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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 18 hours ago, Muzzique said:

    You should point out the advantages to her.


    • You ensure that social distancing is maintained around you so protecting from COVID
    • You help keep the flies away from the Shrimp Buffet
    • You are unlikely to be put in the back of a police car or kept in a police cell
    • There's little chance of you cheating on her
    • Taxi's will take the shortest route to their destination to end the journey quickly
    • Supermarket queues will just melt away in front of you
    • You will encourage the use of facemasks in your community
    • You will get a table by yourselves in a restaurant


    And so many more.


    It's so easy just to see the negative side of poor personal hygiene...  


    I love your avatar, almost died laughing. 

    • Like 1
  2. Nobody likes a person who stinks. I remember once being in a taxi in Philadelphia and I literally had to stick my head out the window from the airport to the city, because of “Achmed” - the driver’s - horrible BO. 


    I’ve always had a hard time buying the excuse that some people have this natural problem of stinking under their arms, even when they claim to shower regularly.  I think many people just use this as an excuse to be lazy.  

    Regardless of the ‘dangers’ of using deodorant, I would absolutely do so if I thought there was any chance in hell that I stunk. I don’t want to be that person and neither should you!!

  3. 23 hours ago, JRG23 said:

    Through work I know many people based in China, mainly Beijing and Shanghai.

    All of them were vaccinated some months ago with the Sinovac dose (along with millions and millions of others in China).

    None of my colleagues report anything untoward. All fine and healthy and vaccinated.

    I'd take it.

    Good for you, go ahead and take it then.

  4. 8 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Do some research on how China dealt with the virus initially. Draconian measures that stopped the spread of the virus. And thus, the number of cases and deaths.


    Life's pretty much back to normal there.

    I've done my research and then some... I've lived there and even worked for the largest privately held telecom company in China, whose CEO and founder was former Chinese military and is still a high-level member of the CCP. My wife is also Chinese and we both still have very close ties to many people there - and what goes on inside 'the great firewall'. Life is not "pretty much back to normal there". Of which draconian measures do you speak? The ones where people were being locked inside there homes and even starving because they could not go out and even buy food? I can tell you that is true, but why would you imply those measures were even a success? Forgive me if I'm misinterpreting what you've written.


    I'm curious how you would make a claim that everything is "pretty much back to normal there"? What is your source of that information? And since you've done your "research" I'm sure you are also aware that most of what gets reported out of China is tightly controlled by the CCP. They do not have freedom of the press there, not by a long shot. 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, sharksy said:

    Many countries are under-reporting the cases and deaths, some enormously...

    Do you think China could be one of those countries? With only 90,872 covid cases and 4,636 deaths? Those are some ridiculous numbers there.  For a country of 1.4 billion people where the disease originated no-less, but that’s just my stupid opinion. 

    • Like 2

    Relative to whether or not China can be trusted with something as critical as a covid vaccine, regardless of the statistics, the link below provides a lot more than just examples of milk powder contamination by certain Chinese companies. According to the FBI, at one point earlier this year of the 5,000 or so counterterrorism cases on their books, almost half were CCP related. At the time this was announced, earlier this year, FBI Director Wray indicated the FBI was opening approx. 1 such case every 10 hours against the CCP. Can the Chinese be trusted? I have my own opinions, perhaps the information found in this link will help you form your own opinion. 

    (select “Categories” then “China Threat” from the dropdown). 

  7. On 5/14/2021 at 5:59 PM, mfd101 said:

    Here amongst the Khmer peasants they are considered symbols of good luck, so bad luck to kill them.


    We live with half-a-dozen or more, of varying sizes. I get to sweep up the droppings off the floor downstairs each morning. Almost never seen u/s in the main bedroom & library, thank goodness.


    Then there are the tokays outside, calling during the mating season. They get names like George or Edward or Henry ...

    What? No Elizabeth, Kate or Meghan?? Rather sexist, don't you think?

  8. 3 hours ago, Dazinoz said:

    I do. I have started up a GoFundMe campaign "Save The Geckos From AirConditioners".


    God bless you!!! ...Actually, this is he third article I've seen about geckos wreaking havoc on air conditioners. Good luck with the GoFundMe (last time I contributed to one of those, I got scammed out of all my savings, otherwise I would contribute). 

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, b17 said:

    Actually, I spend my days teaching in an international school. How about you?

    I didn't ask you about your occupation, so I could really care less, nor am I impressed.

  10. 2 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    My own green pass. Currently used to enter all of the above, plus malls, many shops, train stations, airports, even some fast food places, workplaces, government buildings, utility companies etc. 


    It shows my picture, my ID number, my vaccination status(different colours mean different things), had a QR code for scanning, and a check in facility for tracking. 


    I also think it's a good idea, right now it doesn't matter that people aren't vaccinated, no record of infection is another shade of green, but in the future I can see this changing.


    You may find yourself extremely limited in where you can go and what services you can access if the future if Thailand implemented a similar system. 


    On the plus side, I can go about my normal business.

    I don’t disagree that this may be where things are headed. That doesn’t mean I have to agree with it - ever. I also can see why some would prefer to avoid the hassle of not having a green pass, if that’s what it comes down to. I just get frosted with some on here, many have good research and statistics, but feel the need to add their arrogant, snarky comments on top of it and imply your ignorant for not being willing to take just any vaccine and that is a big turn off for me. I already blocked one such person here who fits that profile.  Ultimately, it’s my choice, until a higher authority tells me otherwise and for now that’s fortunate. 

  11. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Yet you are an anomaly like most of us who live the same way.  However, the "stupid, crazy government law or any other person dictating how I should live my life." is not entirely for just people like us, but for those who don't care to follow rules and is done to unfortunately protect them from themselves.  

    I’m pretty sure I implied this in my post and I agree (I think). There are many who defy or are too ignorant to follow the procedures, I just don’t believe I should be lumped in with those people and forced to do something I shouldn’t have to IMO. Especially when I happen to be religiously and diligently following all of the procedures. Some people here want to make forcing others to get a vaccine ‘a procedure’ and that’s what I have a serious problem with, because it’s my choice, for now at least. 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    Maybe Thailand should adopt similar measures that Israel has implemented such as the Green pass

    What is a Green Pass?

    The Green Pass is an entry permit to places or facilities for recovered coronavirus patients and vaccinated people. To be able to acquire a green pass, someone must have had both doses of a coronavirus vaccine. 

    You can enter businesses listed below if you present a Green Pass. Every person needs a Green Pass. Face masks remain mandatory.

    • Gyms and studios
    • Swimming pools
    • Restaurants and cafes
    • Hotels; minors who are not Green Pass holders may be admitted upon presenting negative coronavirus test results taken within 48 hours before arriving at the hotel
    • Stadiums, pitches, sporting events, and venues
    • Theaters, cinemas, and cultural venues
    • https://blog.wego.com/vaccine-passport-israel/

    No Green pass, No entry simple

    I’d have no problem with a green pass being implemented:

    • I workout at home
    • I have my own pool
    • Wife is an exceptional cook, so we never eat out and have our groceries delivered
    • While I do occasionally stay at a Marriott in Bangkok when I go there, it’s not a deal breaker for me not to
    • I don’t go to stadiums, sporting events, theaters or other venues

    While I’ve not made a decision to vaccinate or not, I will definitely not be getting vaccinated with Sinovac or AZ. I’ve said this before, and I have my reasons, which are nobody’s business. So, spare me the long drawn-out, over-analyzed statistics and don’t bother coming back at me with the ‘science’ about how everyone should be willing to take either of those vaccines. 

    That said, the ‘green pass’ suits me fine, with the added benefit of being able to avoid people like you and others here who want to try and dictate how I should live my life, simply because of those who are too stupid to responsibly do so. I’m healthy, happy, I always wear a mask and diligently wash and use hand gel every time I go out - and when I return. I avoid getting near or touching other people. I have everything I need and I certainly don’t need some stupid, crazy government law or any other person dictating how I should live my life.

    Anyone here care to provide me statistics on what my risk percentages are for getting or passing covid to others? I’d sure be interested to know, as I haven’t seen anything intelligently written about that.

    Regardless, it’s probably not going to change my opinion one iota. 

    • Like 2
  13. 20 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

    Farangs to register for vaccine from August.

    Farang to maybe get 1st vaccine in November.

    Waiting for 2nd on in March 22.

    All incoming foreigners quarantine for 3 weeks in state owned hotel for a friendly fee of only 8000 Baht/person/night, including a bowl of sticky rice.

    They think they can gouge their way to resolving the 1.5 trillion baht International tourism revenue shortfall by simply putting people in quarantine and charging 8000 baht per - it won’t even make a dent. They should be focusing on getting vaccines rolled out and stop with the smoke and mirrors, but they can’t even do better than a below average job of that. On top of this, they’re threatening people with hefty fines and prison time for not registering and for not taking the vaccine. The ignorance behind it all is just astounding...

    • Like 2
  14. 15 hours ago, bluejets said:

    Government been trying to push Sinovac but without much success, people say "haven't we had enough problems already".

    They won't be trusting anything that comes from China. 

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it turns out China is incentivizing Thailand to force the vaccine on everyone. And Buriram is just the pilot for a soon-to-follow nationwide rollout. 

    • Haha 1
  15. 22 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

    I'm right. If you think the army is going door to door to forcibly vaccinate foreigners against our will, then I think you've gone down the realm of conspiracy theory because that is never going to happen. The worst that could happen is we are given a week or so to leave the country. 


    I am justifiably concerned about this mafia threat by the Buri Ram governor, which at this point in time only applies to Thais. However, I don't think it will be easy to jail potentially hundreds of thousands of people. 

    Can you imagine the infrastructure that would have to be put in place to make this possible? I don’t see the governor giving up any of his ‘brown envelope’ money to build the kind of prison capacity that would be necessary to orchestrate such a ridiculously stupid and shortsighted plan. Notwithstanding the additional cost and effort it would require to administer it. 

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