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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 3 minutes ago, amvet said:

    4 people died of rabies in Thailand in 2012.  Is that endemic?  Thirty-four cases of human rabies have been diagnosed in the United States since 2003.

    I counted no less than 57 stray dogs on my way to 7-11 this morning....about 1 kilometer/half a mile away.


    Tough to count the buggers as you drive. I normally have all my radar out for psycho motorcycles, but it was early & not much traffic.

  2. 11 hours ago, speedtripler said:


    22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Shame they don't show as much interest when it comes to "Boss" Vorayuth. One suspects a large number of police and Public Officials are complicit in allowing that murdering scumbag to run away.

    In a Thai  murder case, I think you have to had the intent to kill the victim

    Policemen shouldn't block speeding vehicles with their bodies 

    I almost ran over one of them once with my bike but luckily he jumped out of the way 

    I think if the Ferrari guy went to court, he would get off with an accidental death verdict


    I almost ran over more than one. Fricking suicide death traps is what they do.

  3. 22 hours ago, webfact said:

    He had received a report from military chief Suwit Laklang that the casino, already raided by the army in April, was continuing to operate without fear.


    Evidence gathered pointed to the operation having a turnover of 14 million baht, he said. And it was in operation 24 hours a day with a steady stream of visitors.

    However.....we didn't see it, as they were paying us off.


    They quit paying us, so we decided to raid it.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

    Maybe the book was in the glovebox, would still need a copy of her ID and forge her signature though.


    But I agree, much more to this than what is being reported.

    VERY easy to forge a Thai signature.


    My with had to fill out the immigration form at Swampy. The first time she signed it in Thai, but the IO made her do it again in English????


    She writes English better than I do, but has no "signature on file", in English nor Thai.


    I seriously doubt they have any handwriting analysts in Thailand, & since it was an "expensive car", they'll want 10,000 baht to even step outside their office.

  5. 3 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    "Mr Pravit received the CPJ’s International Press Freedom Award this year."


    Yes, but did he win a robot contest ? 


    Thailand has never cared for press freedoms sadly, and even less for those Thais journalists who are celebrated. 

    Freedom in Thailand is here, as there is pretty much zero law enforcement.


    Make it public though via Facebook or Youtube & then the gloves are off.


    You "Damaged the image"...Gotta keep that image in tact!

  6. 2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Don't knock the "crotch rockets".  Different strokes for different folks.  Personally, I love them.  When my wonderful wife of 17 years finally succumbed to cancer, I sold our house, sold my business, bought a brand new Ninja 650, slapped on a sleeping bag, and hit the road.  Over the next 4 years I hit every state in the Continental U.S. Good helmet, good boots, full body armor, and only needed it one time on the highway to Reno when I got surprised by a sudden desert downpour and had to lay the bike down.  No damage to me, and minimal (mostly scratched paint and broken left side mirror) to the bike.  


    I have nothing against cruiser type bikes, but just not my style.  And my best friend here in Chiang Mai just bought his 2nd new Harley in 4 years.  Beautiful bike,  and he loves it, but just not my style.  I've had CBR 250's, and a CB300f, which I had to sell after only a year to help pay for my heart by-pass surgery, but now I'm looking at the new BMW G310 for sometime around January or February.  Yeah, old age (I'm 68 now) has slowed me down a bit, but 300cc to 500cc is just fine for me. 


    One thing I found out for sure is that one needs to be  110% AWARE on a bike.


    I had my Honda 350 Enduro back in the 1980's and rarely ever drove it on a highway.


    I had 650 +++ acres back then to do as I pleased.


    I tossed back a few beers one day & took off on that thing......BAD IDEA! I was 19 or so & learning life lessons.


    In my invincibility I ran into a barbed wire fence.


    I laid it down at the last minute & other than a few bruises & scratches I was OK.



    Moral of the story, = One must have ALL his witts about himself/herself when on two wheels.


    Same for 4 wheels, but two wheels is even worse.


    If it has wheels & I've had 3 or more beers, I ain't touching it. DOUBLE not touching it if it's a bike.


    This gal seems to have just been born as a wannabe blonde.


    Good on the BIB for doing their jobs on rare occasion...Though they probably only did it because she made them "Lose Face" in front of a boss.

  7. 38 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    I was asked for 80.000 THB for a line in Phuket in the end of the 80s, bought a mobile phone instead.

    My wife is 43, born in 1974.


    The did not get electricity in Prasat, Surin until 1986. She was 12.


    When I first went there in 2000, they still had phone booths (the kind Superman ran into to change clothes).


    Ancient outdated, & ridiculous.


    They just finally got DTAC coverage a few years ago out there....even though there was a 1,000 foot tall tower not two miles away.


    I recall someone sending me a 1 mb attachment via email when I had dial-up & a 56k modem from AIS.


    It would constantly shut itself off & 1 mb was like downloading the Library of Congress (or so it seemed).



    The young gal should not blame late buses on Thailand, as it happens all over the world.


    Tech takes time to integrate in a corrupt society. It took them what 3 or 4 YEARS? to decide who would get the 3G contract!


    If anything, she should start at ground level & complain about all the "Brake Failures" on Thai buses.

  8. 10 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    I doubt if me becoming vegetarian would change a damn thing, any more than my bit towards recycling, especially in Thailand The planet is hugely overpopulated and polluted, and we're gobbling up resources like there's no tomorrow.   

    Some of those resources are pasture land etc to feed the beef.


    Sorry we have to eat nice cows & all that namby-pamby BS, but that is life.


    Yes, the bear should have never been taken in by anybody & just left in the wild.


    Yes the drunk got some "Som nam naa".


    Man has has been eating meat since we were Neanderthals. The world has yet to stop turning.


    BTW....If you ever find yourself towards the south end of Walking Street in Pattaya, try the Kobe steak at the Right Spot Inn restaurant. Best steak in Thailand!


    Francophone next door has the best chicken kebabs I've ever had.


  9. 10 minutes ago, wvavin said:

    Do soldiers take up INACTIVE POSTS?

    I have worked around hundreds of them. RTA, RTAF and RTMC.


    I never saw any other than the RTMC doing anything besides lay around in the shade.


    The RTMC I worked with in Sattahip are pretty impressive. The others are lackadaisical at best. I met an RTMC guy in Sattahip that looked like he could pinch your head off with two fingers, spoke perfect English, and had just finished US Navy SEAL school...They had him out there as a gate guard???


    The Air Farce does know how to burn fuel in their F-15' & F-16's up around Korat though...

  10. The bear got sick off eating Lao Khao infected flesh.


    #1 the bear should not be held the way he is being held & I'm a guy that thinks shooting  99% of the stray dogs in Thailand would be a good thing.


    #2, well it goes to show, that there truly is no telling what kind of trouble a drunk can get himself into.


    #3 Here's a Happy Bear in captivity.



  11. 1 minute ago, DM07 said:

    Amazing Thailand- where you take a gun to a music pub and actually can get it inside!

    I pack a Sig Sauer .357 almost everywhere I go in the USA. I'd never DREAM of taking it into a drinking establishment.....Granted Tawan Daeng is not a go-go bar...I've been there several times, got sauced & took a taxi home. There are many people sauced up, having a good time.


    Bringing a pistol out and waving it around can get you 5 years or better in a country where people have an iota of brains...Err, where laws are enforced I should say.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    Don't knock the "crotch rockets".  Different strokes for different folks.  Personally, I love them.  When my wonderful wife of 17 years finally succumbed to cancer, I sold our house, sold my business, bought a brand new Ninja 650, slapped on a sleeping bag, and hit the road.  Over the next 4 years I hit every state in the Continental U.S. Good helmet, good boots, full body armor, and only needed it one time on the highway to Reno when I got surprised by a sudden desert downpour and had to lay the bike down.  No damage to me, and minimal (mostly scratched paint and broken left side mirror) to the bike.  


    I have nothing against cruiser type bikes, but just not my style.  And my best friend here in Chiang Mai just bought his 2nd new Harley in 4 years.  Beautiful bike,  and he loves it, but just not my style.  I've had CBR 250's, and a CB300f, which I had to sell after only a year to help pay for my heart by-pass surgery, but now I'm looking at the new BMW G310 for sometime around January or February.  Yeah, old age (I'm 68 now) has slowed me down a bit, but 300cc to 500cc is just fine for me. 


    I very much like a 350 CC Honda Enduro.


    They'll do 90 MPH/144 kph. Quite capable of highway speeds. It has tags and lights.


    Never cared for the cafe racers though.


    I had a buddy who was into them. He's dead now (at 50) due to running around like an idiot with it.


    I rode my Harley Dyna Glide at 110 mph/176 kph for an hour once on an open highway.


    It was fun....ZERO traffic in a desert so I was the only one in danger....I had a helmet on! :stoner:



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