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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mangkhut said:

    Are you aware of how much/many sleeping pills aka benzoes or benzo similars you have to take to die? 


    Shitloads of pills - I dont think you would be able to swallow so many pills at all...

    I certainly do not have a clue = I'm typing instead of rotting 6 feet under.


    I've never contemplated just how many pills it might take. Do not really care to either.

  2. 2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    'The money - that had previously been photocopied - and a mobile phone were taken into evidence'


    Every time they report on a prostitution sting they have to inform us that they photocopied the money beforehand. What if they don't photocopy the money? Does the police station or person who loaned the money for the sting not get it back? Does it mean the case can be thrown out because it looks as if the police were really trying to solicit sex?


    I know why they do it - it's protocol. I just don't know why it has to be stated in the newspaper report. 

    They just HAVE TO point.

  3. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    The money - that had previously been photocopied - and a mobile phone were taken into evidence.

    I'm surprised they didn't arrest themselves for counterfeiting money.



    Pimping underage kids on Farcebook! Only reason they do such stupid things is because the cops are, at best lazy, and mostly inept.


    The perp looks more like 36 than 16 too.

  4. 3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    The thing that gets me is all these farangs hanging themselves or throwing themselves off buildings, surely sleeping pills can purchased over the counter, take the bottle and sleep, never to wake up, just saying that would be my preferred way to go as opposed to a rope around my neck or splattered all over the tarmac.


    RIP to another farang

    I know a guy who is a former heroin user...I would not know a bag of heroin if you slapped me in the head with it.


    Anyhow, he said that to shoot up & OD on that stuff was the way to check out.

  5. I took a moto-taxi once in Pattaya....80 baht there & 80 baht back. He waited 3 or 4 minutes for me at point B.


    160 baht right?


    I could see the cogs of reason & math battling it out in his head as he tried to add 80 + 80.


    I felt sorry for the guy (nice enough fella) and gave him 200 baht. I was planning to give him 200 baht from the start, but it was a lot of fun watching him try to do math.


    Oh yeah. I speak basic Thai, so it wasn't a language issue at all.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    In a way. In reality the ID card does nothing, it's "smarts" are rarely used.


    Your spending habits are logged by Visa / MasterCard etc, travel by Rabbit and the like (although this is theoretically anonymous reload it with your credit-card and a link is formed). Your phone gives out loads of information about your location etc.


    It's difficult to stay incognito in the modern world.


    I still have a flip-phone. Whew!

  7. 7 minutes ago, Crossy said:
    • All Thai ID cards are "smart" so the card reader can be used to ensure correct ID, location, vote once, rather than long paper lists as is the current method. Voting itself is still X in a box.
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_card if you have a Rabbit, MRT or EasyPass or any modern bank card you already have one.
    • No need to do anything with a computer, insert the card into the reader.

    Big Brother eh?

  8. 10 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    For election preparations, the discussion included making voting easier for the elderly and handicapped, online candidacy, voter registrations, the uses of smart card readers in polling booths and online voting.


    I've been online since 1998. I fail to see how a "card reader" can be used for a thumbs up or thumbs down vote.


    What is a "smart card" anyhow?


    How many elderly Thai's even know how to turn on a computer?


    I could go on & on with this article.

  9. 41 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The legislation was drafted by the CDC. It is among 10 organic laws needed to complement the new Constitution, which has been in effect since April 6.

    I thought the constitution was the law.


    Silly me!


    No worries.....they'll have a new constitution in a few years, after General Political Potentate has kicked the bucket.

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