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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Just when it suits me, of course...555.   Frankly, I'll bash/defend anyone regardless of party affiliation.  In your world, perhaps all Dems are required to hate all Reps.  I don't.  I just hate Trump. 

    I may have voted for Trump, but I resent people like you implying that I blindly follow him or am waiting for some “second coming”. There are people that do, I get that, but not all. It seems to me people like you would rather focus on that unproductive aspect than move forward. Or perhaps you’re just another non-American trying to get a rise out of everyone and enjoying it. You wouldn’t be the only one here by any stretch - pathetic, if that’s the case.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    "Still need him?'  55555  I need Trump in my life like I need a recurring case of hemorrhoids.  But since Trump's impeachment trial just ended and he just inserted himself into the news (putting out a statement to bash poor Mitch), I'd say he's still fair game.  Heck, this entire thread is about Trump...if you hadn't noticed his name in the thread title.  

    Oh, it's about way more than just Trump, buddy. "Poor Mitch"?  Wow, do you often stick up for Republicans, or just when it suits you?

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Morch said:


    No, not too late. Still a lot of them around. Many expecting him to come back few years down the line. Still a lot of influence on the Republican Party, Republican politicians and right-wing politics. And I do not assume anything, just got a functioning memory when it comes to posters, posts and positions expressed.


    So you get an "F" for the deflection attempt. and of course, the point still stands. Four years of Trump often acting in an erratic manner, focusing on minor issues, real and imagined slights, online flame wars and whatnot.

    Oh no, an 'F'?...yeah, well okay, that really hurts. I am sorry to say, however, you won't be living 'rent free' in my head, as Trump will be in yours, but then you and others like you still need him, don't you?

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  4. 4 hours ago, Morch said:


    Oh, look, a Trump supporter "concerned" about POTUS not doing dealing with important issues and problems, or having a questionable priority list.

    It’s a little too late to be a Trump supporter now, wouldn’t you agree? You assume too much. Regardless if one is/was a Trump supporter or not a Trump supporter, they should be “concerned” with such things, IMO. It’s those like you who seem to be living in the past and struggling to move forward, still haunted by the ghost of Trump. Perhaps therapy might help. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

    I have seen pics of this slip from various other offices, they are used in line with police order 35/2562 and they are - at least currently - only used for extensions based on retirement. So to answer your question, they seem to be centrally designed. If you are on any other extension / Visa, you will not have seen such a slip. 

    I did my 90-day for retirement last week in Hua Hin at Blueport Mall and had to do nothing out of the ordinary, like you did.

  6. 18 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I know in the past they have done differently, but now ? perhaps they would, perhaps they wouldn't one thing for sure, te republicans did, 

    What question do you have that the media has not asked? 


    My request is simple enough: give me one example where Biden has been held to a "high standard" is I think how you put it. You can't can you?

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  7. 52 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    You're confusing the Republicans in the House and Senate with the American people.


    More than two-thirds of Americans support Biden’s $1.9 trillion Covid relief plan, poll finds

    Nearly 70% of Americans support President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan, a new poll found, as Democrats struggle to win Republican votes on Capitol Hill.

    The $1,400 direct payments and $15 per hour minimum wage included in the package also have widespread backing, the Quinnipiac University survey showed.

    Republicans are wary of more spending after the passage of a $900 billion relief plan in December, and offered Biden a $618 billion proposal.




    That poll may be accurate and then again maybe not. I would be skeptical of any poll put out by CNBC, quite frankly. It may just be that people are hurting financially and want to get some relief, which they've had to wait too long for already. Regardless, it's going to take a lot more than that to heal the huge division that exists and for the country to begin moving forward. We will never be successful going forward being divided as much as we are now. I've not yet seen anything that would give me any indication Biden will be a man of his word.

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  8. 54 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Bident should be held to the same standards, If he lies , he should be fact checked, if he commits a crime he should be prosecuted, 

    Do you have any Biden lies you want to fact check? or any illegal activity you want prosecuted? 

    Are we talking about the same Joe Biden?  I'll bet you can't even give me one example where Biden has been asked a tough question by the media. That said how can one hope that Biden will ever be held to a fair standard? IMO, the media has done nothing but fawn over him, so far. I would love for you to prove me wrong.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    If it was a clown show , it was on the republican side. First " the trial should be after  the inaugurations, two weeks is not enough time" then "you can't have a trial after the inauguration, it is unconstitutional, and  one week is plenty of time " same than the clown show where you could not confirm a supreme court judge  during an election year for trump , but hurry up and confirm a supreme court judge in the last month of an election year for trump. 

    I think the A in the USA for republicans it stands for United States of Amnesia . 

    Not surprised you would say that at all - I expected it. I do think it's hypocritical of you to suggest the Democrats, especially in their current form, would have done anything different with regards to pushing through a SCOTUS nominee in the time allotted, had it been their chance to do so. There was nothing illegal about it, just a bunch of folks getting their panties in a wad over something that hadn't been done before.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Punitive to discourage other from engaging in the same. Isn't that the point behind crime and punishment? 

    I suppose. Just not to put on a clown show like we just saw with Democrats wasting everyone's time, when pretty much they and everyone else already knew what the outcome was going to be. Meanwhile the rest of the world, our enemies - and even some of our allies - are laughing at us. IMO it was nothing more than showcase of the left's never ending hatred for Trump that they just can't seem to put away. I realize a lot of it is Trump's fault, but not all and the blind hatred has fueled just as much of the division that exists on both sides. Perhaps those who hate America enjoy watching this division become greater...I don't.

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  11. 19 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    I couldn’t care less about what Trump wanted to put first. I’m just stating facts. You might wanna google Trump‘s popularity outside the US to see for yourself! Pew Research is a good point to start. 

    I don't care what Trumps popularity is. I have enough friends outside the US to give me a pretty fair idea that most of them don't like Trump - and I get why that is in some cases.

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  12. 19 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Trump said he wanted to put america first, but he didnt. He put himself first.


    some where too stupid to know it.

    So what? What does that mean? Biden gets a pass now? It's people like you who can't seem get over Trump, you just keep repeating the same things. It's time to move on. What will you do when there is no more Trump to talk about?

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