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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 40 minutes ago, The Cipher said:

    This is an extremely interesting observation.


    As a member of a younger generation and a person who is generally not of the demographic that consider to be the typical site user here, I initially joined specifically because I was curious about the lives of the older guys that I see around but have no opportunity to interact with.


    The first thing that hit me as a newbie was the degree of negativity and xenophobia here, as well as the relatively uniform profile of the typical member here (if you're reading this, you are one of the unique ones, don't worry). It's a noticeably different atmosphere than the other online/offline communities in which I spend time and a very different vibe than I get from the younger guys in Thailand that I know. It often doesn't feel worth it to write good posts with high information content, and so I've mostly stuck around to troll.


    When I joined up, I imagined I'd make some older friends on here, and one day we'd all have a jaunt down to a British-style pub and I'd get to listen to war stories and it would be a neat little life experience thing. But now, I'm really not so sure that the average forumer is someone that I want to meet (again, if you're reading this, that does not apply to you. You are awesome!).

    This is great. It takes me back to recent years working in management consulting as an older 'sage' (if I may go so far as to call myself that!). In my late 50's I became good friends with many younger professionals/people like you and while it usually took some time, deep friendships were cultivated. I still correspond with many of my former young colleagues back in the states, even though I do, at times, struggle to understand their constant need to push forward without sometimes considering the consequences of their actions :).


    I always felt younger people appreciated that I came from an impoverished background and was relatively successful in my field. This resulted in a mutual respect that made it easier to have a dialogue and also helped form the foundation of a relationship, more than if I had just been some curmudgeon of a leader to them. 


    Me as said sage:


    While some may refer to this as 'Thailand's version of a good ole' boys network', what I find is there are some sharp tacks on here and it forces me to think before spouting off.

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  2. 1 minute ago, BE88 said:

    Spain i found a strange country nobody sleeps at night, and quite stressful, not really a relaxing country.



    I've heard that. There are some small towns outside of city centers in the north that don't seem to have that, though. I intend to stay clear of the southern/Mediterranean side and places like Madrid (except for short visits). Many of the small towns have decent infrastructure and you can even have your groceries delivered. I plan to also avoid the western part of Spain, which on paper has more rain and fewer sunny days.  One can own property in Spain, even as a non-resident.

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  3. 1 hour ago, meechai said:

    I think you can find beauty everywhere but of course it depends a lot on if you need to work etc

    That often determines for many their location


    That said I would be more than Happy in Girona & that would fit me as well as where I am now


    But if I could just pick & go I think these days it would be Andorra


    Good luck to you folks & glad your the type to know you don't have to stay anywhere if it is not working out

    Just slip out the back Jack...Make a new plan Stan 555

    I agree. Andorra is intriguing to me, we'll not be far from there. We don't need to work per se, but I'm helping my wife to realize her dream of opening a business that she has a strong passion and aptitude for. We're strongly considering Logrono and Pamplona at this point, but will take the first 6-months to get a good start on learning the language and determine where to finally settle. I would be curious to hear your thoughts about Girona some things that make it desirable to you - I've not researched it at all yet. I've been focusing my search more to the north, so as to avoid the vacationing hoards along the Mediterranean and the heat there as well.

  4. 42 minutes ago, driver52 said:

    have you been there before? An old friend spent some years in Northern Spain and hated it. It was brrrrr freezing in the winter, ok he was a few hundred meters up but he left for France

    quick q please, how does Hua Hin compare to Koh Chang?

    I’ve not been, I have friends there. It’s warmer where we’ll be in northern Spain and has warmer monthly temps than Colorado, where I’m from and Chicago, where I lived most recently. Koh Chang is nice, but due to covid was not as good as when we were there 2 years prior. It was a good place to be during covid as they had literally no cases there, but after 6 months there ‘island fever’ set in. They have some nice hotels and a few good villa properties there, but nothing like Hua Hin, which has much more to offer in terms of things to do and overall services and infrastructure. There are tons of villas here in Hua Hin that are cheap and nice and it’s been a great place to hang out during covid without getting bored. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, rumak said:

    I don't know first hand,  but others have mentioned Spain as a nice place to go to .  I am not European,  and now have reached an age where I do not want to look elsewhere unless absolutely necessary.     From your post,  appears that you are younger and still working .   I agree that Thailand would probably not be my first choice in that case , and actually am close to getting out of the rental business.

    Best of luck in Spain , let us know how things are after you get settled.    Rumak

    I’ll definitely let you know how it goes. I did a fair amount of research this time around, especially regarding some of the things I overlooked while I was here applying for retirement. BTW, I just turned 65 and while my body feels like it, with the various recurring aches from sports played years ago, mind-wise I still feel pretty sharp and I stay fit otherwise. It sounds like you’ve fit the life here pretty good and are happy here. Best of luck to you in the future.  DBath

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  6. 1 hour ago, WingFat said:

    You are of course free to characterize the US as a whole being a s**thole. Although having lived in LOS for 6 years and then back in the US for the last 10 years, there are still some decent places to live here. But if you choose to live in the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland OR, Denver, New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago and many other large metro areas they are mostly s**tholes that have been under the care of the same political party for decades.

    I was - of course - speaking generally... All those cities you mention have gone to the dogs. I've worked in every major US city and lived in Chicago, which is a mess, before I came here. Back in the 80's San Fran was a nice city, but now it's a dump. Grew up in Colorado and I can say I liked Fort Collins - as far as I know it's still a decent city. So yes, there are still good places there; I really miss the mountains and the change of seasons.

    • Like 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    The Delta variant is 'sweeping' through southern China.....

    Having lived and worked in China, I was recently surprised when a friend of mine sent me several photos of cities there that appear to be deserted. Then again, maybe ‘surprised’ is too strong a word. 

    These are cities where you would see hoards of people at all hours of the day. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. This may be a long shot, but I recently applied for residency in the EU and had to have my Thai criminal certificate ‘legalized’ in order for it to be accepted by said country’s embassy as part of the application process. This legalization was done by the Thai Ministry of Foreign affairs at their Klong Toey Station branch location. I’m not sure if they would do this for a bank document or if the EU bank would even accept it, but it may be worth checking. Since Thailand is not a Hague member, getting your document apostilled would not be an option. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, pagallim said:

    As mentioned, lots of posts and photos/videos on social media, otherwhelmingly positive.   A recurring theme though is people asking where on the island there is any life as where they are is 'dead' and though their hotels are OK, they want to move.   Sadly, these questions seem to originate from those staying in Patong.   Obviously there's been large problem with expectations.

    One can’t help but wonder what the impact is going to be on what might have otherwise been repeat customers. I think there will be many of those few who came, who were not expats, who will regret having jumped through all those hoops to come here.

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  10. 2 hours ago, jomtienisgood said:

    The jobless are moved to tears and sometimes extremes..... ( don't know if the word for taking away your own life is banned from the site. )

    My comment was total sarcasm and directed at the subject of the snippet I quote from the article - and the fact that these morons continue to let their ‘giddiness’ cloud their ability to think things through toward at least a reasonable attempt at resolution. 

    I’ve known a few poor souls who’ve contemplated ‘making an exit of their own choosing’, because they lost all hope. Most, but not all, worked in the tourism industry.

    Fortunately, no one I know has taken that final extreme step, though I can’t help but wonder about the overall impact it’s having on friends and family of those who have made that terrible choice or even those who are considering it. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Aint good means not good.


    Are you not able to comprehend?

    “Ain’t” ain’t a word…besides, you contradicted yourself by saying, “Too much pollution ain’t good…”. So, I guess that means a little pollution is good? Because it cools the earth? How much is too much?

    Sorry, but you flip-flopped and I also find your kind of logic extremely whacky. 

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