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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 2 hours ago, Grusa said:

    You show your utter ignorance of the subject. "N" numbers are for US registered aeroplanes, mine is Thai registered and so "HS". Whilst N reg planes can and do fly here for a limited time, they do so with severe restrictions for a maximum of six months. 


    Looking up my registration, which is clearly visible on the underside of the port wing, and if you can find a Thai registry listing - which is no easy task!  - will tell you it is registered to a Thai company....because foreigners cannot own a Thai registered aeroplane. Much like land.


    I could say much more, and refer to online photos and videos, etc., but not without destroying what little anonymity I retain on this group!


    Apology accepted, provisionally.

    Perhaps, I showed my "utter ignorance" (you're so dramatic...) by not knowing the numerical sequence of airplane id's in Thailand, and perhaps not. I mean, how many people do you think know the dynamics of tail numbers of American aircraft? Therefore, whether or not I owe you any kind of apology is negligible. You, however, showed your utter ignorance by calling me ignorant, when you know very little or nothing about me. Now go have another giant slice of cheese, Grusa!????

  2. 2 minutes ago, Grusa said:

    Why do you not believe me?  I have owned it for nearly ten years, flown it all round Thailand - literally - and there are plenty of photos on the net to prove it. The registration is my wifes' name!

    I believe you, but what is the "N" number on the tail? That way I can look it up...trust but verify...???? If you send me I will humbly apologize.

  3. 23 minutes ago, salsajapan said:

    I have visited dozens within the years and 99% of them are just greedy idiots who know less than google.

    I have finally found one that is quite smart and who can find out of the box, the only one after 20 years.


    By the way, you think that some vets do some volunteer work and sterilize dogs for free ? you are dreaming, there is not even 1 vet in Pattaya who work for free, they are paid by Soi Dogs and others organizations.


    No respect to any of them, they are a shame.



    Reminds me of many in the medical profession in the US whose balls have been squeezed by big pharma and are more concerned with pushing the latest drug instead of risking malpractice by solving my problem. I expect more...

    • Like 1
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  4. 3 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    Here's mine, can anybody guess where it is.?

    NB: All of my files are in folders.

    All of my programs are in 'programs'.........



    Judging from the boats, I'm going to guess it's somewhere in the EU. I always hate posts like this...because the only way one could possibly tell, is if they have a paid subscription to Tin Eye or if they've actually been there.

  5. 11 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    Love - the other 4 letter word

    Most people are in Love with the concept of 'Being in Love'

    It sounds so warm and fuzzy

    All such statements should have this preface ...

    Once Upon a Time ...


    I fail to see how 'Love' is a fundamental law of nature. It is all in peoples minds.


    Yeah, well don't knock it until you've tried it, pal.

  6. 10 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    People who are well grounded have no problem being alone - purple sky or not.

    Not everyone needs the affirmation of the Great Unwashed, all the "Atta Boy" pats on the back. "You're Special" hogwash.

    Anyone who says "It's OK, Things will be OK, ..." has never been in a place where it was not.

    Better jump in the bath if you have smoke coming out


    Honestly not sure what you're trying to convey and I doubt you came from a place as bad or worse than where I came from, but then you don't know jack about me, so that's okay. I never said it's not possible for someone to be happy alone, I said I've never met anyone who was and I'm pretty good at reading people and BS when people try to pretend they're happy when they're not.


    Again, I'm not going to tell you whether or not you're happy, I don't know you and perhaps you're one of those freaks who defies one of the fundamental laws of nature.


    As Forrest Gump says, "I know what love is..." and I have no doubt that most people need love and or close relationships to survive, live a long healthy life and to be truly happy. Maybe you are alone, but you have close relationships...


    Harvard University even did a 75-year study about it:  



    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Phuketshrew said:

    Had a conversation with a UK sandboxer at the resort that I just stayed at in Yanui. He came for three weeks holiday and is leaving back to the UK tonight. He said that the welcome on arrival in Phuket was really exceptional and he was assisted at every step of the arrival process. He could not praise them highly enough - friendly, efficient , and well organised were his words.

    That's nice to hear, but I can't help wondering would that be the case if the staff to tourist ratio were what it would be during high season. Your friend from the UK had the luxury of having people who are hungry for business and much more willing to be attentive at this point.


    Nevertheless, kudos to them for trying hard to please a small number of customers under these very difficult circumstances when they could have just as easily not cared.

  8. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    I'll leave the first part of your post for what it is, but will say I don't care about what the majority on here thinks, nor have I implied anything on the opinion of said majority.

    I'm not here to laugh at your pain or rub salt in a wound. You obviously have some 'skin in the game', I don't and it will be a cold day in hell before I would drum up support for a government that misleads everyone with their false claims and tries to pretend they actually care for their people, when they clearly don't.


    My apologies, it just rubs me raw when people try to paint the sky orange or purple when most of us know it's not and my frustration is more with those who concoct and promote such nonsense than it is with you for drinking the Kool-Aid, so to speak.

    • Like 1
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  9. 22 hours ago, Kiwi Phil said:

    "...To be greeted at the airport by a team of helpers is very good." 

    As the airport staff stand there in a long line clapping and welcoming the few tourists that trickle in (they may as well, I mean they probably have nothing better to do), I can't help but wonder if they've bought into all the lies, propaganda and ridiculous claims by those in charge of the entire sandbox scheme.


    It's really sad to see people being given so much false hope and even sadder that they might actually believe it.

  10. 38 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    Met every person in the world have you ?

    Not BS - by a long shot.

    Alone does not mean lonely.

    No, but I've met enough to know pure BS when I smell it. Alone does not mean lonely...and the sky is purple.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone for saying they want to be alone, it's their choice, fine, no problem. Just don't try to blow smoke up my you know what and tell me I have to accept it.

  11. 6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Entire context is not necessary to show that what you wrote is not what you meant, not nitpicking at all.


    Your replied to a post, clearly showing you still don't understand the concept. I have tried quite a few times, others have tried as well to no avail.

    Yes, you are nitpicking and you know it. Perhaps you just want to beat a dead horse - by that I mean, continue to go on and on about implying the failed sandbox was a success (I wouldn’t need to explain that part to anyone but you, in order to prevent you from twisting my words). 

    I also think it’s funny how you try to imply the majority on here support this ridiculous scheme that was bound to fail from the start. 

    • Like 2
  12. 34 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    I don't think you're writing what you want to convey.

    'phuket nor any other city relying on tourism is doomed'.


    You still don't understand the principle behind this experiment but that's ok, maybe you're going to get there.

    Please include the entire context of my quote next time you choose to nitpick me (I expected as much as soon as I saw   your UID, even before reading your post, because “that’s how you roll”). 

    Perhaps you can make at least a sad attempt at explaining just what it is I don’t understand?

    • Like 2
  13. 23 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Once upon a time there was guy who asked a girl to marry him, and she said No.

    He spent the rest of his life single. He worked monday to friday, and sometimes he went for a drink with his friends and came home when he felt like it and often slept on the couch. He sat up late at night watching his favourite movies.

    He always had a bit of spare money in the bank and drove a nice car. He went on holiday to places he really wanted to go to and had some interesting holiday romances. Basically he lived happily ever after.


    I’ve never met a man - or woman for that matter - who lived happily ever after alone.

    That’s just BS. 

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