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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Just now, webfact said:

    ALIBABA GROUP founder Jack Ma has urged Thailand to “move much faster” to implement digital projects.

    Good luck with that.


    Had to get my neighbor's wife to drop a few hundred baht to the internet "Installation" guys in Pattaya a while back.


    Otherwise it was going to take them 3 weeks to bring out a modem & plug it in.


    300 baht later....it was installed the next day. They're worse than the cops!


    Got it from AIS.....Pattaya TOTALLY festooned w/ BBB internet  posters & a giant, honking phone number to call.


    I called...and called.... and called. No answer.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    EVERYONE has an accent - to people with a different accent.

    Just watching Housos (whatever that means?)


    Just like a bunch of Florida or Georgia rednecks, but the accent makes it funny.



    I say Viva Australia!


    Oh yeah...I grew up in Florida, so I know.


    Folks always accuse me of being from Texas...Close enough I guess?


    I worked in Indiana for a while & nobody could understand me.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Correct. I have a friend whose house was broken into, and they found the keys to his SUV and stole that along with his other stuff. He was in a so-called secure complex with a guard at the gate, who lo and behold vanished on the same day as the robbery. The police refused to do anything at all unless he paid them 100,000 baht. He's now left the country as he's had enough of Thainess.

    Don't you just love the "Security Guards"? Dressed to the nines like a commando...wearing shower shoes.

  4. 7 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Thailand Wants More Tourists Who Act Like Australians


    These guys sure act like Australians:



    I recall going through security at Sydney airport once in 2000. My pockets were empty & the guard started asking me "E-oohaveaobile?"


    He said it about 5 times. I apologized profusely & told him we theoretically spoke the same language, but I couldn't understand him.


    I finally got it..."Do you have a mobile phone?"

  5. 4 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Extremely dumb and arrogant. He clearly has no idea what rape really is and how serious it is. He's made it all about him. 


    In this guy's little head, he thinks he's so good looking that all women want sex with him. Unfortunately, rape is taken less seriously in societies where women are taken less seriously. 

    I'm not fluent in Thai, but it seems he was just joking.


    Why does everybody want to "throw their toys out of the pram" when somebody cracks a joke?


    My 84 year old Aunt recently saw Blazing Saddles for the first time & thought the part about rape was hilarious!

  6. On 7/14/2017 at 5:10 PM, MarkusAUST said:

    Only ten years from start to finish. The wheels of justice are being turned by a sloth it would seem.

    More like a snail.


    Took 10 years to sentence the guy to 2 years.


    If they weren't all grinning, and trying to not "defame" nor make someone "lose face" the justice system might work better?




  7. 44 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

    I do believe there are no 125kph zones in Thailand. Is the speed limit not 120 ?

    Sorry, just an observation..:smile:

    Yeah, you are right.


    Been in the USA a bit now & my kph math is off......Anyhow, I was 2-3 kph over.


    "YOU! 200 baht is OK".


    I just let my wife drive now in Thailand....Even though she couldn't drive a ten penny nail into a piece of cornbread when I met her.


    She's a good driver now..

  8. Errrr. They seem to be off by 1.2 million visitors.


    BANGKOK – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) governor aims to improve Thailand’s earnings from tourism as a global top seven, while revealing that 18.2 million tourists had visited the Kingdom during the first half of 2017.





  9. 3 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Yes you are right which is why they are buying condos and think it is great here.


    Took this  a few hours ago.  Some sort of a collection area across from SOi 6.

    I looked inside and there must have been tons of garbage.  The dude was trying to scoop it out with a net. HA. 




    That's a Pattaya sewage treatment plant! Hi-Tech Shit Bro!

  10. 1 minute ago, bkk6060 said:

    I disagree I think it is growing more then ever.  The Chinese don't research their trips?

    Take a walk in the mornings along BR and see.

    Was in Chiang Mai and BKK now here over the past few weeks.  Chinese to the max.  Groups every where even walking around the malls with their flagged escorts. 

    I will say I think it is declining or steady for falang.  I walk alot and many of the same faces in places, not many new.


    Ever been to China?


    Thailand is clean and barely even crowded at all compared to the limited places I've been in China (Beijing & all over Taiwan).


    I've had the displeasure of being in the US Army (dig a hole), and quite a few places where a Port-a-John/Potty was the only option for a latrine.


    An hour outside Beijing was the worst shitter I have ever been near.


    Pretty much ANYTHING outside of China is better than INSIDE China. At least that's been my experience.

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