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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 20 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    It is not 72 hours from the day the test was done. It is from the day the results of the test was done.

    Also is on the day you depart for Thailand not the day of arrival.

    From COE application website.

    "(2) Medical certificate attesting that the traveler is free from COVID-19, using RT-PCR method, issued no more than 72 hours before travelling,"

    Thanks, ubonjoe. Is it safe to assume this same logic applies when flying from Thailand to other countries - Spain for example? 

  2. 3 hours ago, fdsa said:

    I do not work for Thai government so I don't have any proofs. However I do not see any obstacles for this to be done here on the wide scale.

    Of course you don’t see any obstacles, neither do I. The debate was whether or not this is being done on a wide scale here in Thailand - today, not ten years from now! The answer is a big fat NOPER!!! Since you have no proof, let’s just call it, shall we?

  3. 13 minutes ago, fdsa said:

    a "mon and pop" store does not need to install any recognition software - only the simple one to make photos and transfer them to the "main server" for the recognition.

    One does not need to be a “prop head” to understand how the technology works. I would love to see any proof you have that this is being done on any wide scale - here in the LOS. 

  4. 7 hours ago, fdsa said:

    If you did not understand my analogy: the sophisticated facial recognition software is not cost prohibitive for you and does not require you to be technically astute if you are an army guy from the government and could simply give a command.

    Like I said, I'm well aware of the kinds of technology available. Regardless of the cost, they're not doing that here on any large scale and certainly not at every Tesco or small "mom and pop" venue. I'm not talking about the military, who knows what they're up to. In the US they were looking at using facial recognition at places like Walmart and Home Depot to track people's buying habits - at an individual level. This was a few years ago, so I'm not sure where that ended up, I do know there were huge privacy concerns over it. There is all kinds of technology available to big government, technology that most people are not even aware of or privy to, but that's not what we're talking about here, is it?

  5. 7 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    Today in Tesco Lotus the hand scanner told me my temperature was 33.6C.

    ???? Isn't technology amazing and so dependably accurate? At one Tesco here in Hua Hin it always registers high and a couple of times it was a little over 37C and I'm always looking around to make sure the secret police aren't about to grab me.

    • Haha 2
  6. 8 hours ago, fdsa said:

    unfortunately the facial recognition even with masks on is already this sophisticated and widely available.

    The key word here is 'sophisticated'...Of course the technology exists and is available, but do you really think the Thai gov't is using it, or anything else that sophisticated, to this degree? It's cost prohibitive, and in case you haven't noticed, they're not the the most technically astute people, generally speaking, compared to more developed countries.

    • Confused 1
  7. You may have gotten what you need already but just in case, here are a few additional tips (I recently had to do this from Thailand for my Spain residency application:


    1. I went thru an agent (or channeler) back in the states to help - Nat'l Background Check, Inc. (NBCI), they were great and were also willing to accept my FD-258 electronically. Here is a complete list of FBI approved channelers:

    https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks/list-of-fbi-approved-channelers-for-departmental-order-submissions - I believe another advantage of using a channeler is they can greatly reduce the turnaround time from dealing directly with the FBI yourself.


    2. For the FD-258 FBI Finger Print Card you can print it out - use cardboard paper, not that thin stuff - and take to any police station, then send a hi-res photocopy to NBCI (they will accept this, but not all channelers are willing to). I found this method to be fairly convenient, if you decide not to go to one of the finger print gathering stations your channeler directs you to. Whichever channeler you choose, be sure to ask them if they will accept your electronically submitted fingerprints (on the FD-258 card), should you decide to go that route.


    3. When finished, the channeler can mail forward your criminal certificate to your home address. You can also choose to have access to a portal-printable copy that the FBI provides with a link that expires after 24 hours from the time of opening. It only took a day or two as I recall to get back my certificate.

    Hope this helps, you can DM me here if you need me to clarify anything.


    Former Colorado Native


    • Thanks 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, Tony125 said:


    "No but Piszer is working on tabs you can take orally...."

    No thanks, I'll wait for a suppository version to come out, and who is Piszer?? (BTW, either you clearly did not get my post or pretended not to).

  9. 2 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    China's Sinovac vaccine may be better than previously thought: It was 94% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 in a real-world study, Indonesian officials said




    I would get Sinovac now and then later if and when Piszer becomes available take a shot of it.  It was found that people who took shot of Moderna and then later took shot of Piszer had 3 times stronger  respones than  Moderna  with 2 shots.

    Is there an IV vaccine solution available that I can just wheel around with me wherever I go? Holy Jesus...

  10. It depends on your situation and circumstances and what's important to you. If you feel you may put others or yourself at risk, then you have to make that choice.


    Based on my situation (which is nobody's business but mine) NO FREAKING WAY.  I'll continue to take the proper precautions by exercising daily, masking, rarely going out, but keeping my distance when I do, frequent hand washing and use of hand gels and continuing to have my groceries delivered.

  11. On 5/22/2021 at 9:45 AM, John Drake said:

    "...Didn't bother the Chinese who now look dominant and strong. "


    Dominant and strong??? Over who, Hong Kong? Taiwan? The Uyghurs? The South China Sea??? You've taken to praising the Chinese, simply because everyone else's home country hasn't stepped up to facilitate vaccinating their people here in Thailand? Though not admirable, it seems like a pretty lame reason, especially if you consider China's motives are rarely ever 'pure' when it comes to their own people. You can go ahead and blindly trust them if you like, I would never trust them. I've worked and lived in China and have experience working with those at a high level within the CCP. While the common Chinese people are generally wonderful, they are not cut from the same cloth as the CCP - not by a long shot.

  12. On 5/21/2021 at 12:18 PM, slsmith38 said:

    ....have any of you Sinovac bashers actually had any real dealings with the Chinese, worked with Chinese companies and spent time in China at Chinese manufacturing facilities? ....but if I could get a Sinovac jab tomorrow I would certainly take it.

    I’ve lived there and worked there, as a consultant at China’s largest privately held telecom company (one recently accused of brokering an illegal trade deal with the Iranian government), but I won’t go into more detail than that. 

    I admire the common Chinese people, they’ve always treated me fantastically, however I seriously doubt you can appreciate what it’s like to work directly with those there who are connected at a very high level to the CCP. 

    If my impression of the Chinese were only based on my dealings with the common people there, I might consider taking their vax, but for me it’s a no-brainer, especially when factoring in all of the deceitful actions undertaken by the CCP. Not only how they’ve lied and misreported their covid situation, but also the human rights violations they’ve perpetrated and the FBI’s massive number of open counterintelligence cases against them. These are very sneaky, dishonest and self-serving  people. 


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