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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. tourists have money.. they pay entree tax, and leaving tax, we have double pricing for them in national parks, no meter taxis, and we fine them for no helmets, e cigarettes, and no driverslicenses.... Alcohol can not be bought during daytime, and we wonder why tourists don't come
  2. Covid, Thailand. always confusing figures... daily Covid cases are weekly Covid cases, estimated cases, confirmed????? wear masks .... if you want, no oligation but we urge you to wear them... alone in a car on a motorcycle, when nobody is around... I follow the western news.. It is more clear and reliable than THai news...and no mask for me anymore, in Thailand it is not a must..
  3. tourists have money.. they pay fee to enter, fee for leaving double pricing for all entertainments, taxis no meter no problem for them, we fine them for no helmes, driverslicences, e cigarettes, and ban alcohol sales during daytime, why are not so many tourists come to Thailand// we do not understand
  4. read on the websit of Wise.. Big transacties above a certain amount are slower than small amounts of money.. I never have a problem always in seconds but i don't want to much money here
  5. It is a shame that Thai Government still haven't legalized any law for same sex couples.... Promised last year as a " gift" but except from talking about it once they delay delay delay and delay.....and with the upcoming non confident debate and teh few weeks left it is again delayed.....Shameful and totally lack of respect for same sex couples.. incompentent Government
  6. Probably arrivals of tourists instead of flights... 8228 flight in 7 days is 48 flights in 1 hour 24 hours a day... Maybe they should go back to school for math
  7. approve the plan is easy, but implement it, that is different.... What will Thailand really do?? Gay marriage was promised, but only delays in to approve it just as an example...an 3hrs of education for personnel training.... is not so much....
  8. Who wears a real Rolex on a holiday to a third world country?? and who needs to have so much money in cash on him/her???Stupid...
  9. because all you talk is about the big money.. i seems you are in service of the BOT of the Government or you are an American ... Good you don't discuss with me anymore because it makes no sense with you...I told you that sisilk an orchid exporters don't benefit from the expensive THB I can't fin the thread anymore but I will keep looking for it and you said it was not about them but the big companies... Sorry if you don't recall that, as I have a very good memory...And I told you that I don't care about the big internationals because if I have to import orchids or silk or whatever I have to pay more by a strong THB and I will look for other suppliers .. and you said it is not about them but the big ones who can keep the THB and when the THB weakend or on request of the BOT they can change and have more profit, but a normal exporter can;t do that...Sorry that you can't understand that. And nobody cares how Thailand calculate the THB.. It is the price they have to pay and the THB is very overpriced.....
  10. I will try to find it but I said the same that the expensive THB is bad for orchid and silk exporters, but you said that it was good for internationals as they could keep theirUSD and wait for the THB to weaken... But I will try to find your post In tyhis article at least it is veryclear that you defends the strong THB :
  11. I think that the ECB wlll surely control this....no need to worry, but the US always think they have all knowledge and power unfortunately..Anyway I don't care the future will show it...as you claimed that thestrong THb is god for the economy and now exporters are complaining about the strong THb as I said already...a too expensive THB is only good for international companies, but not for the normal economy.. tourists, hotels, silk and orchid exporters etc as I told you already...If I have to buy things in Thailand it is more expensive with the strong tHB and when I get my salary or pension, I get less income, both not good for the economy but only for people with the big money....They want to profit 2 times....
  12. I am sure you missed something.... Germany is part of the Euro and doesn't have its own currency anymore since 2001
  13. I am still happy that I don't bring more money than i need every month in this country... the THB is too dangerous
  14. look around and see how many expensive cars are driving around, and that with a population that 75% don't pay taxes...My Thai partner is even wondering where the money of some people come from....Why do you think the household debts are so high??? Probably they never can pay it back..Open your eyes an you see the problems
  15. So still manipulating by unreasonable exchanges between different currencies.... USDx THB x any currencyx x USD.... America and Thailand rule the currencies....hard to believe, as when I make a transfer from my account in Europe I get a rate that is not made by EUR x USD first... believe me
  16. The USd is only 1 currency... there is GBP, Euro, and other currencies too... not mention of that besides the interest is rising all over the world, which is used to control the inflation..My opinion is too much narrow minded thinking...I am sorry but not the whole world is hanging on the USD....and why is the THB watched than if it is so easy as you pretent it is...
  17. I understand it very well ..... for me it seems that you try to find an excuse for the interventions, manipulations or whatever you call it of the THB exchange rate...based on nothing except looking important.. explain please why the inflation is so low in Thailand compared with the rest of the world.. explain why , as you earlier said the opposite that Thai exporters were happy with the strong THB, the exporters now complaining about the expensive THB.... you admitted than already that there is manipulation. Explain why the THB several years back was weaker than now, while there has been a global economic slow down.... Thailand manipulate everything as we can see in Covid numbers, tourist arrivals, spendings etc.. and an increasing household debt. And not lons ago the banks were even lower rated... that are facts were the THB not on respond...
  18. It is surely the BOT that has a hand in the THB ... you can write what you want but look bad news makes the THB stronger instead of weaker.. How can anyone explain that?? .. Indeed the people with money will profit as they will buy the cheap THB now and when the rate collapse they are the winners.. Nothing to do anything you say I am sorry.. In the previeous times when tourism and economy were florishing the THB was traded for 40THb and now with the struggling of Thai tourism sector and the declining export the THb is too expensive..
  19. Soft power to attrack more tourists.... Motor rentalshops will be happy too as their business is being ruined.... It is no problem that the RTP is doing is, but why not first check all the Thais and make them to have a driverslicense and wearing a helmet....Than it would be fair.. I have to think that here they see a splinter in someones eyes instead of the bar in their own eyes
  20. Everybody in THailand should fill in a tax form.. easy to control what their earnings and possessions are.. Sombody who claims to earn only 10k a month can't afford a millions THB worh house and luxury car(s), unless they have some other income... It could takle corruption and bribe more easily
  21. I am wondering what kind of education and resources the people who make this kind of decisions have.. In the Western news I read that flying is getting more and more expensive just to reduce flights and discourage peope to fly but find other ways of transportation. All because the impact of the enviroment and climate change... I am wondering what these people knolw about tourism in general.. If I read stories in past weeks, about taxi scams, tour scams, rip off by police officers, the draconian laws about alcohol and just freedom in general as the country is very conservative, and last but not least the opinon of some politicians about foreigners in general..there is a long way to go to recover this sector. Most tourists come for a few weeks to relax and enjoy.. and long term residents contribute a lot to the Thai economy too. Appriciate what these people do, make things easier for them to live here and being a part of the community, Thailand will benefit more than, instead of all kind of rules only for the foreigners. Update your country instead of living in 19 th and 20th century, and become a modern 21st century where everyone want to be and live happily.. Than you can ghink about 200 million arrivals, but not now
  22. Overpriced "official" taxis are complaining??? Maybe time to change their own behavior... and the so called foreign taxis, are maybe familymembers who take their friends of visiting family to their home or drive around for sightseeing....and than they are no taxis....
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