ideas are of more influence
  18. It was a fake mission of the EC and CC ....These peopel had never imagined that a civil party would win the elections with a majority of 151 seats.. So they had to do something to stop them of forming a Government. The instructed senators knew this too... It is just a consperacy to keep Pita away... Sadly that Thailand will be not going forward and that will result also in less tourism and economy
  19. Move Forward a party that can be trusted. They do what they promised... Let Pheu Thai go down, as the have betrayed the faith of Move Forward.. Bravo MFP
  20. And what are the consequences now??? a lot problems for nothing as stated by Pita already.... New chance for Move Forward Government ?? Can Pheu Thai going on with his deals?? New elections maybe now?
  21. Too expensive and no advantages... still doing 90 days reports, and address notifications.. It is much cheaper to prepare your papers and copy them all several times for several years and pay 1900 THB for extension.. and rubbish that you don't need a health insurance.. Everybody needs one or if something happens you have to pay everything yourself and with dual pricing for foreigners it will be very expensive.. And retiring at 40??? from which planet are they coming??
  22. Only in Phetchabun?? I think in whole Thailand there is nobody who know any traffic rule... Stopping in the middle of the road to go to a shop, turn on the road without watching is traffic is coming, no blinkers when turning of, driving through red lights, parking on zebracrossings( although they are red/white now)etc etc... but where is the police to enforce and teach the drivers...
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