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Posts posted by DBath

  1. On 5/21/2021 at 11:54 AM, DavisH said:

    At nearly 14M doses given daily there, they are doing pretty well. 

    Think about this: 1.4 billion people, yet only a little over 100K infected? 4,600 dead? DOESN'T ADD UP, not even close.


    Why even claim there's a pandemic in that country? Notwithstanding the virus originated there - get a clue, please!

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:


    Talk about down the road of Fantasy............from secret countries to go to , too FBI certificates.

    & secrete agreements with Embassies --yes, I do hope to live the rest of my life here DBath.....

    I think its much better than living it in Fantasy land.

    When you're not sat in that rocking chair on your front porch, you probably spend most of your days watching old episodes of Star Trek and here you are accusing me of living a fantasy life. Actually, come to think of it, given where I've come from it is a glorious fantasy life I live now. Doesn't that just tear you up inside? You might want to ask Scotty to beam you up!!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

    How many times do we have to hear that nonsense---"I'm ganna go -yer ganna go soon honest really soon....cant tell you all where, its a secrete place ...but its so much better then here--just cant tell you where........LOL............

    You sound like a bitter cheap Charlie who has no way out of here. I’ve already been many places better than here. That said, there are things I like here and things I don’t, like anywhere else.  

    Barring my residency application to another country is not accepted, which is highly unlikely given my financial  means and bank stmts provided with my application. There’s also the FBI certificate and Hong Kong marriage license I had to get apostilled, which were done to the satisfaction of the Embassy where I applied (again, not telling). These along with all the other boxes have been checked off, leaving no stone unturned. 

    So please, tell me again what a crock my claims of leaving the Kingdom are, as you look forward to living the rest of your miserable life here. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, viennepty said:

    it is just a Glock 17 with a MCK micro conversion kit and extended magazine. I play COD too and I agree with you it is a look-a-like but if u look clearly you can see the brown grip of the actual Glock.

    It's definitely a Glock handle, they all look pretty much the same, some handles are shorter than others. I use to have a model 23 and my hand was too big for it, so I switched to a model 20, 10mm, which is bigger and fit perfectly. It is heavier, because it could hold 15 rounds in a normal sized magazine, and way more powerful than the 40 cal.

  5. 2 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

    ....I am not attempting to defend or promote Sinovac  in recognition of the fact it is not the best but it is at  least better than nothing....

    Well, at least you're somewhat admitting that you're not promoting it, though I don't totally buy that. My position on it hasn't changed, I don't think it is "better than nothing", for the same reasons I stated earlier on this thread, which is based on several factors and without regard for any associated clinical trial and real world results. Again, that's just my opinion.

  6. On 5/19/2021 at 7:56 AM, clivebaxter said:

    Strange, he was not too bothered about the side effects of shooting heroin into his arm over a number of years ????

    A valid point sort of, I guess. Though, I'm not sure you built a very good case as to why people should take the worst performing vaccine out there. Yes, I realize it's one of two vaccines currently available here, but two that are among the worst performing.

  7. 23 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Bottom line is at the moment is we all have a choice, well not really, it will be either Sinovac or AZ which will be given without out the person receiving it knowing when administered.


    The question one has to ask is; would you go without a vaccination now in hope of making it down the line to get your chosen vaccination that you can pay for, which of course has a higher efficacy, remember, it takes 3-4 weeks for antibodies to be detected.


    Me personally, still sitting on the fence, watching the circus, after all, Covid is not a death wish yet.


    I will get vaxed, when is another story, could be as soon as available, could be down the line.

    I'm on the fence as well, could be down the line, could be never.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

    Perhaps what matters is that that even if the vaccine with lowest primary efficacy is the only  one readily available it is at  least being  made available. What is therefore odious in an attempt  to encourage  "at least" minimal protection ?



    Without repeating what I've previously posted...what matters most to me - regarding any of the Chinese vaccines - are the HUGE trust issues I have with them, specifically the CCP. Regardless of whether or not these trust issues have anything to do with covid (some do, some don't) or whether or not clinical trials tell me otherwise. To me the lack of trust is enough reason to NEVER put a vaccine into my body that has been developed and/or produced by the Chinese.


    Sinovac is at the bottom of the performance pile (https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/04/15/in-clinical-and-real-world-trials-chinas-sinovac-underperforms). Therefore why should I accept a hamburger when I ordered steak and that steak is available - even if I have to fly to another country to get it.  If you want to take Sinovac that's fine, go ahead and knock yourself out, but stop trying to "guilt-trip" me and others into taking it.


    In the meantime, I'll continue to stay safe, wear a mask, wash my hands and keep my distance from all people, especially those like you - who I have no desire to be around anyway.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Ridiculous numbers are the ones you put up. Especially as pretty much every country has admitted to under counting cases and deaths. If they even report them at all, as some don't.

    You’re not getting it, are you?  The 91,000 (90,908 rounded up) cases and 4,636 deaths for China are your numbers! I was pointing out to you how ridiculous they are - I was being sarcastic!!

    Did you not even read the above link you posted? 

  10. 5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    It's back to normal because of the measures they took.  The stupid switch is what they turned on here, and in India, Brazil, US, etc, etc, etc. 

    Back to normal???? IMO, a case rate of .00065 for 1.4 billion people and a death rate against those 91,000 cases of .0207 is "pretty much....normal"!! Especially, if you believe those ridiculous numbers.

  11. 3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    From what I've read, and heard from my friends who own factories there, life is back pretty much back to normal.  Cases are almost non-existent.  I mean pretty much none.


    5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    From what I've read, and heard from my friends who own factories there, life is back pretty much back to normal.  Cases are almost non-existent.  I mean pretty much none.




    Yes, those draconian measures.  I'm not saying they are good, but they worked.  As did shutting down borders.  It worked.


    Perhaps this will help you.  And yes, I'm well aware of freedom of the press issues there.  But that's not what we're talking about.



    Thousands of revelers join Wuhan music festival


    5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    From what I've read, and heard from my friends who own factories there, life is back pretty much back to normal.  Cases are almost non-existent.  I mean pretty much none.




    Yes, those draconian measures.  I'm not saying they are good, but they worked.  As did shutting down borders.  It worked.


    Perhaps this will help you.  And yes, I'm well aware of freedom of the press issues there.  But that's not what we're talking about.



    Thousands of revelers join Wuhan music festival

    Yes, those draconian measures.  I'm not saying they are good, but they worked.  As did shutting down borders.  It worked.


    Perhaps this will help you.  And yes, I'm well aware of freedom of the press issues there.  But that's not what we're talking about.



    Thousands of revelers join Wuhan music festival

    Somehow "pretty much back to normal" doesn't jive with a case rate of 91,000 and a death rate of 4,636 for a population of 1.4 billion people. As far as the draconian measures, where I know for a fact people were "sealed" in their homes and not allowed to leave - not even to buy groceries or medicines for their loved ones. Are you proposing the same is done elsewhere, including here in Thailand? As far as that pic you posted of the Wuhan super-spreader concert, well I won't even dignify that with a reply.

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