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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 4 hours ago, DBath said:

    Reminds me of a guy a few months ago who OP'd his body odor problem and couldn't figure out why his wife was always on him about it. He expected the problem to go away sans showering regularly and he didn't want to use deodorant, because he thought it used harmful chemicals (regardless, if I thought my smell offended everyone who got near me, I'd be piling on the deodorant; harmful chemicals or not).


    Boy, did that guy get "torn a new one" - over 10 pages worth! I think he responded to the 3rd or 4th reply and then ghosted everybody. ????

    I was concerned that, at my age, nobody would have heard that joke before. So, thank you: @1FinickyOne and @Kwasaki for your validation and props!

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    Daffy D is the winner..!

    Virgin Island lighthouse (ile Vierge)
    Plouguerneau - France

    All of that northern Bretagne coast is beautiful.

    Here's a google maps link from close to where the photo was taken, without fog.


    Boo, I feel we were sorely misled to believe there might be a prize ????.


    Maybe even a voucher for free pedicure? or 10% off on a cappuccino? A free screensaver, perhaps? I'm grasping for straws here...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Sorry, but the chances are you are eventually going to be infected with Covid and you will be much better off when that happens if you are vaccinated. Up to you of course. 

    You may be right and I certainly hope you're wrong. The funny thing is, nobody can tell me what are the odds, I mean what is the percent chance I will get covid if I'm super careful - which I am and I will continue to be. Does that make me inconsiderate of others, not in my opinion.


    What irks me - and steels my resolve - is when people try to imply I'm not an intelligent person, because I'm "not willing to follow the science" - I say <deleted> the science, but I don't say that without taking all the proper precautions and weighing the risks. And if not taking some half-proven inoculation is not part of my plan, then I don't know what you want me to say.


    Can you tell I'm fed up with people telling me what I should and shouldn't do with regard to getting 'the jab'? 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Daffy D said:

    Gezzz! That's one busy desktop, it's making my eyes go funny :blink:


    You must have one giant drive to to store all those programs.


    Anyway very interesting :thumbsup:

    You have to admit the picture behind it has some promise...

  5. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You don't really know that you don't have Covid-19 unless you're testing yourself every day. Yes, many cases are asymptomatic and of course all cases start that way. Your mitigation measures sound very good but especially with Delta, they aren't nearly 100 percent effective.

    I'm not going to argue with you, but I am going to take my chances and stay the course - for now anyway. I've never claimed to be an "anti-vaxxer" per se, I'm just not trusting of the science or anything some government or person here on TVF wants to try and force on me.


    No offense, nothing personal.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, gejohesch said:

    True! Like that American guy who killed his baby while on a  beach in Mexico, thinking he saved the world from a monster after hearing his wife had been vaccinated while being pregnant and believing those fantasies about vaccines being derived from alien reptilian DNA (or sthg along these lines). The <deleted> some people will swallow! How gullible people can be! Too many movies like the reptilian V-aliens have infected the minds of people.

    Btw, why is it that 9 out of 10 movies with aliens landing on planet earth have them landing in the USA? Why on earth (!) never in say Kenya or Indonesia or Latvia etc etc??? It's so damn stupid when you think about it. "Final battle Los Angeles", you've got to be kidding me!


    You've just taken the extreme example and tried to use it as an example of how many normal people think. Congratulations, for showing such weak logic. I don't know anyone who has killed their baby and blamed it on aliens or their wife being vaccinated, so get a grip. Why don't you step into the real world while you're at it, I think you've been watching too much sci-fi and playing too many video games, like that Warcraft game (or whatever you goth types call it).


    As far as your point about the US, it is truly going to SHlT. Interestingly, now that Trump is gone none of you liberal types are chiming in and saying what a great job the current massively failing administration is doing. IMO, the country has gone to hell due to liberals and continues to do so. Yet, y'all have gone quiet all of a sudden, except for the ones like you who are continuing your bashing campaigns. For me it's hard to see how a country could ever recover form becoming the next Venezuela. But that's okay, because I have no intention of going back there, though I wonder what the impact will be on the rest of the world when the US goes down the tubes - just sayin'...

  7. 8 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    You need to wear a mask.


    I'm sure you feel thats against your personal rights also.


    Are you the 7/11 guy?

    I wear a mask, no problem there. I also social distance, wash my hands and apply alcohol quite liberally, I avoid crowds, and I don't have covid, so I'm putting NOBODY at risk. I'm very healthy and I intend to stay that way by avoiding people, especially people like you. Any risk I might pose is less than miniscule. 


    As far as the "7-11 guy", I have no idea what you're blabbering about.

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  8. 4 hours ago, eezergood said:

    As highlighted by others you (and many more would certainly agree) seem to have issue with the governance/leaders, this is not an radical stance I must say. That said, any step forward is still a step forwards. The reason such inflated figures where floated out, is simply marketing...... and we (Nero et al) can accept that. What is not marketing are the 100's of people I am getting through the doors spending money and keeping peoples jobs. So from that point alone, I call this a win. Perhaps a small one, but a win non the less



    I get what you're saying as far as a step forward and I certainly don't begrudge you or any other business owner that, but I find your argument regarding the "marketing" aspect of this debatable at best. You're as much as saying it's okay to lie and provide false advertising and mislead people to get them to come when their experience most likely will not be as advertised and I just think that's a little crooked.


    That said, I hope you are able to find a way out of this and your business can get back to normal, sans the questionable marketing/sales tactics. Customers who have a bad experience will not be likely to return and that's not good for anybody.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, berrec said:



    No need for extending the lockdown mesures.


    Thai PM predicts current Covid crisis will be over in 2 or 3 weeks  (July 28, 2021)


    PM has it all under control; no worries! 555555



    Another classic quote by the PM. Can be filed in the "PM's Greatest Quotes file" right along with all those projections regarding the planned influx of tourists arriving for the ridiculous BS 'Sandbox' scheme.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    We need to be married to understand why we should have stayed single. I got that with my western partner, but sadly I really did think Thai women were different.

    If I'd married her 30 years ago I'd now be single, wealthy and happy renting.

    I believe it’s very difficult to near impossible to find the right mate. I was very lucky to have stumbled on my current wife after my first wife - of 30 years - and I divorced. My time alone after the divorce allowed it to sink in how miserable I was, especially towards the end. That time after the divorce also allowed me to assess what I needed in a mate - something I couldn’t seem to get to during my first marriage, but I guess I got caught up with life, a career and staying together to raise our 3 sons. 


    My current wife, who is Chinese, and I do everything together and we are a team. I know what it’s like to have someone who genuinely cares about me and who I trust and can talk with about ANYTHING. She makes me a better person and I her. I also have no doubt that given where my life was headed I would be dead by now. I was living in China, where I was treated like a king. I was an obese smoker and screwing every woman I could - sometimes different ones on the same day. Some were bar girls, but many were acquaintances. At least I can say I got that out of my system and those days are well behind me. The life I chose to live then was not good and terribly unhealthy, I think I was incapable of making good choices when I was alone. 

    I’m not saying everyone is like that, but having a partner who cares about you and who you can bounce things off of makes a huge difference. Maybe that’s not for everyone, but I still believe people live longer and are healthier and happier if they can have a close and genuine relationship, but it does have to be genuine and not like the one during my first marriage. 

    BTW, Harvard University has done a 75 year study that clearly substantiates people who have close and healthy relationships live longer and are happier. I posted a link to it earlier on this thread. 

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