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Mark Nothing

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Everything posted by Mark Nothing

  1. I am removing all my ceiling fans after 20 years of use. They functioned safely, without any hint of dangerous problems. Living on the beach maintenance and cleaning became a real nuisance. Dust collects on my fan blades and if you don't clean them regularly, globs of moist rusted dust fling onto the walls. And I have been painting the corroded metal blades with primer and paint. It didn't work. Tacky result, but better than brown rust. The wood fan blades melted on me and drooped down, creating an unsightly affect. So I had to rotate them where fan blades curved up. The loud motor on my bedroom ceiling fan was too loud and squeeky to sleep. Now i use a little table fan. Quiet, convenient, and it functions to move the airflow. And replaced the ceiling hole with light weight led lights.
  2. They know why. It would be such a pleasure if they just came clean and stopped the charade of fear. I do not subscribe to the theories contained in virology because they don't reconcile with my life experience. In the life I live the common cold occurs due to mismanaging your immune system. Contributors include poor nutrition, overwork, excessive constant stress, excessive fear, marital disharmony, family problems, longhaul travel without sleep to name a few. So what science calls contagion is just multiple people eating the same bad food, or the stress of family fighting affecting the entire household. Mental state control is very important to health and vitality. These people have the ability to tune out the stresses so it won't break down their immune system resulting in a cold. I believe in the omnipotence of divinty to keep my body healthy. I tune out science and its false theories.
  3. The proactive route to health I enacted was to quit poisoning myself with denatured food and water. And removed the decades of accumulated poisons encapsulated in fat deposited in my body by fasting, exercising, drinking urine and distilled water plus a mostly natural diet. Mental state control is crucial to health as when under stress the immune system turns off which leads to ailments. So I developed multiple different hobbies to enjoy. I discontinued all contact with doctors and hospitals, not wanting to become a junkie addict.
  4. A splash of urine is the sunscreen I use. Applied daily as an aftershave. The interplay with the sun creates a natural synthesis of vitality. Wrinkles fade. A healthy skin tone results. I also use urine in the rare event of sunburns which eliminates the pain and eases the redness.
  5. If health officials were really concerned about kids getting fat they would inform parents that the human body's response to ingested poisons is to create fat to encapsulate the poisons for temporary storage until it can be eliminated. If you don't eat poisons, no fat is created. The way I reversed the obesity cycle was to quit poisoning myself with denatured food and eliminate the poisons encqpsulated in fat around my body by exercising, a natural diet, fasting, and controlling my mental state and stress to allow the magnificently designed human body to function as intended plus a magic bullet way. These empty expressions of concern by those masquerading as experts are insulting.
  6. Several posters have reported excellent results with the use of ivermectin to treat or prevent covid. I have more confidence in actual life experience successes over bogus clinical trials with predetermined negative results paid for by those with ulterior motives, which does not include what is best for us. Being an extremely dissatisfied former customer of medical science I also found extremely effective natural alternatives.
  7. Fact checking matters to my opinion. I carte blanche reject them. The opposite is more likely correct.
  8. I have been doing stem cell therapy for years with excellent, life changing results. All my ailments dissappeared. Health, vitality and a perfectly functioning body returned. Every day is a pleasure when you feel good. Back to my ideal body weight. Perfect sleep. An abundance of energy. Colds are history. It works on every ailment first time, everytime. No side affects. You create your own perfect medicine. Urine. Rich in stem cells. Urotherapy is the form of stem cell therapy I use. Daily drinking and topical application. The urine breaks down and eliminates the impurities deposited around the body from a denatured diet and poor quality drinks. Aches and pains dissappear. I keep doing it because it works. Plenty of books available to learn. My Father used to say "There is more than one way to skin a cat. It is nice to be self sufficient. And it is free. Good luck resolving your ailment.
  9. In a blind spot. Or she assumed he was going slower and just didn't make it. I try to never cross in front of moving vehicles. Very dangerous here with most drivers going the speed limit, but a few maniacs driving like lunatics.
  10. The lady seemed to wait for the first motor scooter to pass before trying to cross the road appearing to think she was clear. But then attempted to run at the last second before being mowed down. As a walker sometimes it appears that only one motorbike is coming when I cross roads as the second motor scooter is perfectly positioned to .
  11. I volunteered on two condo boards over the years and we unsuccessfully dealt with flat roof leaking problems using a multitude of remedies similar to your ideas, none of which worked. The penthouse owners were constantly complaining about leaks and black ceilings. Year after year we tried different solutions at big expense. Pooling occurred on the flat roof after each rain and concrete cracks developed and grew over the years. During heavy rain season the water drain pipes were too small to handle the volume of water to drain down, which caused backup of water and the roof flooded and the water entered condos. Your house design is very nice though.
  12. I have only heard of this one time. One of my single friends, while on foot walking in town had police request his passport. He didn't have it so they put him in the bed of the police pickuo truck and drove to his condo where he presented it to them. No fine. Case closed.
  13. I have been drinking distilled water for years with excellent health results with a home water distiller. A distiller heats the water and the steam recondenses to pure distilled water removing both bacteria and hard minerals. Bottled mineral water has the most concrete like sediment remaining at the bottom of my distiller. Bottled water has less but still plenty. Tap water has the least. So I use that. This concrete like mineral sediment built up in my body over the decades creating multiple health ailments. Drinking pure water was one important aspect I used to reverse the health ailments caused by the accumulation of mineral buildup. When your young it probably doesn't matter what water you drink. As the decades pass, your body accumulates the minerals which lead to ailments. Luckily the human body immune system can handle it by stopping to add excessive inorganic minerals. Plus there are other ways too.
  14. I don't recall ever seeing an item on a menu that costs a 50,000 baht rolex watch, bag of 5,000 baht cash, and getting beaten up.
  15. I treat my health like a statistical game trying to stack the deck in my favor as much as I can. One of the strategies I adopted years ago was urotherapy after researching the centuries of succesful results, reading dozens of books and the exceptional testimonials of profound life enhancing changes experienced by those with the positive self esteem to shoot for the stars. I Drink a liter of urine daily plus topical application. My weight went to ideal within a month. About 30 pounds lost. And has stayed steady for years. The urine eradicates the deposits of poisons encapsulated in fat around the body quickly. The urine tastes better on a natural food diet so it is easy to eliminate fast food and other denatured foods and drink. So many other profound life changing benefits too. Its easy, free, effective, and no side affects. Lots of books available with a simple google search. Good luck in achieving your goals in nutrition and weight.
  16. I do not agree with your 70+ year old expat friends. Improving the quality of your nutrition and reaching your ideal body weight will enhance your quality of life. I believe you can achieve your weight and health goals at any age if you desire it and follow the right formula. Avoiding poison food and drink that has been denatured is a good starting point. Your body encapsulates the poisons you ingest via the formation of fat cells stored around the body to prevent harm until it can be eliminated through the normal channels. This process works better when stress free. Develop new favorite foods and drinks that enable this. Forget about your old favorites. It is easy once you realize the denatured garbage is robbing you of quality of life.
  17. The strategy I use is to locate and correct the cause of the insomnia rather than treating the symptoms with tablets. Because the cause is still there. In the past I have had trouble sleeping due to life stresses. Such as before long haul traveling, final exams, court dates, job deadlines, relationship discourse, children goofing off, home purchase closing and anything that burdens the mind. By locating the cause of inner turmoil you can minimize or eliminate it so sleep can return. The ability to control your mental state is important. Don't let problems and life stresses agitate you too much. Take the weight of the world off your shoulders and proceed with life. Have some hobbies you enjoy to forget about life hassles. Exercise is very helpful too. I have been on urotherapy for years and sleep is fantastic. Author's report substance S is contained in urine which greatly assists sleep. 8 hours of deep, refreshing sleep waking up fresh and rejunevinated. A game changer. I hope you find what you are looking for.
  18. Stop all payments and cut off contact. Learn a lesson from the experience.
  19. I have been using urotherapy for years. Drinking and topical application of urine. It has far exceeded my wildest expectations. All of my ailments vanished. Positive health flourished. What is gross is those masquerading as experts providing this type of self serving hogwash recommendation.
  20. It sure can. I snort daily and no longer have blocked sinuses. It is such a pleasure to be self sufficient. It works first time, everytime. Free. No side affects. Lots of literature about it for those who desire an alternative.
  21. School libraries should not contain books innappropriate to impressionable young students. Some of the topics of banned books include changing gender, gay love, critical race theory and other absurd concepts not appropriate for students. Parents and officials protecting their children from this filth that tears down the fabric of society should be applauded.
  22. No, I do not read pharmaceutical inserts anymore because I have rejected both tablets and vaccines. Instead, years ago I transitioned to the devine medicine, urine, which returned my body to health and vitality.
  23. This is your wakeup call. Are you going to answer it?
  24. To remove the unpleasant odor from your armchair mix together a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a handful of baking soda, water and a squirt of dish soap. It works on mattresses removing all the odor and 90% of any staining. Apply liberally with a scrub brush. Put it in the sun to dry. If too heavy use a fan to dry it out.
  25. My well off contacts do this. They have money to burn but it gives them such pleasure to get something for nothing. Then they brag about it trying to one up each other. Incessantly for far too much time. One guy would dig through mcdonalds trash can for a coffee cup to get the free refills. These guys turn purple and green in the face after gorging at buffets to get full value. I think it is good not to waste food. But my upbringing this would be considered an etiquette foul.
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