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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Back in the UK I had no say at all, my wife dumped me and I was never allowed to see the 4 kids again.


    In Thailand, I had absolutely full say over the raising of my step-daughter (her mom didn't want her either), from age 11 to age 23 she was totally my kid. Moved out a month back after finishing university and starting work. Still got my 10 year old son to look after.

    I feel you...I've always felt you seem like a great dad. Your first wife sounds like my first wife. Though mine was never unfaithful, but she did faithfully treat me like SHlT for 30 years. I always thought somehow it would change one day, boy was I stupid, but I think it was partly getting caught up in our careers (I traveled every week and she was a flight attendant) and raising our three sons as best we could. I always thought we were good at balancing that chaos and over time things just fell apart - which is easy to see in retrospect. The divorce was worse than messy, she would have had me thrown in jail, if she could have, regardless of the impact it would have had on me being able to pay child support - a spiteful one she was and still is.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, FarangULong said:

    I don't go by emojis, since certain people have nothing better to do, other than to react to some peoples' every single post with sad and laughing emojis. So this is meaningless to me. Just like someone isn't right or wrong, judging by the amount of positive or negative amount of emojis (and/or feedback) they're getting to a comment. Majority consensus is pretty meaningless, even in scientific theories. Even more so on a forum like this.


    I never said I was the ultimate authority, nor did I ever claim that every single woman is the way I'm describing either.


    However divorce statistics, along with the main reasons for divorce, many polls on who is cheating on whom/more often, etc., as well as a string of recent articles written by female authors regarding themselves or women they know cheating on their men, and feeling justified in it, seem to agree with my point of view. Not to mention books written by females, thus out of the horse's mouth...


    Then of course, there's my own personal experience, the experiences of people I know, plenty of threads on this (and other) forums, etc... Not that my own (&such) experience(s) are relevant in terms of empirical data... then so again are the experiences of some in here (this thread & forum), who claim they know women so well, because they have (or think they have) a happy marriage for 3-4+ decades...


    Women are far less complicated, than men think they are. Still more complicated than us, and far more of a hassle to keep happy.


    But hey... facts, data, statistics, etc. are all racist, misogynist, sexist, etc., and emotionally charged mimimi, devoid of any logic or reason, is king/queen/(not sure what the 439583409583409853049853049580349580349+ gender correct terms are, but insert them here) these days...


    Don't put words in my mouth.


    I didn't "come at you" either, unless asking you not to claim you know what peoples' motives (ulterior or otherwise) equals "coming at you". I didn't call you any ad hominem, did I? When I write a comment, it's devoid of emotion, other than maybe mild irritation at some people and how blind they imo are, except when it comes to politics. I'm not writing a job application either though, so it might also lack in the politeness department.


    Feel free to be offended, feel attacked, or not. It is naught to me.


    P.S.: I just saw your other reply. You "attack" me personally, make assumptions about whether I get rejected, am bitter, etc., and then whine about me "coming at" you, because I called your comment "high minded", and suggested not interpreting any (ulterior or otherwise) motives into peoples' comments? Ha. I love irony.

    If only I had time to respond to your post point-by-point, unfortunately my time is more valuable than that. I'm going to give you the executive summary, because were you to ever send me your resume' I'm sure it would be 5-10 pages long and would hence be destined for a quick trip into my waste basket.

  3. 4 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    If they come for the girls ( or boys ) then are n't you the one that claims it's all online nowadays anyway?


    What else would they need if heading to Pattaya, is that not the main attraction?

    I used to live in Chicago and there was this place around the corner from mine (near 1100 Dearborn St.) called "Hashbrown Harry's" and their portions were HUGE.


    In my eggsperience, whenever someone says, "if they come for the girls (or boys)" - MAJOR RED FLAG.


    Just sayin'

    • Haha 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    I have more sympathy for the deserters of the first world war or the Vietnam draft dodges than I have for the antivaxers. When so little effort is required to makes us all heroes of the Covid war. 


    So yes, I don't mind if people who don't contribute are deprived of some of the goodies of life.

    I could care less about your opinion regarding why I choose or don't choose to take the vaccine that has been cobbled together. I'm 65 and in perfect health, I wear a mask rather religiously (I'm sure religion is a foreign term for you), I wash my hands frequently with hot water and soap, I spray alcohol several hundred times a day on my hands and rub them together, my wife and exercise daily and social distance ourselves completely, we also order our groceries and other items we need online (no we're not hermits, unlike you, we have friends!).


    So tell me, in your infinite wisdom, what is an "anti-vaxxer" and how much risk I pose to others and myself. Give me the percentages - PLEASE!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    Are you so blinded by the propaganda that you can't fathom  what I am saying. I am not trusting China and also I am not trusting Western propaganda. I am taking publicly published data and comparing it which the western media stopped doing as soon as the infection soared in UK, USA, and Israel to the highest level among heavily vaccinated countries.

    The western media don't want to talk about the shame of these high infection rate. Don't be a sheeple to propaganda. Don't trust anybody. Why are you afraid of making your own analysis with available data? Because it just does not jive with your belief and you're bringing who unleashed the virus as if that will change what is on the ground which is high infection rate in UK, USA, and Israel. 

    You're parroting like a US seditionist who will say China unleashed the virus and at the same say the virus is not causing death and destruction in the West. These type dual conflicting comments is a perfect example of a sheeple who will buy anything coming out of the propaganda machine. 

    Let's breakdown your rambling rant, shall we?:

    1. "Are you so blinded by the propaganda that you can't fathom  what I am saying."  You forgot to put a '?" after "fathom what I'm saying".

    2. "I am not trusting China and also I am not trusting Western propaganda." You are either Chinese or a Chinese sympathizer, which one is it?

    3. "I am taking publicly published data and comparing it which the western media stopped doing as soon as the infection soared in UK, USA, and Israel to the highest level among heavily vaccinated countries." You've already lost credibility with points #1 and 2.

    4. "You're parroting like a US seditionist who will say China unleashed the virus and at the same say the virus is not causing death and destruction in the West." Not sure what you're talking about, as I never said or even implied that and secondly, I do not own a parrot.

    5. "These type dual conflicting comments is a perfect example of a sheeple who will buy anything coming out of the propaganda machine." I can guarantee you, if you have EVER read one of my posts, besides the one you're now responding to - you would clearly know that is NOT THE CASE. ????





  6. 5 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    The rates in US are soaring because you have anti-vaxers and anti maskers walking around and getting infected. Over 98 %  of those getting infected now are unvaccinated.  Anyone in USA who wants a shot can walk into most Pharmacies and just get one. Can get some at airport even if you just a tourist or traveling thru, no need to be a citizen.  Just some idiots afraid of vaccimne not want to get a shot so sooner or later they will get covid

    Where did you get these ridiculous numbers from? Source please? In the meantime here's a news flash for you: THERE IS NO PROOF THE VACCINE (ANY VACCINE) PREVENTS YOU FROM GETTING COVID, SO WHAT ARE YOU BLABBERING ABOUT!

  7. 2 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    No vaccines will prevent infection and all vaccines have same infection rate in the general population. Just a reminder with these data for most recent average 7-day infection per million population: USA 2892, UK 3004, Israel: 4726, Chile: 285.

    In April, Chile and Seychelles became scapegoats for low efficacy rate of Sino Vax and by August UK, USA, and Israel topped the list in infection rate with high vaccination rate of non-sino vax. And suddenly I see propaganda to undermine Sino vax stopped.

    There is a much bigger picture here you either fail to see or you are purposely ignoring. The Chinese are the ones who incompetently (maybe even purposefully) unleashed this virus on the world and yet you trust them to competently solve the problem? Have you ever wondered how/why the Chinese were able to push so much of this krap on other countries (ie, Chile and other SA countries and even Thailand)? I'm sure it had nothing to their debt leverage or other factors over said countries or their ability to infiltrate and enhance their global power.


    This is just my opinion, and is only based on having worked directly with the Chinese and certain members of the CCP during my career.

  8. 7 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    Bragging? You just did. Sad really.

    Re-read you posts? Give me a break.

    You are not the only one that showed their envy over the Hymer whatever a Hymer is.

    So get over yourself, as i said " sure seems like a lot of folks are envious of a guy that has one."

    I got over myself a long, long time ago, but fortunately I was able to keep my sense of humor and blatant sarcasm. You on the other hand, Mr. Cusader for the high and mighty (who drive Hymers), I'm not so sure about...


    BTW and FYI, a Hymer is a hi-tech state of the art camping van. Here is an interesting article about them going out of business:





  9. 18 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    Don't know what a Hymer is but sure seems like a lot of folks are envious of a guy that has one.

    Re-read my posts and tell me again if you comprehend envy. 

    It’s funny, because I don’t go around telling people I drive a nice big BMW 7-Series. I also know a few famous people personally, but I don’t go drooping their names in casual conversation with a bunch strangers. 

  10. 1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

    I always ask my Fox News Fan friends so they can do their agitated dance and away with the fairies routine for my entertainment. 


    Fox, CNN, are kind of the same, but they’re just at opposite ends of the extremism spectrum. 

    My question to you is: what have you done lately to bridge the division between the whacko liberals and the so-called “Trumpers” that continues to divide the country? Or are you here To promote it and show your revelry in the situation?

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Lived with 3 ladies from the sex trade, they certainly didn't consider themselves slaves/exploited/trafficked.

    One of them did it because she wanted the sex.

    One did it because it was the best way for her 'to be free'.


    Modern slavery is working in an office with unpaid and compulsory overtime.

    I did it it the UK for years, and given a choice, I would have preferred to work as a bar girl, with the opportunity of a free house and being kept for life.


    Rather than me taking off my rose-tinted glasses, you should throw off your out-dated prudish Christian morality.

    I love your sense of humor and reading many of your posts, but I have to say BritMan it would be a cold day in hell before I would ever come to you for advice about women, marriage or relationships.

    I do wish I could have known you during my whore-mongering days, though. ????

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 21 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Go on drinking ????

    Oh, it’s not the alcohol talking, I can assure you… Do you personally know any famous people? You seem like the type who would love to tell everyone about it in order to compensate for one insecurity or another.

    You’re a real name-dropper. Are you hanging with the Kennedy’s in your Hymer? ????????????

  13. 20 hours ago, atpeace said:

    As they say, "you make your own luck".  With that said, you are extremely lucky.  


    Been with hundreds of women and even thought I loved a handful.  Looking back, I was just an a-hole only concerned about myself while convincing myself of my selfless nature in regards to the relationship(s) I was in at the time.  Chasing my mighty organ around every day as it sniffed for new prey.  Sure it was a rush like a good drug that eventuality warps pleasure.  You just do it out of habit.  


    Was dating a sexy older woman before Covid hit. The pre-Covid woman moved in at lockdown.  She didn't have to move in and has other homes and condos.  She definitely doesn't need me which is comforting for some reason.  Been with her for almost 2 years and no desire for another.  She is hot and we laugh incessantly. 


    WTFFF is happening to me!

    I would say luck, some would even call it fate, but yes…I did make some of it myself. IMO, it was the sample size of the population I chose but I realize I could have ended up with a loser, it also helped that I avoided making mistakes made the first time around. 

    When I think of some of the women I was with and I might have ended up with I cringe. That said, I never let myself get too emotionally attached to any of them where I would have had a hard time cutting them loose. 

    Some were real “game players”.

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