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Mark Nothing

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Everything posted by Mark Nothing

  1. My experience does not reconcile with this story. I inadvertently dropped my el cheapo smartphone in a bangkok taxi while being dropped off at my hotel many years ago. We agreed on a next day bangkok taxi ride and he showed up at my hotel too smiley. I was looking around the back seat for my phone and told him what I was looking for. He told me a 1,000 baht finders fee or he will keep my phone and pawn it.
  2. In my building it was a group of foreign owners volunteering on the committee getting the renovation kickbacks. The way they handled those too curious was to sue them in court using condo funds and making false accusations. They were eventually outed but it bought them several years time, made the whistleblowers appear guilty and they successfully extracted the kickbacks from the renovation budget. The scam was simple. They got multiple bids for work and chose the lowest of the wildly inflated bids. You are on very thin ice.
  3. I have not had much luck with cleaning soap products for grout once the discoloration of the grout sets in due to mold. My solution is to buy the variety pack of wire brushes with multiple sizes. They look like tooth brushes. This does the trick pretty easily eating through the mold and restoring the original grout color. But be aware to not scrub too hard as it can eat through too much grout or scratch the tiles.
  4. The hierarchical system in thailand does not contain a slot in the totem pole for foreigners. Once you realize this everything they do makes sense. Foreigners don't care about this, but they sure do. Everything revolves around who is situated on which rung of the ladder. There is a well defined pecking order and foreigners are not on it. Farm animals and even wild animals are in the hierarchy system. But not foreigners. Never have been and never will be. You should not try to integrate into thai society because you can't. The hierachical structure does not contain a slot for foreigners by design.
  5. All the Swiss I have interacted with in Thailand have been peaceful, intelligent, fair people, never looking to solve problems with violence. We still have not heard his version of what prompted the outburst. The many fights I have personally witnessed in Thailand commence with a verbal barrage before the fighting starts. For those not used to this verbal nastiness, it can trigger an uncontrollable violence instinct quickly, even from peaceful people. Not one of the many fights I have witnessed did police come. Assailants were not arrested. Courts not involved. Or news media even notified. I smell something fishy.
  6. It is out of your hands. If the time is right, the trap ensnaring you will be removed and you will be snapped out of your stupor.
  7. Thank you for notifying us about your being assaulted by a car. As a walker I have jumped up on the hood of a car twice in the last few years being agile enough to still do it as drivers intentionally tried to run me down. Other times drivers aim for me. This indicates a line has been crossed. During all my walks I have never witnessed a driver attempt to run over a street dog. Usually being overly slow and protective. There is a hierarchical system in Thailand and the rankings are clear. Your experience has just reinforced my experiences here and I will be even more careful.
  8. I enjoy reading opinions from different perspectives, even if disagreeing. But I default to the opposite side of those who use putdowns and sit up on their high horse because it indicates a closed mind, which is usually exactly wrong.
  9. Lots of industries already doing peak pricing. Airlines and hotels jack up rates for holidays and high season. When visiting family I can't do laundry during peak times as electricity companies vary useage rates according to demand. My sister would only do laundry after midnight. Free competitive markets should make this impossible.
  10. Another favorite is for the money exchange booth to reject a $100usd bill claiming a "defect" but for a 15 baht to $1 exchange rate they will make an exception. It is happening more and more each year.
  11. From my experience in a tropical climate perspiration soaks into the pillows and mold grows creating this unpleasant looking stain pattern. Simply soak the pillows in a bucket of bleach and clean normally in a laundry machine and the pillows will look brand new. Or just buy new pillows at a local retailer.
  12. Have you tried removing the weight of your concerns off your shoulders prior to sleeping? My method is a prayer prior to sleep. I unload my problems and request a good night sleep. An interesting result follows. The body obeys the command.
  13. I remember when trump was a Democrat and being interviewed by Rona Barrett in 1980 and he denied any interest in being president. Leopards don't easily change their spots. A nice way to access trillions of dollars of tax kitty would be for political parties to partner with each other and get the citizens debating meaningless issues like gays in the military, transgender toilets, or even what is the difference between a man and woman. The Trump Biden debaters are like watching a dog fight between two rabid dogs ripping each other apart while the owners reap the betting proceeds.
  14. Drop this issue. Sell your car. Realize where you are and the extreme limitations of the condo staff. In my building none of the staff can do their existing job at a professional level let alone expand services. Here are examples of my condo dealings. After getting trapped multiple times in lifts, I only use the stairs now. After getting ear infections in the pool, I quit using it as the pool boy is inept. The gardener couldn't figure out how to water the plants so I do it outside my room. The handyman doesn't have any tools when reporting for a call, so I do everything myself now. My condo car park has too many cars for the limited spaces and you could only park in the inconvenient dak areas, so I sold my car. In theory your solution should be simple to implement but it will only lead to problems.
  15. It is a two for one. Poison body and mind. The nocebo affect leads to more negative consequences than it otherwise would have without the "warning".
  16. Dear Zhounan, after watching family/friends being diagnosed with multiple prostrate ailments with scary names and expensive treatments that never seemed to permanently work, I embarked on a research project to fix mine. Books I read gave me the answer. When the human body takes in an overabundance of processed food/drink, the body deposits the undigested synthetic chemicals/inorganic minerals throughout the body, to include the prostrate. This gums up the mechanics leading to prostrate problems. To permanently correct the issue and flush out the impurities I ate more natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts, as well as drinking mostly pure distilled water. Plus regular 30 minutes daily exercise. Another helpful tool is to direct your body to obey your commands to function properly daily. Like a drill sargeant directing a new recruit. A prayer. Make health by design.
  17. I conducted experiments in my toilet bowl by not flushing and the unpleasant aroma gets worse and worse each day. Could the foul smelling fishy odor you experience simply be a reaction to the water in the toilet bowl from metal pipes sediment and chemicals added to water by water company? If you are asymptomatic other then that you may be concerned over nothing.
  18. I am antivax. Common sense dictates the theories they are following require reevaluating.
  19. To avoid this problem I set up a bangkok bank credit card and it is mostly problem free on ebay orders delivered to the location of my choosing. One of my buddies back home runs a 2nd hand shop from closing out estates and does an average of 50 daily sells on ebay. He said he finally had to discontinue selling to anyone overseas as so many problems getting burned by customers receiving orders and then claiming nonreceipt. Maybe this is one of the causes of additional safeguards ebay has implemented. I order about 30 ebay items per year for 20 years.
  20. The medical term for urine is plasma ultrafiltrate. I have never done plasma injections as filling a glass and applying directly on the skin by hand is simpler plus free. The skin varaciously absorbs the panacea going where required. A few years ago, I began daily rub downs of my entire body with plasma ultrafiltrate, enhanced further with a prayer for a fully functioning, healthy body and the results were excellent. Strength, balance, and muscle tone returned. The nuisance aches and pains of old age dissappeared. The unpleasant morning stiffness also dissappeared. A counterintuitive aspect of this is nobody complains of offensive body odor to me. God designed plasma ultrafiltrate for people, not concrete alleys. Lots of my contacts have had knee replacements and I would consider this an option of last resort due to months of recovery, the gruesome looking scar, the rehab nuisance, and one had a stroke shortly after knee replacement surgery requiring brain surgery and 2 weeks in intensive care unit.
  21. You have committed a social faux pas. They interpret your cordial, pleasant greetings as offensive behavior. You are not on the same pecking order as them, in their eyes and cultural hierachical rules, and you have no right to interact with them, as they are "superior". Far cry from the land of smiles facade isn't it? Only the possibility of a payday will temporarily trump the thai hierachical rules which has ensnared so many. Develop a thick skin. I ignore them completely as if they don't exist and eventually they won't.
  22. My condo walls have cracks just like yours. The solution I used to hide the internal wall cracks was a paintable fiber mesh wallpaper after filling in the cracks with putty. It looks much better. But some of the cracks were still visible so hid them with framed paintings or large mirrors. Then just learned to live with it. Better but not perfect.
  23. I adjusted strategy after watching all the knee and hip replacements required from friends who overdid the exercise rather then throwing in the towel. An interesting anomoly is understanding the component parts of your physical makeup which is actually under the control of your mental realm and using it to your advantage. The physical benefits of switching to a mental focus will reap great rewards in health and vitality. Physical exercise pales in importance compared to tapping into divine power to stay healthy. Start with a daily prayer. It takes 10 seconds. But is very powerful at producing the results you desire.
  24. Act in haste, repent in leisure. Great way to burn millions of baht and sit on an unsellable albatrose. You will get tired of watching your condo depreciate faster than your automobile. And you will be taking on the added hassle of maintaining everything in the condo. Rent. Make your life the pursuit of pleasure not pain.
  25. Have you considered the paradigm you are assuming to be valid could be in error? Have you considered that you are perfectly designed and you have the solution right at your fingertips? Should you desire perfect health and vitality, Free of pain the solution will come to you.
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