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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 3 hours ago, aussienam said:

    These definitions come from Google and in the main are what I believe to be my understanding as well.  The use of the words 'SIMP' and 'CUCK', like any slang term, are often expanded beyond a dictionary definition.  Adding 'ed' to each word of course is to describe the past tense form of these people already having transitioned to that label. 


    These terms have gained popularity to describe modern millennial submissive men, who bow down to domineering feminists in the West. 

    Men from the West bring their indoctrinated submissive belief systems and place too high a value on women here.  

    Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them. ... The word simp is meant to troll young men for doing anything for a girl to get some action he supposedly deserves.


    cuck is a weak, effeminate, unmanly, or inadequate man, who is often dominated by their female partner. It is considered derogatory slang.

    It is derived from 'cuckold'.  


    You’ve described to a ‘T’ what I hate most about western women - particularly those in the US. I’ve lived and worked in every major US city and I can tell you firsthand California/west coast women are probably the worst, followed by the southern princesses, IMO. Then just keep going down the list chronologically until you reach the midwestern girls, who’re at the bottom. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rumak said:

    OMG  ................. you wouldn't believe how many simps and cucks  I have seen following their prized

    hens around these past years .     If what I observe in Thailand is indicative of what goes on in the West ....oh boy !    

    I DO see it on american movies and television as well.   And let''s not forget the "senstitive" guys who give the dying breed of real men who post here the sad and confused emojis.  Those guys bought into the PC krap because let's face it...... they couldn't score without it.



    That’s because it’s the only way they know how to get laid - once every month or so. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 54 minutes ago, rumak said:

    I certainly am not a male supremacist type .   If i have a repair and some lady can do a better job than i can,  i will certainly step aside and hold her lip gloss.   

    What ever happened to "strong and sensitive" ?    I'll tell you,  I really get "sensitive"  when a sweet smile from a lady turns into a manipulate weapon  , and is replaced with a pouting or complaining attitude.  Forget it !   

    Sure,  they can walk away knowing there are "simps and cucks"  waiting to play their game. 

    No problem............. I have done just fine over my years . 

    Equal rights sounds great to me.  Isn't that what the feminists demand?   Ha ha!    they would run

    away when i told them i expected them to put effort into helping out .    I never understood why they would cry when asked to leave ?   

    Here are 2 pics of a real woman !   grew up helping pops.     




    Min in Iceland.jpg

    Kudos to you rumak on raising two fine young ladies. Just a wild guess…but they got most of their good looks from mom, am I right? ????

  4. 4 minutes ago, Magenta408 said:

    This is another cock-a-mania scheme. There have been too many Grand Poobahs voicing their views and they are NOT qualified and have no experience. 

    This is the sort of thing that is driving mistrust in the people, when the gov't does this sort of thing, IMO.


    It's hard not to imagine red bags and brown envelopes being exchanged on a large scale between the Thai elite and the Chinese.

  5. 15 hours ago, JimGant said:

    Many other countries are showing interest in this approach, as the potential benefit seems to outweigh any potential harm.... What's to lose in this madhouse environment?

    Had a Sinovac jab two weeks ago, and will have an AstraZeneca jab next week. Will let you know if I grow a second penis.

    The fact that you don’t know if you’ll grow one or not is concerning by itself. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, FarangULong said:

    That's because the average to attractive ones are busy riding the male chicken carousel in their 20s, and their level of attractiveness goes down hill fast in their 30s + they're getting panicked about needing to find "quality men" (as in the type she ignored or never even acknowledged their existance, when she was in her teens and 20s, that can provide for her all the <deleted> she doesn't need but wants, who's easy to control and manipulate, and easy to distract so her personal trainer or hwatever can smash on the side).


    Then with the whole lighting and make up tutorials available, wonderbras, tight, revealing clothes and plenty of simps willing to call girls that are barely average even WITH all those tricks "LIEK OMG SHE'S SO HOT" on various social media, to feed her ego non stop, they then feel they're owed more than they're really "worth".


    Creating highly unreasonable expectations for themselves/their future man... basically the majority of women thinking they're fit to compete for the top 10-1% of men.


    Stuff like tinder allowing the top % of men to order them up like fast food, and afterwards they're bitter and wonder why he didn't stick around. Quick to spread their legs on there and after the club, etc. yet the "quality men" later are going to be made to wait, because "am I not worth waiting for?".


    Makes me both sad and angry for/at most guys, at the same time. Not that I'm top 10%. I'm not. But I'm not the average guy either, in certain respects, so I don't have to nor will I ever beg, humiliate myself, etc. for any woman. Even if it sometimes does lead to stretches of no kitty, but whatever. My dignity is more important to me, than trying to scratch my itch.


    Of course not all of them are like that. But more and more are becoming that way, the ones that already are feel the need to drag down the ones who aren't, because misery loves company (lots of future very angry, lonely cat ladies in the making, as I'm typing this).


    And because "cool culture" like this almost always spill over from the West to everywhere else, you're seeing the same phenomenom everywhere else, albeit for now to a lesser degree.


    I guess you were lucky iwth yours, since a lot of Chinese women are quite heartless as well, or rather their heart is a cash register. Or maybe that's just the mainlanders, I can't say I've met Taiwan women before, met a couple Sino Thais though. But their culture is more middle/upper class Thai, and not Chinese, so that doesn't count...

    Just another long-winded bunch of hot air by FarangULong-time...


    Did you really need to use so many words? All you needed to say (at least all I got from your 2nd rant of the day) how little you think of women. As far as your comments re: Chinese women, I'm going to chalk it up to the fact (one you've made quite clear) that you think so poorly of women perhaps, because you're in the business of pursuing the wrong kind or maybe you've been rejected too many times or you're bitter because you can't find the kind of woman you think you deserve.


    Again, not sure, don't care.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    Still a bit of a drive from 'Dali' country, but well worth spending a few days there, all along that coast from Brest to St Brieuc is very spectacular, Plougeurneau (the lighthouses) Kergouan, Roscoff, Tregastel, Perros-Guirec, Plougrescant, Sillon de Talbert, Ile de Brehat, Paimpol, Binic, and dozens of places inbetween, take your camera and don't forget spare batteries..!

    Thanks, noted and I'll add it to my EU bucket list!

  8. 48 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


    I've been married to a Brit virgin schoolteacher (degree), and to a Thai bar girl (left school age 12).

    Both were equally unfaithful, both were looking for free houses. 

    The Thai bar girl was much nicer in every way imaginable.


    Living with a woman is always trouble, up to you to limit the trouble.

    I agree that things can go south, because you can never really know the other person's deepest thoughts. Or maybe sometimes we as men are too stubborn to see the obvious red flags. I am speaking in general terms here, so it may not apply to every case, such as yours.


    To say that living with a woman is always trouble, well that's a bit extreme for me to agree with. Relationships have to be a two-way street with equal give and take, IMO. Otherwise the ugly truth will one day reveal itself.


    Rigidity doesn't work with most women - or in relationships in general - long term, IMO.

  9. 2 hours ago, jomtienisgood said:

    NE Spain, is that Barcelona, Palafrugell, Figueras??????

    I live in Logrono, we moved here about 2 weeks ago from Hua Hin. 

    We’re an hour SW of Pamplona. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, millymoopoo said:

    The prize is: now you know where it is.

    Well worth a visit when next you're in north western France.

    And congrats to Daffy D for starting this 'good vibes' thread. :thumbsup:

    Since I live in NE Spain, that pretty much puts me in driving distance.

  11. 15 hours ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

    This is why no self-respecting man should date a jealous woman. She will think of him as her property, deprive him of any freedom and make his life hell. Stay away from jealous women if you want to be your own master.

    I know, huh? The nerve of his wife to take offense at him trying to have another woman move in the home, while she is still living there…sheesh.

    I think you would make great marriage counselor. 

    • Haha 1
  12. On 8/15/2021 at 2:43 PM, RichardColeman said:

    You already said you have no friends in the City and live in the other room.


    Condos to rent are cheap now. Better on your own than in a loveless marriage. 


    My first Thai wife was a little like your lady - I was really sick once, and she treated my sickness like helping a asset rather than a husband. I divorced her, married a school teacher from Nan that is the complete opposite and very happy now for six years.


    Get out, start again - not exactly a shortage of women in Thailand

    Hopefully the OP will be able to carry what he learns this time around into his next relationship with eyes wide open, resulting in a different outcome, similar to your situation.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    You think ...... those in the Thai medical profession are very well educated.

    I think ............. anyone who had the money to pay the course fees passed. 


    As for intelligence, I'm in the top 0.3% of the world.

    Here’s what I think… most who go through 4-6 years of medical school deserve some benefit of the doubt. Whether it be for animals or human medicine. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say/prove. 

    As far as your self-proclaimed level of intelligence, okay fine, whatever. Doesn’t mean SHlT to me though. 

    • Haha 1
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