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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Happily I have brains and if i look around me and read the news, nobody has to tell me that there is indeed climate change.... When i cam to Thailand the months December and January were reasonable cool.. We did not need the airco or fan at night.. Nowadays it is still hot even in those months and with higher temperatures in April over more than 40 degrees.. there is surely something going on.. But there are people who don't care or don't think , like you
  2. Not right.. No selling doesn't mean less drunk or no drinking... People who want to drink buy a few days ahead and drinking is not forbidden so totally useless to forbid selling. Only if you can't buy if your out of stock but in the past years most have learned to pile up enough... But explain to tourists who like to relax after a whole year working and an expensive trip to a country that you can't buy a drink.. THey won't understand
  3. I have no problems at all, but I think as many don't... What is the matter? I can't sell or buy alcohol, but I can drink it. So why can't I buy it or sell it than??? Besides that Thailand wants to be a tourist attractive country.. Do you believe tourists will come if there is a alcohol ban ? If I go to another country and I sit on the beach at 15.00 and I want a beer I can buy one, but here impossible. Besides if there are a few Buddhistic holidays I even can't buy a Spy or so for my wife...no wine at dinner, no appetizer before dinner... Tourist attractive?? I don't think so. and the use of the law is unuseful as people still drink it and buy it before the ban. And in India and othe rparts of the world can be a alcohol ban but that is 365 days a year and not only on holidays
  4. yes sure, with all the measurements against global warming and climate change...
  5. I think it is not about the alcoholics.. It is just about the stupidness of this law...If people want to drink they do it and they bought already, It just makes no sense to ban alcohol sales on Buddhistic days as you can buy cigarettes and drugs freely. They will blurr the minds too, same as alcohol, and if there were no traffic accidents without alcohol I could understand, but people who drink drive nevertheless on these days too and accidents with alcohol are normal. So no sense for this ban
  6. In general if the cops would only do their jobs, Thailand would be a much better place. But most are busy with filling their pockets, too lazy to enforce laws, with the results that now it is already uncontrolable. Examples.. Sound pollutions, nothing is done against it. black smoke and overloaded cars... with a sticker they get permission( sticker shows they have paid) let them go. No helmets, kids, and too many on a motorcycle who cares, parking in a curve in the middle of the road or other places which cases traffic congestions, who cares. Speeding cars they drive to fast for an officer on a motorcycle. Even at checkpoints they check if you paid tax but control nothing else.. too much work and so on and so on. Here the same.. dangerous situation, but the money is more important than the safety of civilians and community
  7. What a serious crime....selling alcohol on a Buddhist day. Only in Thailand, not in other Buddhistic countries...KiIling, robbing, stealing, sex offences and fightings are less worse than selling alcohol on such days
  8. Who believes what Pheu Thai is saying now? the always they stayed together, but at the firt moment they can the break up to take over.. Now a so called interim Government, but that will take 4 years to change the constitution and probably will change too section 112. Another promise they don't keep, as they claim not to touch this section. The bill be paid by Pheu Thai
  9. Pheu Thai are untrustful as it shows.. Tey claim not to amend section 112, but what will happen when they have the PM?? Or is it normal that this law is used to lock up children and people without a decent reason? The punishment for violating section 112 is much more than killing someone..and MFP is correct by not giving in on this matter. I hope tomorrow Pita will get his second chance, but maybe more MP will vote against PT now as they broke their promise, but the senators will be happy, although Thaksin will return now
  10. high waves in Chiang Mai and Phitsanulok... as here in my province Phetchaburi, there is some wind sometimes, but surely not the storm they predict. Once a week some rain and nothing more.
  11. Normal as there are nowhere bins to find and if you find one they seemed never to be emptied. In the land of no one cares you can this kind of rubbish everywhere.. A duty for the government and the RTP to enforce, but mostly they both are too busy with filling their pockets instead of making and keeping the country beautiful and clean.. And this time it are not the farangs to blame
  12. No security whatsoever, and besides that why writing about the value of the stolen things? It will invite more people to rob as they see it is worth to do it and chance to get caught is not so big... Don't mention the value to discourage robbers
  13. as long as there is fireworks all over Thailand it will be difficult to control.. Funerals, weddings, temple parties, and even to scare birds in ricefields are using fireworks/crackers/bombs... Police as usual no enforcement and freely available all over the place. Regulations and control will make things better,but this is Thailand, everything is allowed and no one cares
  14. another crackdown with no results.. as seen at black smoke cars, illegal casinos, speeding, overloaded trucks etc etc... a nice word but they don't do anything
  15. First wait till tomorrow when the CC will speak. A disgrace for Thailand and democracy to give a stage to Pheu Thai all the time. It seems they are the best, but the people wanted changes with Move Forward. Pheu Thai does treason, getting Thaksin back in the country and no support for amendment of section 112.. We have seen several times already that a Government with PT will end in a coup because of the greed.... Pita first and when that is decide he can or can't go further.. step by step, but they are betrayed already by Pheu Thai
  16. First you don't know me or my background and secondly if you can't handle critics don't do anything, as nobody/business/ or whatever is perfect and without mistakes. Never heard in a Western country that a owner of a shop went to a customer because of something like this.
  17. millions will come to see the statue, if you believe that. TAT happy again
  18. Bumjaithai always claimed they will not go in a coalition with MFP.. So which 9 coalition do they talk about?? I am sure that MFP will not let amendment of section 112 down... Besides that it is still not sure that Pita can't form a Government as long as the petition at the CC have a decision. Can't blame Pita for failing to form a Government . It were the senators who prevented it.
  19. People can't face the truth in Thailand. A negative review means that there was something wrong in the eyes of the customer.. A reason to pay attention to by the restaurant to improve things.. Only 5 stars ratings are unbelievable as everyone all over the world aren't perfect. But Thailand is more worried about losing face than live in the real world.
  20. Tor Long??? Police and bars and now police and taxis... maybe gambling dens too?? No corruption in RTP.. How dare you to think so??
  21. In Thailand you get more jail for section 112 than for real crimes.. section 112 can be 30 years jail murdering sometimes not even 10 years... law and order?? The rich the law and order the poor in jail for minor offences
  22. No payment is no protection. This is Thailand Thai police don't do anything, only if they are paid..Or it must be protesters than they can come in action
  23. You can't loose what you don't have.. The past 9 years were a disaster for the country so 1 year more or less can't do so much damage. Thanks to the dinosaurs senators, and the opposition parties who refuse to go forward
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