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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. My wife started trying to explain a "Phop" to me once.


    It's apparently some evil, zombie-looking critter, with his skin hanging off his face, that (of course) only comes out at night, finds pregnant ladies, and steals and eats their babies.


    I had a great belly laugh & she said "NO! It's TRUE! My Dad was frog hunting one night and saw one!"


    My guess is that her dad saw the local soidog.

  2. 3 minutes ago, klikster said:

    Agree 100%


    To me, common logic =  you don't shut off aircon when stopping the engine, the compressor will engage when you next start the engine.


    Not good idea IMHO.

    Just wearing out the OFF/ON switch.

  3. Back to the cute Isaan stories....


    I LOVE Surin....for a visit. I was out one night with the wife in Prasat a couple miles from Mom & Dad's house and the air was crystal clear.


    There was no moon and a bazillion stars out/visible. It was GORGEOUS!


    I just stopped off a side road, got out and marveled at the sky for 5 or 10 minutes. My wife thought I'd lost my mind.


    A few days later she told me Dad said that was a VERY BAD place to stop at night, as there were many ghosts in that area!


    Oh yeah.....cannot put the head of the bed against the wall either & do not put it against a west wall.



    Ask anybody in Thailand for directions..."Turn right on HWY 22"....Would that be east or west? as I'm coming from the south/north"


    Just turn right. AAAARRRGH!

  4. 35 minutes ago, klikster said:

    I do the same, always have.  Neither do I turn on my aircon until after I start the engine. Does that make me Thai?


    And yep, I live in Isaan.


    I believe the theory (as I've heard it) is that shutting it off before you start the car (same as shutting it off when you stop the car), is that "it's bad for the compressor", as the oil drains out of it.


    Yes compressors need oil, but they work on a pressurized system, where the oil mixes with the freon.


    Been driving 35 years & never had that problem.

  5. 25 minutes ago, klikster said:

    Those may linger from earlier times when hard-wired phones and raised outdoor aluminum TV antenna could "fry" electric devices to.

    I was about 10 or 12, in Florida (born 1967), and lightening hit a dead tree about 150 feet from Dad's house.


    We had a 1970's TV (not sure if that makes any difference to today's TV's??).


    It was a giant console TV, sitting on the floor & it all but exploded. BOOM! POW! POOF! Sparks flew out the back.


    We had lightening rods on the roof with 1/4' copper wires connected to long rods 6 feet long driven into the ground also, so the house was securely grounded.


    Giant slabs of the dead tree almost hit the house is how we knew it hit the tree.


    I'm no electrician. just saying what happened.

  6. On 5/17/2017 at 0:32 PM, BertBert said:

    I know an Issan lady who does the same.
    When I asked her why she did so, she said: Because it is good.

    Does anyone know the reason for this practice?

    My Toyota Tiger (turbo diesel) has a setting so that you can "switch it off", lock it up and walk away, and it will shut down 10 minutes later by itself.


    It's to allow the turbo to cool down, but really only necessary if you've had under a heavy load & the engine is overheated a bit....I never use it & no problems in 11 years.

  7. 17 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    So the Ministry of Tourism Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul says they will be focusing on "niche" markets. I think we have heard all this before. The highly imaginative Dream Team at TAT are forever thinking up visionary "niche" ideas for pulling in the tourists along with their money.

    Just to refresh your memory and brighten your weekend here is a list of some of their better known "niche" market ideas.

           ·        Durian Kit Kat tourists

    ·        Pokemon Go tourists

    ·        Rusting naval base tourists

    ·        Jetski tourists hub

    ·        Sports tourists hub

    ·        Medical tourists hub

    ·        Jewellery tourists hub

    ·        Pattaya, good clean family fun tourists.

    ·        Target wealthy Chinese tourists who normally go to Japan

    ·        Target wealthy Japanese tourists who normally go to Taiwan

    ·        Promote 400B National Parks for tourists

    ·        Promote off-season tourism

    ·        Attract Chinese couples for marriage in Thailand

    ·        Hub of world film locations

    ·        Rainy season tourist programme

     Pattaya certainly has a niche market.


    1. 1.
      a shallow recess
      place or position (something) in a niche.
  8. 4 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    A lizard in the house, a cobra in the car,

    a log with a mouse, and a monkey in a bar,

    they all bring us riches the very next day,

    that's why in Thailand we're gonna stay!


    But a van and a sword, a taxi and a gun,

    a monk who acts a lord, and a cop who acts non,

    they all bring us tears of anger and pain,

    and leave us feeling it's all in vain.



    Don't forget the talking dog.



  9. 8 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    I think most drugs should be legalised, the war on drugs has been lost.


    I think the jury is still out on the "gateway drug" thing with cannabis though.


    I had a cousin and a friend who died from heroin & methadone use, they both got started on cannabis. Then again, I've had a smoke maybe 7 times in my life and never tried anything else.


    I think drugs are like booze (my poison), they affect different people in different ways.

    I used to smoke a J with my coffee for breakfast when I was 18 - 20.


    I've smoked crack, snorted coke, took LSD.


    I was over it all by the time I was 22 or 23.

    Didn't touch any of it till about 3 years ago & my grown nephew (18 year old) whipped out a joint.


    Two puffs and I was ready for bed!


    Weed was hardly a gateway drug for me, but I had to experiment a bit.


    Another nephew got on crystal meth when he was young. He's almost 40 now, but stayed wacked out till he was 30.


    I can't speak for crystal meth or heroin, but simply making something illegal certainly isn't going to cure the problem, which was demonstrated by the USA's Prohibition in the 1920's. It just created more drunks and a WHOLE LOT more criminals.

  10. 12 hours ago, onthesoi said:


    I think it says more about the people that believe these silly fabrications....


    This all started from a question asked by a journalist to the Thai PM, who responded by saying he wouldn't do anything because it was popular and it was up to other people( like the media etc) to speak to her if it bothered them.


    Anyone who says Thailand doesn't have a free press should look no further than these relentless, mocking, nonsense articles about the Thai government coming from the thai media.


    Didn't General Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy say that "If a woman is beautiful, she should not wear a bikini" on the Koh Tao tragedy?


    Besides, Lumyai is wearing shorts and a sports bra.


    Hardly a "bikini".

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