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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 2 hours ago, allexx said:

    There is no climate change...all of you been brainwashed 

    Happily I have brains and if i look around me and read the news, nobody has to tell me that there is indeed climate change.... When i cam to Thailand the months December and January were reasonable cool.. We did not need the airco or fan at night.. Nowadays it is still hot even in those months and with higher temperatures in April over more than 40 degrees.. there is surely something going on.. But there are people who don't care or don't think , like you

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  2. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    The ban has nothing to do with tourists. It's because there is a huge alcohol problem in Thailand and many alcoholics got to the temple for 3 months at this time of year. Not selling alcohol helps. 


    Not right.. No selling doesn't mean less drunk or no drinking... People who want to drink buy a few days ahead and drinking is not forbidden so totally useless to forbid selling. Only if you can't buy if your out of stock but in the past years most have learned to pile up enough... 

    But explain to tourists who like to relax after a whole year working and an expensive trip to a country that you can't buy a drink.. THey won't understand 

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  3. 42 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    In India, you can never sell alcohol in some states. 

    I think this is a good law, if you have problems, maybe you have a problem with the bevvy. 

    In Puri, I remember going crazy as I couldn't by beer, but the government shop sold me ganja and opium. 

    I have no problems at all, but I think as many don't... What is the matter? I can't sell or buy alcohol, but I can drink it. So why can't I buy it or sell it than??? Besides that Thailand wants to be a tourist attractive country.. Do you believe tourists will come if there is a alcohol ban ? If I go to another country and I sit on the beach at 15.00 and I want a beer I can buy one, but here impossible. Besides if there are a few Buddhistic holidays I even can't buy a Spy or so for my wife...no wine at dinner, no appetizer before dinner... Tourist attractive?? I don't think so. and the use of the law is unuseful as people still drink it and buy it before the ban. And in India and othe rparts of the world can be a alcohol ban but that is 365 days a year and not only on holidays

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  4. Pheu Thai are untrustful as it shows.. Tey claim not to amend section 112, but what will happen when they have the PM?? Or is it normal that this law is used to lock up children and people without a decent reason? The punishment for violating section 112 is much more than killing someone..and MFP is correct by not giving in on this matter. I hope tomorrow Pita will get his second chance, but maybe more MP will vote against PT now as they broke their promise, but the senators will be happy, although Thaksin will return now

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  5. as long as there is fireworks all over Thailand it will be difficult to control.. Funerals, weddings, temple parties, and even to scare birds in ricefields  are using fireworks/crackers/bombs... Police as usual no enforcement and freely available all over the place. Regulations and control will make things better,but this is Thailand, everything is allowed and no one cares

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