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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

    Even for Pattaya or Phuket, this sounds audaciously odd.


    10 pm is a bit early for this kind of violent mugging. Also the vehicle of choice is always a motorbike not a pick-up.


    Was there an altercation leading up to it? Perhaps relating to crossing the road in an un-Thai manner.


    Thais like to do things in a habitual manner, even robberies. The correct way to do this in Thai culture is to pull the bag from the victim whilst riding pillion on a motorbike and stab them if they resist.

    Yeah sounds like road rage lunacy. Glad it was a stick and not a sword.

  2. I guess The Nation staff left their calculator at home.


    She lost 18,000 baht (not 15,000 baht)  & a phone... Hang on.....maybe I'm wrong, but the article is confusing.


    "She said she woke up on a footpath and it was raining. Her handbag, which had contained Bt3,000 and 3,000 yuan (Bt15,000) and a Huawei phone, were gone."


    Is 3,000 yuan 15K?

  3. 11 minutes ago, Pridilives said:

    Goog god. Only an American can write such nonsense. 

    Only capitalist work hard for money - like Wall Street you mean. Banker produce nothing but take billions dollars. Global financial crisis 2008 create how many job. Bailout cost how many billion. 


    Best system is is welfare state like Canada Australia and Scandinavia country.


    you can think anything you want about yingluck or thaksin or anything just have to remember opinion is not fact.



    I was referring to my Thai brother-in-law really. His name is Na and now lives near Prasat, Surin.


    Not Wall Street bankers who are are so deeply in with Washington.


    The guy had NOTHING, but a motorbike to start. Married my wife's sister, and grandma/grandpa took care of their first baby, while he made 25,000/month as a moto-taxi driver, and his wife worked in a factory making about 15,000 a month (I'm taking a wild guess as their salaries).


    They saved money and Na bought a tractor to plow farms in Isaan. He now has 4 tractors and 5 guys working for him and makes around (guessing again) 100,000 baht per month.


    He has a nice truck, decent house, and just works his butt off all day.


    Should the government take money from him to feed those who think others are "Rich" and have no ambition?


    If they did, then many more people would lose out. No plowed fields = no harvest = he can't feed his kids.


    Allow the man to be free and thrive. He WORKED for it! Allow him to enjoy the fruits of his LABOR.


    Labor seems to be a word that socialists cannot comprehend.



  4. 2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Let him stay but I hope he heeds the advice of many people to stop some of his silly nonsense > he is on shaky ground as he made many Thais lose face with his ridiculous video mocking Thais English proficiency.  For a person who speaks Thai he knows little about Thailand and its culture and social mores.

    Here's some Thai "Social mores" for you.





  5. 2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Let him stay but I hope he heeds the advice of many people to stop some of his silly nonsense > he is on shaky ground as he made many Thais lose face with his ridiculous video mocking Thais English proficiency.  For a person who speaks Thai he knows little about Thailand and its culture and social mores.

    I daresay you know less?


    60% want him hung from the nearest tree, yet most of the comments here are of the "Live & Let Live" nature.



  6. Capitalism vs Populist/Socialist idealogy... my view.


    A capitalist works hard, earns money and re-invests his money, to make more money. Along the way he creates jobs for people with no money.


    Along the way the lazy socialist will say "That's not fair! He has more money than me!"


    Now, in Thailand, who you know, many times, but not always, making money is corrupt to the core.


    Not & never will say Thaksin is whatever (guilty or not - I'm not a judge), but he worked at KFC in college, in the US & created AIS, that employs how many thousands of citizens?


    I 'think' Yingluck is a pawn & Thaksin was trying to buy his way back in,


    Prime ministers/governments who can grant amnesty come & go like vendors on a street bar in Pattaya,


    Before you reply hating Thaksin, are you using AIS?


    I do not like nor hate any of them. I'm apolitical the world over, as I believe they are all crooks. But Thaksin did start something that many people find useful, unlike General P, who has done naught but roll out tanks and clean up a few beach chairs.



  7. 9 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


    "he has not been back since"


    Actually he returned for several months in February 2008, when PPP were in-power.





    "He was not there at the trial"


    He was there, but left with the court's permission to attend the Beijing-Olympics, and failed to return for sentencing.




    " Six months after returning from exile in triumph, Thailand's former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra fled to London on Aug. 11, the same day that the former Thai leader and his wife were due to face corruption charges in Thailand's courts. "


    I stand corrected. Thanks.

  8. 8 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Ah, so that is what you chaps mean when you talk about putting gravy on your biscuits. I always thought it would melt the chocolate on the digestives, and make a most unpalatable mess of a custard cream...

    By the way, are "grits" something you use to surface your garden path?


    Nice thing to do by the way.

    Intermission over - back to the political sparring.



    Grits are hominy, which is a type of white corn. They taste like utter SHIT without salt on them. Very much akin to rice.



  9. 6 minutes ago, JAG said:

    I'm far from being a socialist, in UK terms I consider my self a conservative with liberal views - note the use of the lower case - although I suppose to some I would appear as a raving commie!

    But, given the way in which one particular small clique have looted this nations wealth I would rather approve of a government which "spends other people's money until it runs out." If socialism involves confiscation of wealth through punitive taxation, and redistributing it for the the benefit of the poorer sections of society, in this country's case, yes.


    That sounds SO GOOD in theory. Too bad reality doesn't work like theory.


    I wish it did.

  10. 4 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

    McDonald's is as good a place as any to begin.

    So THAT"S why MD burgers taste like buffalo!


    Old story (VERY FUNNY) told to me by a US Army (Ret.) Bird Colonel about hauling a buffalo around. 1964 or so he was a young 2nd lieutenant with MACV in Vietnam.


    They sent him and a driver to take a water buffalo from village A to village B.


    Big 2.5 ton truck & they thought it was a US Army water buffalo, which is a 500 gallon potable water trailer.


    Nope. This one had a ring in his nose.


    They managed to get the truck backed up to a hill, (the bed of a deuce is 5 feet off the ground). They got the monster in there, but it only had sideboard about 2 feet tall & no tarp on it....This animal is going to nuts when they take off.


    Got on the radio & village B was just going to eat it.


    Lt, Pufahl whipped out his .38 revolver & shot it between the eyes. Buffalo just looked at him like he was stupid.


    He shot a couple more time to no avail when some Marines came by with rifles & he asked one to shoot the buffalo for him.


    Marine popped him in the ear & he was dead as a hammer, but rolled over to the left and fell out of the truck.



  11. 2 minutes ago, koshiru said:

    Definitely deported. People don't see the dangers of his pranks. Eg imagine if your family were up on the train and that train derailed due to the coins being placed on the tracks causing death or serious injuries to a fast moving train, let's see if you would sum it as a youthful prank or nothing wrong with it attitude. 

    I was putting nickels on railroad track in the early 1970's in Florida. Granted I was about 8 years old, out there with a 14 year old brother that put me up to it.


    That seems to be Nate's target audience.


    Yes it's illegal to trespass on rail lines. The guy got a 5,000 baht fine.


    Case closed. He's a retard, YES, but he paid his fine. Leave him alone I say.



  12. 16 minutes ago, Pridilives said:

    Wonderful strategy for make world better place. Not!

    Hey man! Go save them whales in Pattaya!


    Knock yourself out! More power to ya! I'm too old to try & change something that will never change.


    There will ALWAYS be turmoil and strife somewhere in the world.


    There will ALAWYS be nice places that are thriving. I prefer the latter. Yes I have ties in Thailand & I love the place....for a visit.




  13. The guy is annoying. Yes I watched him for 10 seconds once.


    A few billion other things are annoying in Thailand that I'd like to see deported too, but, I say "Live and let live".


    Who am I to judge?


    Nate isn't stealing food off my dinner table, so why hate the guy?


    He hasn't robbed any banks, hasn't molested any kids/raped any women. No murders either.


    Chin up folks & realize that you cannot hide behind "Culture" that never changes.


    Personally, I'd like to break his nose, but I can say the same about many famous people.


    He's kissing the court's asses, paying his fines.


    What did he or that irritating Kim Kardashian ever do to hurt you personally?


    I can't stand either of them, but I tend to not judge other folks...I just tune them out.

  14. 8 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Thaksin didn't even appeal against his guilty sentence.

    I'd never claim the guy was/is innocent of shady/corrupt deals, but I thought he got sentenced "in absentia"  (He was not there at the trial).


    He went to a UN meeting & they rolled out the tanks while he was gone & he has not been back since.


    Hardly a fair trial with a pack of opposition occupying the airport. Why bother to appeal?


    He raped & pillaged the coffers as best he could & now sips martinis with Russian & Chinese hookers in Dubai.


    Getting his sister elected appointed/whatever it was, backfired on him. They rolled out the tanks again.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Pridilives said:

    Yingluck trial last long time because nonsense charge. Junta just want to yingluck out of politic. Money influence a lot in Thailand but this case yingluck not about money is purely about politic. Thanks in billionaire but judge still convict. Why. Because about politic. Money  is NOT a lot do with it. This 100% politic.

    Controlling politics is nothing more than controlling money.


    I'd guess there are maybe 2 politicians on the planet with the people's best interests at heart. From Uganda, to the USA, from Thailand to Tanzania.....It's ALL about POWER.


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