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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The best thing to do for the action of Pheu Thai is voting against.. Not to abstain and surely not to for in favor.. Pheu Thai backstabbed them...
  2. I don't know but maybe it is me 212 +16 makes 228 and not 238.. Or is TAT doing the math? Tomorrow is not today
  3. I am more than 20 years living here... so I know. But still
  4. Very expensive and not worth it... it is just a visa to collect money.. Work permits don't need to take a long time, it can be done the same day, but therefor there is a need of good computersoftware and connection with other sources as you have to copy everything over and over again. Every year again, instead of scanning the documents the first time.
  5. This is Thailand. The old tell the young how to do to prevent that the old are affected by their actions..Same as last week that Pheu Thai will give protesters an area where they are allowed to protest, as otherise they disrupt the limosines. But meaning of protests is that they are being heard and seen to show that people don't agree. What results can you get if Pheu Thai don't have any problems of the protests?? Disrupt, disobedience, strikes are very good tools to push the elite to listen
  6. Common in Thailand... I had kids in my school too that were ill, but nobody came to pick them up, even from hospital.. I don't know why some people have kids if they don't care about it. There was once a boy and we practice a show for Mother's Day with a small group and just before the performance when I asked him if he did not had to bring a gift for his mother or grandmother, as most other kids did, he started to cry and told me that nobody came to see him singing( and he is good in singing!). Sadly that even those days kids are left alone, while they preach to honor their parents
  7. Indeed I believe it too, with Anutin as minister of Tourism... everyone knows he hates foreigners... Tourism will be booming......... down
  8. Ridiculous... crimes happen 24hrs a day 7 days a week 365 days a year... Stupid to ask a someone please don't come back on holidays or weekends as we don't work.. We all know already that you don't work. a policeforce that works from 9 to 17.00 every day, and than stil doing nothing .......It seems an invitation for Thaksin to come back on these days.. than they don't do anything
  9. a new law for a day.... but can it be done by a caretaker government?? Anyway only 1 day the RTP will check and than same as helmets on a motorcycle, sitting in the back of a pick up, black smoke cars, overloaded trucks... no worries
  10. Seems impossible in Thailand... where can you find brains???
  11. Good move from Pheu Thai ... the first negative results are already here.... Go ahead Pheu Thai do everything to bring Thaksin home and try to take the power, unless what it will take, Voters will not accept your betrayal
  12. The PTP could not accept their loss, although they hoped to be the winners of the last elections. They wanted to have the House Speaker, but failed again too, as MFP had the right for that position. They were very happy that MFP did not manage to get a government as now they did not know how quickly they had to start new talks and negotiations with other parties. They should have styed together with MFP as long as it would take. Than they showed balls. But the people voted for PTP because they hoped for changes, not to be betrayed by this party. I am also for MFP.. They were the best for Thailand, but it is impossible to get a civil government as the military will never get rid of their power. The PTP try to government but because this party Thailand has faced already several coups, and still they don't get it. It is the hunger of power of the PTP that brings everything down. Shameful...
  13. 212 seats.. Anutin can be PM as he has 250 senators to support him together with his own party 79 is already 329. PPRP will vote for him too and Settha stays behind empty handed... Good move of Pheu Thai
  14. It is the unreliable Pheu Thai that wants to rule no matter with who or what, and they will bring the country down and holding backwarths as we have seen the lastr decades. Thaksion ended with a coup as his sister too.. and look wher ethe country stands now..... Even a democratic election is not possible ......but all for Thaksin to come back has a whole country to suffer...
  15. Pheu Thai has said they want to govern.. Let them do so and see that it probably will cost them a lot of voters next time, although they hope the people will have forgotten this scandal.. And of course they first do and than think and they will be put aside by the old dinosaurs.... they have the senators already at hand..
  16. But what if Chuwit is right and the court condemns mr Settha???
  17. what else can you expect??? Independence no, and there is a trend going on to get rid of the MFP... in one way or another.. no civil parties in the Government
  18. More holidays please.... more pushing to spend people their money, more household debts please, Why bother about that?? The rich have no problems because they earn well and have paid holidays,but the other groups?? A reason to change to monthly salaries for everyone. You will see how quickly there will be less holidays.
  19. people with tattoos out of he country?? Almost nobody left anymore I think as i see that almost everyone boy, man girl woman must have a least one tattoo or many... Try to find someone without one... A few years back indeed, we all know what kind of people with tattoos were... but nowadays it seems to be a must.. I don't like it at all.. we don't live in New Zealand or tribe were the tattoos have a meaning...
  20. What Thai democracy? Thai democracy is not the same as western democracy Mr Prayuth said himself.. Democracy in Thailand is a totalitair system almost dictatorial.. surely no democracy
  21. start with daily lives... black smoke cars as there are still a lot on the roads... and also stop selling petrol scooters but only electric ones...
  22. Was that not the same with a satellite and the fugitive?
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