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Posts posted by DBath

  1. I really enjoyed going to immigration to do my first 90-day report and have also thoroughly enjoyed reading about the struggles others have had when trying to use the online system for 90-day reporting. I’m very much looking forward to doing my second report online, though I’ll be really disappointed if it works. Some of my other interests include: going to the endodontist for root canals and sticking a screwdriver in my ear. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, aboctok said:

    You've said something so irrelevant the Thai Visa gang will be unable to sleep out of sheer delight until they can track you down and put you in the village stocks, where you will be pelted with rotten eggs and vegetables. Wouldn't wanna be you, buddy.

    So much for my vailed attempt at humility. Interestingly, another TV user contacted me and it turns out we both worked across the street from each other in the same Colorado town, though not at the same time. It turns out we had several other things in common though - and it’s still a very small world. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    It's impossible to compare the various jabs as they were done at different times, in different locations, with different mutations.  In the end, ALL of them keep you out of the ICU and from dying.  But yes, we don't have good clarity into the Chinese or Russian jabs.  Sadly.

    And since I trust neither the Chinese gov’t or the Russians, why would I (or anyone else for that matter) even consider taking either of these vaccines?

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/29/2021 at 8:52 PM, BenDeCosta said:


    Sweet taste? I can only assume you are drinking an expensive, imported beer. With Thai beers I get a bouquet of industrial chemicals, the mouthfeel of the urine of a rodent, and a delicate and not quite so delightful aftertaste of cat vomit. Just don't ask how I know what these things are like, I was a bit crazy when I was a student.

    <deleted> pal, you should get out a little more often and sample some of what else the world has to offer. I like a good Boddington’s or Timothy Taylors as much as the next guy, but I think it’s borderline delusional to imply the only beers worthy of consumption are brit-brewed. You should try and open your mind a little, IMO. I know, that’s probably asking a bit much from you brits...

    • Confused 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, grin said:

    With Schwab you get 3 free domestic wires per quarter but you have to fill out the online form every time.

    I use Wise for transfers and it works great, but this is good to know, as I’m about to move my money to Schwab from my Merrill Edge account. Merrill, as with many US brokers, technically does not allow account holders to hold an account while residing outside of the US, if for more than 6 months I believe.  Schwab and Interactive Brokers are two reputable firms that will allow this. 

  6. I can see by the number of posts that this is a hot topic (yawn). To add some perspective...I was speaking with one of the waitresses at the Marriott Queen's Park last time I stayed there and she indicated she walks an average of 20,000 steps per day while on the job. I asked her how many days/nights she works on average and she told me 5.5-6 days per week. So........let's be conservative and say she only works 4 days per week. That's 4 days times 52 weeks per year @ 20K steps per day, which equals 4.16 million steps per year, that's 500 miles per 1 million avg. stride steps = 2080 miles conservatively calculated.


    Sorry, Mr. and/or Mrs. golfer, but I'm not impressed and neither should you or anyone else you be.

  7. As “road warrior” of 25+ years, I was fortunate enough to eat in any restaurant I wanted. I gave thanks for that by being a very generous tipper to those who proved themselves worthy. Sometimes I would give 50% or more, if the service was great and the server was friendly, considerate and sociable. I understand most people don’t have this luxury, but people who can’t afford to tip at all should eat at McDonald’s or KFC. That said, there’s only one thing worse than someone who gives no tip or tips poorly and that’s someone who expects a tip or is flat out rude - the “0-1 centers”, if you will. 

  8. 4 hours ago, phills2k1 said:


    Also astounding is the fact that so many people (not implying you're one of them) talk as if death is the ONLY negative impact from the virus. Like long haul cases or lung damage don't exist

    Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or sincere, but to be clear, my post in no way implied that I’m stupid enough to think people dying is the “only negative impact”. I’m not even sure why you felt the need to make such an obvious point. 

  9. 1 hour ago, androokery said:

    This is not a very original point of view. And it's not a very valid one. 

    The kind of person who wants to own a pit bull is exactly the kind of person who should not be allowed to own one. The same with guns.

    Not everyone should be allowed to own a pit bull and not everyone should be allowed to own a gun, but to state that there is something wrong with the person who wants to own either and that they should not be allowed to is ignorant. The majority are people who should be allowed and who would handle their role responsibly without having a similar bad result. 

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