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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 35 minutes ago, ctxa said:


    I couldn't care less about what he does. Because considering he is driving a motorcycle and I am driving a car. He is gonna have a hell hard of a time trying to injure me in the slightest. And even if his lousy driving causes an accident and my car is damaged, he or his insurance are gonna pay for repairs anyway. So I don't really care. 


    I just used him as an example of how funny it is to see farangs bashing Thai people here in TVF (for many things, not just driving skills). And then you see farang doing same or worse. I don't know whether that guy comes to TVF to bash Thais, but it doesn't matter. Point is, not everything is as bad here in LOS as the typical bashers claims, and not everything is as good back in the west as they believe. And not every farang wear helmets like they seem to believe. 


    Anyway, truth is someone a few posts behind, made a very detailed and accurate depiction of the typical racist Thai bashers dumb as rocks. Of course, that doesn't include all farang here in LOS, and neither does it include all TVF members, many nice people both in TVF and in LOS. My rage was just directed towards the bashers. Not more not less. 

    Well, that said...I’m not a fan of Thai bashers either. I do get touchy when people try to judge me for not wearing a helmet though, because I’ve put well over 200k miles on all kinds of motorcycles and have not had an accident that would require one. I guess there’s always tomorrow and I fully understand the risks, but at the end of the day it is my choice to not wear a helmet. I also try to drive as tactically as possible to mitigate some of that risk, unlike the idiot in the picture you posted. I also would never consider getting on a motorbike in Bangkok - helmet or not. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/3/2021 at 3:21 PM, ctxa said:

    So the title of the post is pretty clear in itself, right? This post is meant for those which bash Thais all day for not wearing helmets...RANT OVER  

    How do you know said rider rants at Thai people? Seems to me you are upset with his lousy driving, which I can understand...but why are you judging him for not wearing a helmet? Why do you care? It’s not really your problem is it?

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The great and benevolent leader has already insured happiness. Now, he is showing the vast purity of his heart, by allowing the people to celebrate, and have some fun. 


    He is lowering unemployment.

    He is growing the economy.

    He is doing everything in his power to open the country up again, and increase tourism revenue.

    He is increasing exports.

    He is abiding by all of the terms of the ASEAN charters he signed, and allowing the duty free importation of all beer throughout ASEAN. Bintang, Beer Lao, Bia Saigon, Bia Huda, Bia Ha Noi, Dagon, Saigon Special, 333, are on all of the supermarket shelves as we speak. We are not longer subject to the very low quality local beers, as promised in the recent ASEAN charter, that Thailand agreed to and signed. 

    He is making visa policy easy, simple and streamlined, and all tourists are very happy about that. He is working on the attitudes of government workers, and making sure they are open and friendly to both tourists, and ex-pats.

    He is improving traffic and public safety.

    He is working day and night to eliminate the air quality issues, that have become a catastrophe for the nation. 

    Corruption is being eliminated, and innocent fall guys are no longer getting charged for murder, and being put to death.

    The taxi mafia on Samui and Phuket have been eliminated, and tourists can now get a taxi at a fair price. They are also adding multiple options of cheap public transportation on the Southern islands. 


    Life is better for all now that this great man is demonstrating his genius and vision on a daily basis. All he cares about is the welfare of his own people, and the happiness of both tourists and the ex-pat community. He contemplates this day and night.

    Wakeup, wakeup, spidermike!!! I’m sorry, you must’ve been having a good dream. 

    • Haha 1
  4. “...He claimed that as soon as AQ gets the nod from the CCSA Covid-19 authorities the tourists would flood in as this is just what they have been waiting for...Russians who would be leading the way...Apart from this...high spending Indians...”.

    OMG, the daily non-flying clown circus was pathetic, but it now appears we’ve digressed into full-blown desperation. 

  5. On 2/27/2021 at 8:55 PM, spidermike007 said:

    You could not possibly be more correct. It is rampant in the US. Between massage, escorts, Tinder, and the porn industry, millions of women sell their bodies. Far more than here in Thailand. But, most Western men have a very hard time wrapping their heads around that idea. 

    I don’t disagree, but the dynamics of the sex industry between the US and here are strikingly different. And you also have 5-times the population in the US, so there’s that. 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, RR2020 said:

    Has anyone noticed ?????????


    China is selling and exporting vaccine all over the world................


    BUT in China......hardly anyone is getting vaccinated.  At current rates China will reach herd immunity from vaccination in 6 years time......so around 2027.


    Why ???????????  Why are they not vaccinating their own people in any great rush......in fact.....super slowly.


    Very suspicious........and of course..........for Thailand targeting vaccinated tourists.........your not going to find many in China.


    China knows that the rest of the world are suckers and the Sinovac vaccine is for suckers.

    • Haha 1
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