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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 2 hours ago, madusa said:

    You keep your fingernails very short? You don't carry a penknife in your bag or backpack?

    If your fingernails crack while trying to open the  seals then you are short of calcium and magnesium. Your nails should be able to crack the seal, strong fingernails. 


    More like short of interest in fiddling w/ the aggravating things.


    I've stabbed a few water bottles to get at the contents.


    I usually hand it to the female & let her do it.


    I don't carry bags nor backpacks (unless you count that night I carried one home from the Thermae at 0400 hrs, 18 years ago.

  2. 2 hours ago, IDP1 said:

    My dog loves to swim too. But I don't jump on him or hold him submerged under water. This is the difference between swimming and water boarding, and it's disgusting.

    Some folks get offended/disgusted at everything I suppose.


    Can you read the elephant's mind?


    For all you or I know, he might be enjoying every minute of it.


    Kinda like this dog appears to be doing.


    Elephants and dogs can be trained, but you'll be hard pressed to force either to do anything they don't enjoy doing.


    How, exactly, can a man hold an elephant under water?



  3. 14 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    more and more and more attempts to control


    From an unrelated article, but it applies here.


    In 1483, just as Johannes Gutenberg’s new moveable type printing press was spreading across Europe, Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire issued a staunch decree banning the machine from his realm.


    At the time the Ottoman Empire was the dominant superpower in the world, having conquered most of the Middle East, North Africa, and southeastern Europe.


    But Bayezid was afraid of the new technology.


    He and his advisors felt that the printing press would too easily allow information and new ideas to spread across his empire.

    And they believed this would threaten their control and offend the religious establishment.


    So not only did Bayezid ban the printing press, he imposed the death penalty upon anyone caught using one.

    The Ottoman Empire remained so closed off to new ideas, in fact, that the only western book to be imported and translated for the next 3 centuries was a medical text on the treatment of syphilis.


    Needless to say the Ottoman Empire did not remain the world’s dominant superpower for long.


    Source: https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/the-real-reason-to-own-bitcoin-21892/?inf_contact_key=b7a82bfcf6cc0fd8113a29e52d2b42dbd68dcd70940a65e12e42ebc1b1da1824

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