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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 39 minutes ago, fruitman said:

    I remember taking the boat to koh larn where we all had to wear a lifevest ALL THE TIME because those boats are so safe (one sunk a few weeks before that).


    At koh larn we had to walk to the beach over a very crappy "bridge" which was already missing the sidewalls who fell down. After that we had to climb a very crappy broken wooden ladder to go down to the beach since the whole stairs was broken and never fixed.


    They just don't fix anything, not even touristic islands like koh larn which attract a thousand tourists a day.

    At least you had an excuse for a life jacket.


    Yeah....I've been on that same pier.


    It was unfinished for years & had rusty rebar jutting out of it.


    I haven't been out there in a long time, due to the chaos that is Bali Hai pier.


    Last time I went there I gave up on trying to park & just went to Rayong, where there were big globs of oil from the local refinery sloshing around.


    I haven't seen any reporting on the ferry pier at Koh Larn recently.


    I wonder if it has improved?


    Thailand really is a gorgeous country, but they just rape it every day.

  2. On 3/19/2017 at 0:52 AM, tootall said:

    As I have said for years, BUSES need to get out of Pattaya. Need to give them central parking locations on the DARK SIDE and have the hotels shuttle passengers into Pattaya. buses  are are a bain on traffic in Pattaya. It is a mini Bangkok. Does not have the infrastructure to handle the traffic yet they keep building. Buses cause major traffic problems, drive as if they just got behind the wheel of a bus for the first time and drive way too fast. They continually park illegally and the BIB do nothing as far as enforcing the law. I have seen convoys of buses on 3rd Road 18 in one minute. This is a major traffic problem as there are too many buses on the small roads of Pattaya 

    They should/could pull "Imminent Domain" under Article 44.


    Tear down half the structures built waaay back when, compensate the owners, and widen the roads, and build 8 or ten big parking garages.


    My Mother's house was built in 1967 & for sure, they are going to do that with half her front yard to make way for a larger road.


    Luckily she has a big front yard.


    I've never been able to understand why it is, in Asia, that folks build things so close to each other, and never take into account the need for people to park their cars.


    Tucom & Villa have the only parking garages in town that I know of. Getting to the Tucom garage is like threading a camel thru the eye of a needle as well.

  3. On 3/18/2017 at 4:33 AM, gdgbb said:

    Come on, the very first sentence of the OP references it's success by using that word and "we" do know that it is a success so far because the company has reported that it is.  If anyone is doubting the company's claim then they should provide some tangible evidence, surely?


    You may see the operator's claim as impartial but it's all that anyone can go on; no one on Thaivisa is in a credible position to doubt the operator's report.


    I hope it will be a successful & viable transport service.


    On the other hand, a couple clunker, ill/non-maintained Koh Larn ferries seem to go down every year. At least they are close to sea traffic lanes & most people are rescued.


    If one of these ferries catches fire, in Timbuktu Gulf of Siam.... Better hope you brought your own life jacket from the USA or Europe or OZ, as the junk they pass out will be 20 years old and/or the cheapest thing they can find, much like the motorcycle helmets.



  4. 8 hours ago, clockman said:

    Typical Thai response. Panic mode. No planning or forethought. The golden goose is dying. Through greed , corruption.


    They just rape their own country as hard and fast as they can go it seems.


    I recall when Pattaya had just an old rickety wooden pier & 2 ferries a day out to Koh Larn, which was deserted for the most part.


    I recall going out there with two other passengers on a ferry once. Aside from me, there was my wife and a monk as passengers.


    Now they've ruined it with...you name it.


    I've only been to Kanchanaburi once. It was like every other Thai town. Just crowded. Not sure what the tourist attraction is there?

  5. 4 minutes ago, debate101 said:


    Well, for starters, the burden of proof is on the party making the extraordinary claim, not the people questioning it. The fact that most in Thailand do not seem to understand this simple concept is what makes authoritarianism so (apparently) successful here as a rationale for governance. Many people will believe them simply because they are in positions of authority and are the "good people."


    Not only that, but military dictatorships in Thailand, as well as in other countries, have long histories of planting evidence to go after opponents. You really should be skeptical of any and all claims they make unless clear evidence is forthcoming.


    Nah, they just want to say you! YOU! YOU!


    Corruption is the root of the problem, as well as that which we are not allowed to speak about.


    Prayut is mebbe a savior, maybe a disaster.


    I just wish he'd fire half the RTP on Friday & the other half on Monday.



  6. 3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    They call it alternate truth now its the new buzz word. 

    Fake news as in I have Trump's tax returns!


    It really is crazy how the media will make a mountain out of a molehill if it doesn't fir their agenda.


    Seeing how we get not much other than USSR style Pravda (otherwise it's off to the galag), I'd wager this news piece is aimed to help the powers that currently be.



  7. 3 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    There are many studies showing that animals will engage in gift exchanges, some similar to this dog; others showing gratitude for something done to help them. Crows do this quite frequently, for example.

    A crow stole my pack of cigars out of my golf cart once & promptly deposited them on top of a phone pole.



    My Mother has a dog that will bring you "something", (leaf, stick whatever).


    I just wish he didn't stink so bad.

  8. 4 hours ago, nontabury said:

    Aforex, Many Thais are happy, they are lucky in that they are completely unaware of how people in other countries live. This is mainly due to the fact that from an early age,that are brainwashed into thinking that everything is perfect in Thailand.

     However many of the educated,who are not part of the elite,realise what the score is. So are you suggesting that they should also go somewhere else.

    I was working in Pathum Thani a few years back.


    The easiest way to get to my apartment in the evenings was a bunch of left turns which put me on a super narrow canal-side road.


    I saw this ramshackle Mom & Pop shop, and peeled over to see if I could grab a couple beers.


    Just salt of the earth, SUPER nice people, with a 3 year old grand daughter, who was happy as a clam, playing with whatever she had at hand, which was pretty much just a pile of dirt.


    I got her a few coloring books & a doll to play with.


    The entire excuse for a shop was a slime pit, on a canal.


    I'd have adopted that little girl if I could have.


    Once again, SUPER nice people, but they just had no idea.



  9. 3 minutes ago, Freespirit said:

    I was driving down Sukhumvit in  BKK, when my daughter pointed up towards the electric cables above and shouted " Look Dad a Sky Rat"! I laughed  because it was a squirrel running along the cables. But I have since been told the Thai's call squirrels sky rats. So technically she was  right..

    Makes sense. Hilarious!


    Got a Sky Train, why not a Sky Rat?

  10. 1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

    As I have said in a post a little while back, I never buy cooked chicken at any market stall as people are always handling it and their

    fingers could have been anywhere, but if KFC are giving out fried rat instead of chicken then I have tasted it, but that is not to say I am 

    a fan of KFC, I object to their very small portions of French Fries, and only use them when it is the only western restaurant available where ever I am.

    You should stick to eating possum. :shock1:


    Sorry Dude, I couldn't resist. :smile:

  11. 2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Most likely.

    Actually happened to friend. He had a retirement visa & had to blast off to Hua Hin within 24 hours of hitting Swampy so he could report to immigration.


    We worked together in Kuwait, so no reason for him to make up the story.


    2 cops stopped him. He was sober, they wreaked of booze & one was puking.


    He gave them 200 baht & continued on.

  12. 1 minute ago, WhizBang said:

    So no alarms on the pumps to indicate a malfunction?   Retorical question.  Never mind.


    15 minutes ago, juice777 said:

    Some people eat them in the UK to not that I have ever done it. But only the grey ones which we are trying to wipe out. Looks like a lot of work to skin and gut with only a little meat if you ask me.


    The Thai bugs I ate once reminded me of Twilglets , but that was only once ever since then they have made me want to puke.


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk





    Why trying to wipe them out? Just curious.


    I spent some time in Georgia, (USA) & my neighbor put "flashing" (metal sheets) on his pecan tree trunks to keep the squirrels off his nuts, so to speak.


    The squirrels were hilarious bouncing off it.


    I had a little tiny dog, that would chase anything, weighed about 10 lbs & managed to kill one.


    I hold no grudges against the tree rats, but it was a year before one dared venture into my back yard again.

  13. 1 minute ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Tight shirts[made of polyester] designed to absorb heat and highlight the beer gut, I wonder how that all got started. Light coloured cotton garments are essential for the tropics. White short sleeve shirts with dark blue blue chinos are ideal for a proper police force if Thailand ever gets round to having one, which we know won't ever happen. Expect to see the BIB just sitting by the side of the road collecting money for decades to come.

    I'm a medium sized guy & had to wear coveralls in Kuwait.


    I'd always buy them about 2 sizes too big just for air flow & always had the beige color.




    Yeah the BIB would probably be more active if they weren't sizzling like bacon every time they stepped outside.

  14. Just now, juice777 said:

    You can't street rats only the ones that live in the rice fields.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Yeah, the rice field rats eat rice. Probably OK to eat, but revolting to look at.


    Street rats eat garbage. Squirrels eat vegetation.


    I've ate squirrel & snakes & a couple bugs, but never rat.


    Rattlesnake does indeed taste like chicken. The Thai bugs I ate reminded me of Lay's potato chips.


    I did a some squirrel hunting in my youth, in Florida & they were great for target practice, and actually tasted pretty decent, they were a right royal pain to skin and gut.



  15. 2 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

    I see them every day. They like to run on power cables.

    Like I said before, there's plenty of wild drivers as well as crazy people in Pattaya/Jomtien, and that's all I seem to have my radar focused on...(as well as the female eye candy), so I never noticed any squirrels. 


    I'll take your word for it that they exist in Pattaya.



  16. 3 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Squirrel & drink.jpg

     The only squirrel I ever saw near Pattaya was in a National Park about a 30 minute drive back towards BKK. I cannot pronounce the name of it, so never bothered to remember it. There's a small waterfall there in the wet season & I had my 4 year old daughter with me.


    We had a great time that day. She was rock climbing about like a squirrel.


    Anyhow it was a gorgeous red varmint.squirrel-4.jpeg

  17. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    This guy got the dash cam concept all wrong here, this is a good an idea

    of putting rubber band on your wallet to prevent you from spending money,

    the answer is more police presence with breathalyzers and immediate revocation

    of licenses and vehicle confiscations......


    Probably plenty of cops. Just need some that actually do their jobs.


    First thing I'd do is get them out of those spandex solar panel uniforms & put them in baggy khaki (beige) uniforms.


    I know I'd stay inside all day if I had to wear super tight, dark brown clothes in the tropics.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

    That answer does sound a bit squirrely, doesn't it? A bit nuts, to say the least. I've seen decent number of those bushy tailed rats on Jomtien Beach.

    I suppose I was too busy trying to not get run over by either a moto or a katoey or a bus or a mob of Chinese tourists to be able to pay attention to the squirrels?

  19. 1 hour ago, LennyW said:

    The squirrel population must be getting nervous now, thats two incidents they have been responsible for in the last few days, much more and the exterminators will be out to eradicate them all!!! Run little squirrels....hide!!!

    I lived in Pattaya for 7 years and saw one, just ONE squirrel in that entire time, and that was in the woods, 30 miles outside of town.


    Now, if they'd said rat, I'd believe them. I've seen hundreds of them in town.

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