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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 2 hours ago, Thechook said:

    So who's the lucky bugger that gets to go into the water with the poopa scoopa and collect all those floating logs?

    My second visit to Pattaya Beach was in 2001.


    The garbage was abhorrent.


    I saw a couple Thai teenage boys out there about chest deep in the sewer.


    One had the bright idea to use a plastic bag floating nearby as a diving mask.


    YES....He put a plastic bag over his head!


    Came up for air & DOH! That didn't work out so well.


    I was sitting there with my wife, saying "Watch this......It'll be good".

  2. 6 hours ago, JamJar said:

    Small spelling mistake. Hopefully they'll notice and fix.






    Gotta love their very professional gmail (email) address!


    It costs 300 - 500 baht to register a domain & set up a professional email address...I just did it today. Not for the first time either. It takes 10 minutes.


    I wonder when was the last time any fixed wing aircraft were launched from that antique carrier?


    The ramp on the front plays hell with landing gear/suspension (so I've read).


    I shiver to think about landing a modern jet fighter on that thing...& I'm a former Army guy that does not know much about aircraft.



  3. 1 hour ago, boooker said:

    I got 2432 jumps and that is never 100 % safe it is prediction or forecast ....but overall SOP guidelines to follow.

    Accidents happen all over the world but this one which i seen by myself had so many flaws that anybody is only lucky to come down without injuries.

    Sad statement 100% safe....it really question the professionalism of those whom said so

    I knew a guy (he's deceased now), who was an avid skydiver...In Thailand.


    Said you couldn't pay him enough money to go parasailing.

  4. Walking down Beach Road around 2005.


    This Chinese guy came down on the beach way too fast.


    I was 50 yards away & heard his leg snap as he hit the ground.


    Think about it....You've got totally untrained retards running these boats that drag them, with para-sails that are probably 15 years old, sun-bleached & rotten.


    The tether to the boat is probably as bad/rotten as the chute. Next they get out in a filthy bay and run amok. 

  5. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    This activity needs to be done daily rather than once or twice a week. Also, the root cause needs proper attention, not just the symptons.

    I find the number of plastic bottles that wash up on the beach, every day, mindboggling. Where the hell do they come from?

    You mean "Done daily, rather than once or twice a year".


    Of course stamping it out at the source is the only long term solution.


    Once upon a time everybody & their brother/sister/aunt/uncle/mother & father once smoked cigarettes in the USA.


    Now it's a bit of social stigma (you are bad/stupid if you smoke).


    Only bringing the same type of awareness to the populace can solve the pollution problem in Thailand.


    BTW - I smoke....33 years smoking but I'm down to 5 ciggies a day now.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Kerryd said:


    Another case of "they knew about it beforehand and did nothing now have to dig up the new roadway to fix the old problem then redo the roadway" again.


    Just like what happened on Soi Boonsamphan/Khao Noi. They resurfaced the road and made a nice clean, smooth surface and almost immediately people started digging it up and laying new water pipes and sewer pipes and who knows what else, then doing a craptastic job of filling in the holes afterwards. Now that section from the railway bypass up to the Mike Orchid Villa area is one big nasty mess of uneven/broken pavement, pot holes and protrusions.


    Just like one village where the city (well, the contractors hired by the city) came in and did a great job of resurfacing the roads. The smooth and groovy asphalt was barely 2 months old when the Province decided to install new water lines and meters so naturally they had to dig trenches in that shiny new surface, down every little street and to each house. Trenches which in some cases were barely deep enough to cover the new pipes and then had a thin coat of normal concrete slapped on top, which, of course, started cracking and flaking within days in some cases. I mean sheesh, they knew they were going to put those pipes in long before the roads were due to be resurfaced (we'd been told it was going to happen months in advance). They could have dug up the old road surface, laid and covered the new pipes and then did the resurfacing which would have left us with unblemished sois and water pipes that weren't in danger of being crushed every time someone parks a car/truck near their house.

    Som nom na as I'm told. 


    I guess we'll see in 2 weeks what kind of "patch" job gets done and then it will probably just be a matter of (very little) time before they have to go back, tear it up and do it all over again ! Som nom na !

    I recall 2001 or maybe it was 2002 when they re-did Pattaya Klang.


    They dug down 5 feet or so to put in a new foundation (I guess?) and resurfaced it with cement.


    Barely two months later they were out there with jackhammers and tunneling machines installing water pipes.

  7. This translation, is almost as bad as the crime..... Gotta love the last line. 

    Google did this....not me.



    Pattaya Investigative Officers Threaten 5 Cambodian Workers After Thai American Children Report Violation by Khmer Scene Worker, Khmer Rouge This revealed last evening (  10  July 60),  Mrs. (mother's name), aged  50  years, Thailand's hybrids - the United States aged  13  years. ______ (name), aged  13  years, he informed.


    Heat afflicted with Pol.Capt. After being seized by the Khmer Night Scene Commander of the 8th  Marine Corps, they perform underwater while cruising coral reefs and feeding underwater fish.


    (Child's Name) told her that she had traveled to Pattaya with her mother and relatives. While shopping for Scene Warner, take the Oceanic 8   while diving under the sea to see the coral and feeding. Khmer staff of Scene Warner, who dresses as a diver for tourists while walking in the sea,  two  people try to get their hands through clothes to catch milk  3-4  times, which they try to ward off. But Khmer employees are also trying to trick them into their pants.


    They try to resist. Up on the story to tell the mother. Before his mother consulted with his relatives, he traveled to Thailand to report the heat. 


    After receiving the petition, Pol.Gen. Aphichai Chompoo, Director of Pattaya Police Station. So instructed Lt. Col. Akhapat Jatprat, Deputy Prime Minister, led the area immediately. Because it is a scandal to the image of tourism in Pattaya. The police said. Akapat Jatprathet Deputy Associate to inspect the boat at the park at Thong Lang. Koh Larn Island is only found by boatmen. So, go to Koh Larn to track Khmer Scene Officer Khmer. The five Khmer Scene   Police officers were detained in Pattaya for investigation.


    Investigative staff spent more than 5  hours. The five Khmer Scene workers Khmer Rouge refused. But in the beginning, the same staff investigated that  3 out  of  5  people have trespassed foreign tourists to go underwater. And often take a chance to catch some milk. Catch some other parts at the time, help arrange the posture underwater photography. Waiting for an underwater photo while the victim is down to the way the person involved will bring it tomorrow. As evidence in the prosecution of offenders.


    The reporter further reported that the case from the interview revealed that there were several such incidents but no casualties were reported. Most of them are Chinese tourists who are obscene.   

  8. 3 minutes ago, bangrak said:

    Let the Chonbury boys keep their flashy expensive guns, just replace the grenades with bottles of Chivas, and trust me, maybe they can't march, but hell they can dance, even straight out of a de-luxe terminals' hospital ward, as their capo capi Khamnan Po has shown! 



    Probably the scariest place to be when Prayuth rolls out his tanks would be on the INSIDE when it misfires due to lack of maintenance.

  9. 1 minute ago, bangrak said:

    Why couldn't he be bestowed with a highly coveted(?) new honorary title, with a fancy cordon especially created for, for as long as he might live: 'minister of songs and poetry', for instance, adding, to be convincing, all the money he'd imagined he could stash away from his Chinese benefactors in twenty years? 

    Why not also offer him a super-de-luxe room, with padded walls and all, with left Plodprasop and right Surapong as neighbours. A country needs to take care of its heroes, the way they deserve.

    But, please, find a way to stop him, the uniformed brass, and all the rotten politicos, harming this beautiful country, and its, true, original (well...) citizens! Don't get violent though, as his bunch has about all the guns there are.


    The only difference between Prayuth's army & the Pattaya mafia is that his troops know how to march. Just as many guns & grenades though on both sides.

  10. 8 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    Wait for the next stunts when he walks on water, turns it to wine, recorded with the Stones, converts the Pope to Buddhism, and predicts lottery numbers.

    I'm waiting for him to stop speeding bullets & be able to leap a tall building with a single bound.


    This guy is HILARIOUS!

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