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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Driving is not a necessity. People lived for thousands of years without driving. Driving for the masses is a comparatively new thing, and really only affordable for many since WW2, IMO. In my lifetime most Chinese never drove, except on bicycles.




    Totally agree. I lived in Chicago, albeit near city center, and did not need a car for almost 7 years. While I did have a driver to take me to O’Hare each week, I didn’t need a car and I walked a lot or took Uber. 

    In Thailand I bought a Forza, again did not need a car, though I probably would have got one had we decided to live there permanently. 

    Here in Spain, I’ll probably buy a car, because we want to explore the country a little more. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:



    …I personally would be delighted to see my employers enforcing rules to protect my health and the health of my colleagues against people who believe they have rights without responsibility.



    Of course you would…and perhaps you could lobby them to also provide a protective bubble suit for all the employees as well - free of charge! ????

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  3. 42 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    From what I understand it is like measels/flu etc. eventually we will all get it. Just the severity will vary. The vaccine is not about individual protection it is more about not requiring hospitalization and overloading the medial facilities. 

    If one is vaccinated there is little chance of requiring hospitalization. Similar to be vaccinated against , say, Yellow Fever.

    I agree with most of that, but for the last part, where you say we will all “eventually get it”, well maybe or maybe not…  There is one important distinction you left out, and while I understand the FDA says approval for Pfizer’s vaccine is coming, it’s not approved yet. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, transam said:

    People like you "think" you are safe from it because of the way you live, but you are wrong, nobody knows if they are safe.

    I think there is a "Fruitcake" category out there regarding Covid....

    When did I say I think I’m safe from covid? Maybe “safer” than most, because other than taking the vaccine I’m taking ALL the proper precautions. 


    And…I’m not calling anyone “stupid” or a “fruitcake” should they decide they want to get jabbed, I fully understand why some people are willing to go out on that limb. So don’t call me names or try to place me in one of your little “buckets”. 

    People like you think just because you decide to get vaccinated or have been vaccinated then so should everyone else.

    • Confused 1
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  5. 20 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    Are you denying that people have died from exposure to COVID?

    Death from COVID is not a hypothetical, oh sorry (big word), it is not a "what if", It is happening every day.

    Has been happening and will continue to happen.

    Not denying covid is real, not at all. What I AM DENYING, is your’s and other’s ability to predict who is going to get it. To place people like me a others into your little “anti-vaxxer, anti-mask, anti-social distancing, anti-hand washing, covid-denying” category. 

    It kind of reminds me of that story about Chicken Little, running around screaming, “The sky is falling!! The sky is falling!!”

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  6. 16 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    People say all sorts of things, but that’s not the assertion I’m calling out.


    Who’s forcing people who don’t want the vaccine to have it, where is that happening?”

    You said, “There’s plenty of jobs, go work with others who don’t want to be vaccinated.” And there are companies threatening people with termination for not vaccinating. How is that NOT forcing the issue?


    I’m saying, that’s not a practical solution. You are in effect saying it’s okay to threaten those refusing vaccination with the loss of their job, of supporting themselves and their family. And if they don’t like it to simply go find another job. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 48 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Who’s forcing people who don’t want the vaccine to have it, where is that happening?

    Don’t be so coy. Based on my interpretation, it’s pretty clear some here would applaud others being held down and forcibly jabbed. Pushing for mandates at a minimum. 

    Are you actually denying that this hasn’t been implied - even explicitly stated?

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  8. May be only slightly off topic, but this thread really brings back memories for me….

    As an American running a project for Oracle Corp. back in the day up in the Lakes District, near Carnforth, most everyone on the team would go to the pub and sit and have 2-3 pints during lunch - man those were the days! I like beer anyways, especially Boddington’s. 

    Many years later on a big project in Philly, PA I and my boss, who is a Brit, found this great pub near the south side where they had trivia every Tue and they also had Boddy’s on tap. We became fixtures there and many late evenings. 

    Great memories…

  9. 11 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Full FDA approval coming next week. 


    One of my friends a teacher in Chiang Mai is  compelled to get jabbed this week.He does not wish to resign or leave Thailand, but he is not happy about it. His final argument is "What are the negative side effects in 10, 20, 30 years?"


    What vaccines in history have had negative long-term side effects?



    The check is in the mail!

  10. 3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Who's terrified?  What are you talking about?


    The only way out of this is vaccines. Sad some don't understand that.


    The NY Times is a great media outlet. If you don't think so, you've really drank the kool-aid.

    This is probably one of the most hilarious things I’ve read in quite some time. Thanks for giving me something to laugh at this morning, got my day off to a great start. ????

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Bizarre. Doctors save lives every day and guaranteed know more about this virus than you ever will.


    Your statement shows whow were still in trouble. Stunning.

    We're in trouble because people like you think you should impose your beliefs on others. And anyone who doesn't think like you is game to be hunted down and destroyed. THAT IS STUNNING

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