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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 1 hour ago, cclub75 said:

    Same old, same old.


    1 billion doses injected is not equal to 1 billion years.


    To make a baby you need 1 woman... for 9 months. Not 9 women for 1 month.


    Furthermore you are passing away fake news...


    Because :


    1= not all the tests regarding toxicity have been performed by Pfizer.


    -"Genotoxicity/Carcinogenicity : Neither genotoxicity nor carcinogenicity studies were performed."


    2 = regarding reproductive toxicity, the tests have been performed... on rats (say that to your wife, she will be happy).


    "Reproductive and developmental toxicity were investigated in rats in a combined fertility and developmental toxicity study where female rats were intramuscularly administered Comirnaty prior to mating and during gestation"


    Source : UK regulator :

    Link : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/regulatory-approval-of-pfizer-biontech-vaccine-for-covid-19/summary-of-product-characteristics-for-covid-19-vaccine-pfizerbiontech#pharmacological-properties


    So again, be careful. We need to focus on facts.


    Not fantasy.

    Finally, someone who has captured the essence of what is wrong with the current way of trying to solve covid. The point being: you cannot rush perfection anymore than you can rush the solution to such a complex problem.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    There is another group of anti-vaxxers that have been of discussion for several years. Nothing to to do with covid-19. They reject childhood vaccinations such as MMR that have been approved and used for decades based on completely discredited nonsense that the inoculations cause Autism or other conditions. This phenomena is concentrated not with right-wing populism, but  Elites such as Hollywood celebrities. They think they can protect their kids by feeding them "organic" food,  and sending them to private schools and elite summer camps. 


    They are a main reason for the shocking outbreaks in the USA in recent years of measles. 



    Perhaps you can round up a few of the Captain Covid types here and embark on a witch hunt? ????

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    He's hilarious, why block him? 

    He seems to be good at manufacturing scientific “facts”, but I find intolerable his need to always make some snarky and condescending remark at the end of every response. It’s as if he has some insecurity that requires him to put people down after he’s presented his findings, which are generally well-researched. I just am turned off by people like him. 

    Then you have @Jeffr2 who follows him around like a lost puppy dog. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Rest assured if you get ill with COVID-19 you are very likely to find yourself reliant upon the knowledge, skill and dedication of doctors and nurses who in turn put their own lives and risk taking care of people, such as yourself, that refuse to follow the best medical advice wrt to this virus.


    Stay lucky, luck is all you have.

    I have way more than just luck going for me - it just shows how little you know about me that you would say something so ignorant, but you seem like many on here who are quick to judge and will err on the side of letting their pride and their understanding of science stand in the way of their better judgment. 

    At the end of the day I couldn’t care less about you or your opinion or the opinions of certain others on this forum (a few people excepting), I like to keep my circle small - no room for you. 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

    Quite a hostile screed. Good job! Read what I posted carefully. I never gave you any advice or suggested to take one if the the covid-19 vaccines. That would be pointless. I simply responded to your question, described my opinion on the anti-vaxXers and  underlying phenomena that promotes irrational anti vaccine animus in my country. Have a nice weekend!


    “To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”

     Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

    What a load of BS when you and I both know what you meant and what you implied. Authority of reason? Don’t try to force your opinion on others and then call it “authority of reason” - that’s just poppycock. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    We sure put up with some poop!

    But to be fair, I didn't know life could be any different then, I just did what every other guy did, (and my dad, uncles, cousins, friends) and put up with it.

    It wasn't until I was being divorced, and took a two week trip to Thailand (flights were cheap) to get away from it all, that I discovered easy sex with young and attractive women in a warm climate at age 50+. It was quite amazing really, only went back to give away all my junk. I'm guessing if Brit guys found the alternative (like we did) they'd all be over here for their retirement years.

    Dude, if you change your story from LOS to PRC, that was me to a ‘T’ - same age even!


    Almost 30–years of pent up sexual frustration on the loose and treated like some movie star - deadly combination. I was like a bull in a China shop, only this time literally!!

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    What does ‘the latest research’ say about your chances of unvaccinated individuals winding up in hospital?


    You’re in the UK and have the doctors, nurses sand staff of the NHS at your back to provide you life saving health care when you need it.


    What do they have to say about getting the vaccine?


    And what experience have you in the field of virology or even health care and medicine?

    I have no idea what the latest research says and don’t really care. 

    While I’ve been to the UK for business on several occasions, I’ve never lived there.

    My experience and opinion when it comes to doctors in general is this: few times have they ever been able to help me by recommending anything more than, “get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids…”.

    Other examples include: a doctor in Chicago suggesting I had gout when in fact I strongly suspected an infection from a blood draw the previous day. My suspicion was confirm the next day when I visited urgent care because my hand was throbbing in pain. The young doctor that day (one of the few times this ever happened) took one look at my hand and said, “that’s clearly an infection!”. Another time in the ER, they allowed a trainee to administer an IV and she missed the mark and blood was squirting out of my arm going everywhere. Those are just two of many examples.  

    While these don’t necessarily represent whatever research and trials exist re: covid, and why I should or shouldn’t accept a yet-to-be-approved vaccine, they do paint for me picture that the medical industry, from big pharma down to the general practitioners is a joke, but that’s just my opinion. Why should I place my faith in them or their research?

    I’m sure you’re going to try to tell me, but I wouldn’t bother if I were you. 

    • Confused 2
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  8. 29 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

    What a wonderful gaff! Why would you ask what one is and in the same breath declare you ARE one??


    At least one good  about an anti-vaxxer is that stistcically they are more likely to die of covid....so presumably their bizarre belief ae on the way out?



    Please tell me where I claim to be an anti-vaxxer? And what does stiscically mean??


    Then you wrote: "so presumably their bizarre belief ae on the way out?" What language are you trying to speak? Too much to drink, maybe?????


    If you'd like to have an intelligent debate with me, you will first be required to be able to put a coherent sentence together (I realize that last part is probably going to be your undoing).

    • Like 1
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  9. On 8/20/2021 at 4:28 PM, TooBigToFit said:

    There are still some places here and there for cheap prices.


    Okay, it's Flint , MI. but it's a home for cheap. Just get all the other poor expats to buy on the same street and you'll have a Thaitown.





    The water there is still probably worse than Thailand's - and that is one crooked porch????

    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    An anti-vaxXer is a person who ignores the advice of every major medical board, National health ministry and global organization and instead clings hard to fears worries and doubts curried from websites and other alternates, such as politicians, whose purpose is not public health but to push an agenda.


    One such incorrect idea is that the vaccine (sic) was "cobbled together".


    In the US most of the covid-19 anti-vaxXer crowd are just adding vaccination to their conspiratorial world view. Anti-vaxX attitudes track very closely with right-wing politics, guns, religious fanaticism, presidential election theft conspiracies,  and extreme distrust of government. Two years ago they never thought about masks, and have been taking inoculations all their lives. Now they will fight in the street or an airplane over wearing a simple mask.


    I've not read the advice of EVERY MAJOR MEDICAL BOARD, but I have educated myself enough to know that based on my life experiences with those in the medical profession, the medical industry, big pharma and the fact that I know what is best for me better than anyone else, including you. I've weighed the risks and decided against taking any vaccine at this time. Your judgement of me for that means less than nothing, got it? 


    Delivery of a vaccine has been fast-tracked and promoted to the point where I, not being a trusting person to begin with, have decided to forego it. If you have a problem with that, you can shove it where the sun don't shine, pal.


    As far as you trying to bait me into a debate regarding right or left-wing politics, that's not going to happen. Both right and left are just as bad at pushing their agenda's for everything and I have no allegiance to either, so don't even try to go there with me, dude.


    I always wear a mask and take every precaution, except the vaccine. I live healthy, I eat healthy and I don't want or need your advice or the advice coming from the junk science community - inlcuding here on TVF. So again, I couldn't care less about your opinion. I have mine and it just so happens to be different than yours, so stop trying to force your opinion on me and everyone else who has a different one than you - science or no science.


    You're not the end-all and be-all, to me or anyone else.



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  11. 48 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    ...Those are mostly antivaxers who don't want to take any vaccines or persons who are afraid of taking this new unfamiliar vaccine because of the new tek used to make it. Aslo many say it's not fully FDA tested and and an emergency use/expiramental drug. Well for those folks the below article is for you.


    Full approval for Pfizer Covid vaccine could come from FDA on Monday



    The link you provided says nothing about people being afraid to take the vaccine or any vaccine for that matter. So, what is your source to back up that statement?  Further, the FDA is under immense pressure to further fast-track approval for something that is still not ready for prime time, IMO.


    Nice try though...

  12. 58 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    The vaxxed shed for a shorter time though. Take your chances with covid. Up to you. Because you will eventually be infected. I can assure you of that. 

    Thanks for your assurances and your 'kind' words. However, I've weighed the risks and have decided I will not be taking your advice, but will instead rely on my experiences, lack of faith in my fellow man and my own judgement.


    Thanks so much again for your consideration.

    • Like 1
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  13. 56 minutes ago, ChrisP24 said:

    Sometimes the trouble is worth it.  There are studies out there indicating that in general, married men and women are both happier and healthier than their unmarried counterparts.  Of course that won't be true for everyone, and it's not a reason to stay in a bad relationship  - - actually the opposite, sometimes it's best to part ways and free yourself to pursue good relationship(s).     



    I agree and here is the link to a 75+ year study to back-up your claim:



    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, bbko said:

    Some men don't realize how terrible they look, smell, act or dress.  I've seen fat rude sweaty slobs that need to take a good look in the mirror and not trying to blame women for his shortcomings. 

    I agree with you sort of, but as a still somewhat fat, considerate and very hygienic person (though I have lost 100 lbs in the last 18 months), I'm going to take issue with your fat-shaming example. I've seen plenty of skinny, tattooed, toothless, crackhead losers who are guilty of doing the same thing you're accusing fat people of.


    Just sayin'...

    • Like 2
  15. 9 hours ago, chalawaan said:

    I saw Chamaths YTube take on this, and I still think that with a juggernaut the size of China, the law of unintended consequences is merciless.

    If you think there's still money to be made because the market has priced in the risk, more power to you, but it's still an unacceptable risk for me.


    If you can find it, I recommend a very rare and out of print book co written by a Chinese author called "The Chinese mind game". 

    I'm more than a little baffled that people in general fail to see the inner workings of the CCP and how Xi Jinping operates. There is a big power play taking place between the Chinese gov't and big business in China. 


    And you are making the right assumption that it's too risky to invest in anything tied to that country at this time.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 9 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    No but you asked where I got my figures from and what was I blabering about so I sent you the info. Not good news but only those persons who are antivaxers or afraid of vaccines are coming down with covid now ( 99% )  Anyone in US can walk into a large chain pharmacy and get a shot free so mostly only those unvaccinated are getting covid now.

    Your numbers are rubbish. You're the second one who's tried to imply those who are against getting vaccinated are "afraid" - I'm not afraid of SHlT. And being vaccinated does not prevent you from getting covid, it only reduces significantly your chances of dying from it, which I'll admit is something to consider.


    I'm still in the consideration stages, am healthy and diligently cautious, so don't try to place me into your little "anti-vaxxer" box.

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