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Mark Nothing

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Everything posted by Mark Nothing

  1. You have committed a social faux pas. They interpret your cordial, pleasant greetings as offensive behavior. You are not on the same pecking order as them, in their eyes and cultural hierachical rules, and you have no right to interact with them, as they are "superior". Far cry from the land of smiles facade isn't it? Only the possibility of a payday will temporarily trump the thai hierachical rules which has ensnared so many. Develop a thick skin. I ignore them completely as if they don't exist and eventually they won't.
  2. My condo walls have cracks just like yours. The solution I used to hide the internal wall cracks was a paintable fiber mesh wallpaper after filling in the cracks with putty. It looks much better. But some of the cracks were still visible so hid them with framed paintings or large mirrors. Then just learned to live with it. Better but not perfect.
  3. I adjusted strategy after watching all the knee and hip replacements required from friends who overdid the exercise rather then throwing in the towel. An interesting anomoly is understanding the component parts of your physical makeup which is actually under the control of your mental realm and using it to your advantage. The physical benefits of switching to a mental focus will reap great rewards in health and vitality. Physical exercise pales in importance compared to tapping into divine power to stay healthy. Start with a daily prayer. It takes 10 seconds. But is very powerful at producing the results you desire.
  4. Act in haste, repent in leisure. Great way to burn millions of baht and sit on an unsellable albatrose. You will get tired of watching your condo depreciate faster than your automobile. And you will be taking on the added hassle of maintaining everything in the condo. Rent. Make your life the pursuit of pleasure not pain.
  5. Have you considered the paradigm you are assuming to be valid could be in error? Have you considered that you are perfectly designed and you have the solution right at your fingertips? Should you desire perfect health and vitality, Free of pain the solution will come to you.
  6. The court requires a guarantee deposit or bail money to exit jail to wait for trial which can take many months, or years even. It appears the bail/lawyer costs was 700,000 baht. The alleged perpetrator also requires a court order signed by a judge to depart country for Germany. A good excuse is required. The German mentioned medical reasons in the article. The letter is presented to immigration at the airport. If he doesn't return for trial the 700,000 bail is forfeited and he will lose his case.
  7. There is nothing new under the sun. One author discussed his findings to your dilemma after marrying over 1,000 women, many of them foreigners. His findings say the predators ensnare their prey via lips as sweet as honey and a mouth smoother than oil, but in the end it is a fate more bitter then death. Over 3,000 years ago The Book of Ecclesiastes 7:26 and Proverbs 5:3 were authored by King Solomon, who said you know God is with you if you can escape her snares. Otherwise you will be susceptible to her balony. Severe all contact. Find a spouse in your own country.
  8. I have never experienced a hose failure on my washing machines here. That's because my housekeeper broke the machines before the hose could fail. A more valid concern is your wife or housekeeper stuffing 5 loads of laundry into one load and breaking your machine or bursting the interior tub. You will get very tired of calling laundry machine repairmen and having to fire your housekeeper after putting all the bedding in one load. I would focus more on that issue.
  9. I have seen mostly negative affects since marijuana was legalized. A shop opened up next to one of my coffee shops and the workers and clientele look like criminals. Tattos up their necks. Driving beat up cars and motorbikes. Driving wrecklessly knocking over my friends parked motorbike while we were enjoying a coffee. Driver was in a stupor. My condo maintenance boy who has never been any good, doesn't even bother to bring his tools to repair jobs and tried to sell me marijuana instead of fixing my maintenance problem. He probably pawned tools. My regular fruit vendor lady was smoking joints while working, and then she couldn't figure out how to make change or how much her fruit costs. Out of business now. Driving on the roads has always been attrociously bad but now they aim for me while crossing the streets. That is a new phenominon. This legalization has been a big mistake and needs correcting.
  10. King Solomon, the richest man to ever live with an estimated $2.3 trillion usd net worth in todays dollars, enjoyed every pleasure in life, to the fullest. He had much experience with foreign women and it always turned bitter. He said you know God is with you if you can avoid her snares. If you are devoid of God, you will be ensnared resulting in vexation of spirit, or poisoning of your soul, which will be more bitter than death. Ecclesiastes 7:26. He is talking about the pursuit of power between your body's desires and your soul's. Like a horse and jockey. A good jockey controls the horse. A bad jockey lets the horse be in control. You are letting your body steer you in the wrong direction. There is nothing new under the sun.
  11. I always go for the simple, easy solution before jumping to complicated measures. I had the dizzyness problem too. You are not a teenager anymore. Slow down, quit rushing around. Count to 5 before standing up out of bed. This solved my dizziness problem and it went away completely. If you are doing a lot of airplane travel vertigo can result too. I used to have the allergy blocked sinus breathing problem at night while trying to sleep. A handful of urine snorted daily in the nostrils returned my breathing to perfectly functioning airways again. Taking the initiative and directing your body to respond to your requests is helpful too. Make health a habit by design. I say daily prayers for a healthy body and strong immune system. The result is a body that responds as directed. Like a drill seargeant directing a new recruit.
  12. There is a first hand account of what Heaven is like. The book of Enoch, written by Enoch describes his trip to Heaven at God's invitation. Enoch, born 3,382BC is the 7th generation from the first man Adam, and the Grandfather of Noah. Enoch enjoyed his trip and requested to stay in Heaven, which was approved. Youtube audio books has the Book of Enoch available and it about 4 hours long.
  13. I am outraged at the senseless waste of a valuable product. Collecting the sample for later consumption cures a hangover cold.
  14. A common theme of the Bible is punishment coming to those who depart from God. Like those who worship money have to spend their whole life chasing it and taking care of all their possessions. Most never realize they are chasing the wind. Or those who worship doctors get taken to the cleaners by insurance, testing, treatments, tablets and have to live in pain with the side affects and fear. When the Bible clearly lays out how to avoid this obstacle. Other gigantic problems like natural disasters and accidents are beyond our scope of comprehension. Maybe it makes us appreciate good times more. Or a future gain comes from a current catastrophe that otherwise would not be possible.
  15. This is the new way to say wine prices will be increased.
  16. You are two parts. A body and a soul. Learning to nourish your soul housed in your body pays significant dividends. The soul of King David in the Book of Psalms was present on the night of his conception, which means every person is born by intelligent plan. Even one night stands. A body without a soul is a corpse. The soul is alive and contains your emotions, intellect, and potential connection to God, should you wish to turn it on. King David's son, King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiates reported the beginning of wisdom is reverence for God. The rest is chasing the wind.
  17. If your objective is the pursuit of pain and low returns then you have found nirvana. Your low rent tenants will feel obligated to destroy your already depreciating property to get full value of rents paid requiring you to pour more money into the deep black abyss of losses. My recommendation would be to drop your proposal and find a new strategy.
  18. He who spares the rod, hates his son. But he who loves him is careful to discipline him. The teacher from Buriram probably has a lot of experience watching homes and farms lost via gambling. The student playing online cards needed to learn an important lesson. This teacher is a hero in my book.
  19. The fruits you grow on your tree of life tells you if God is present with you or not. You know by the fruit. Is the fruit juicy, sweet and nourishing or toxicly poison, if it even exists at all? If you have battles with strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, envy, sorcery, idol worship, divisions, drunkeness, orgies, impurity then God's spirit will disappear and eventually it will not exist in you and you have killed your tree of life. The signs God is present in the fruit of your tree of life are kindness, generosity, patience, peace, goodness, modesty, kindness, joy, charity, self control, faithfulness. The spirit you allow into your soul determines the fruit. God works his magic if you open the connection and ask him. Every area of your life will flourish. Otherwise he won't and the results in life will show. Most likely health ailments.
  20. At best drivers here treat pedestrians like an insect in the road. But lately they have been aiming for me. Regularly. I never cross at zebra stripe pedestrian crosswalks if it can be avoided. Half the drivers ignore them. And motorscooters burst through blind spot gaps between cars at high speed. I never cross the street in front of moving vehicles. Wait for them to stop if possible. It has gotten so bad, I say a prayer asking God to keep me safe before venturing out on the roads.
  21. A good way to experience God's power is to use his products to enhance your life. Living water is a panacea that will return your body to perfect health and turn on the connection to God' spirit in your soul. If you knew the gift of God you would have asked, "Give me a drink", and he would have given you living water. John 4:10. Living water will cleanse you of your impurities and all your false idols. It will put a new spirit in your soul and it will take the heart of stone out of your flesh. Ezekial 36 : 25-27. Living water 5 years now. Outstanding results. The inorganic minerals clogging up my body with gout, arthritus, prostate problems, stiff joints all dissappeared. God knows what he is doing. The Bible is full of stories showing the punishment of those who pursue false idols. And it got me thinking that lots of people appear to worship hospitals and pharmaceuticals instead of God. Their punishment is the side affects, costly insurance, never ending treatments. The miracle of Living water has no side affects and has worked on every one of my issues. It is God's gift to those who desire it.
  22. This is an area where pedestrians cross to the middle of the road while waiting for a clearing to fully cross. My closest calls when crossing a busy street like Thepprasit Rd is when a car stops to let me cross and then a motorbike in a blind spot comes around the side at high speed. You have to jump back quickly as motorbikes gun the engine, or they will mow you down. Lately motorbikes speed up and aim for me as I cross the streets. Like a sport.
  23. No, I no longer trust these experts as my objectives are not compatible. After watching how affectively they scared people for years, and turned large chunks of the populations into hypochondriacs by bombarding them with fear, I tried using the opposite approach. My strategy is daily positive affirmations of health and vitality as an immune system booster. Along with good diet and exercise. Plus a few other natural products.
  24. My Grandmother and Mother used to have conversations with God while doing housework. It seemed to help them organize their day and ensure everything was done. And keep love flourishing in the household to keep the family unit in tact. My strategy is to go where God is and talk to him in his environment. The first page of the Bible tells you where he is and how to light up the power. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. God's spirit moved upon the face of the waters. And God said let there be light, and there was light. I go to the ocean where God is and ask his spirit to provide the light to me. Currently I am asking him to help me understand the Book of Isaiah. You can ask anything you want, whatever pops into your mind.
  25. I like straight answers, in simple language, that is simple to implement, and shows immediate positive benefits. This opposite of this article's goal. The Bible is my health inspiration. In the Book of Genesis many of the characters lived to be over 900 years old. So I studied what they did to try and replicate it. This was a time when pharmaceutical companies speaking a foreign language, medicalese, did not exist. First off was perfect diet, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and pure rain water. Food and water was free of synthetic inorganic minerals made in a laboratory like today. My water distilling machine has a thick concrete like residue after distilling bottled water which appears similar to the arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries cholsterol buildup. The second important element was proper mental health free of worry allowing a fully functioning immune system. The first characters in the Bible spoke and met directly with God. This seemed to make them extremely healthy mentally allowing the immune system to operate at full power to eliminate any impurities clogging up the body. So I implemented this practice to ask God to bless my food and keep my body healthy with a daily prayer. The ailments dissappeared, and full healthy life resulted. I equate medicalese language as a tiger ready to pounce on his prey. So I run for cover when spotted and avoid it.
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