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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. My wife and (at the time 3 year old daughter) quite enjoyed Walking Street 8 years ago.


    We'd have a steak at the Right Spot Inn restaurant (get the flamed Kobe steak filet)....just keep the retard w/ the flames away from your little girl....I had to tell them that, as it never occurred to the waiter. 


    They whoof it up at the table with some kind of brandy sauce.


    It's killer.


    My daughter just loved all the lights and music.


    We'd just have dinner & go for a walk/stroll down Walking Street.


    I enjoyed the street shows with the mimes & the magicians.


    Of course we never hit the bars, but Walking Street has its charms in the evenings...sometimes.


    In bed by 11:00 PM & never had a problem in 7+ years of visiting Walking Street.....Err....My girls would be in bed & I'd have a few shots till around 1:00 AM across the road.


    I could walk out the door in any US tourist city and be in trouble at 0300 hrs though.


    Yes Pattaya is filthy, unorganized (unless you're talking about crime), and the local BIB are mostly as lazy as a wormy soi dog, yet I've had some great times there.




  2. 19 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:


    They should face summary execution....(The lawmakers that is).


    I tried to tell my wife that chili peppers did not exist in Thailand till 500 years ago when the Portuguese imported them from Brazil, and that most Thai women went topless not so long ago.


    That went over like a Led Zepplin with no tunes.


    She told me I was slap bananas.

  3. 3 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:

    Dog gone it...that wasn't the ending we all were anticipating...why not make something up like "we clasp hands, she asked "how much you give me?".. and  we were off to my hotel..."...true love as only found in Thailand.

    Had I been in the mood Bruce...Yeah, I probably could have talked her into it.


    I was headed to Villa Supermarket though. I'd been eating spicy "Whatever" and rice for a month, working with these Thai guys, and just wanted a ham & cheese sandwich more than anything else.


    I love Thai Jasmine rice, but I need some 'taters & bread every once in a while.


    Villa was just close enough to walk to, and on the opposite side of the road = a taxi was unfeasible.

  4. Just now, BruceMangosteen said:

    "The club was charged with opening out of hours, having no operating license, no alcohol license, serving underage customers, allowing drug taking and matters relating to the sale of shisha. "


    No one I know has ever heard of a GoGo by the name of "Dance 2" on Walking Street or anywhere else. Must be a Thai place and with 150 customers that also eliminates most GoGo's on Walking Street or Soi LK Metro. So what is the real story? My mate was out Sunday night and it was topless "everywhere" on Walking Street...strange. 


    Show me one thing that is not strange about Thailand?


    Not Pattaya (though I did spend a lot of time there) -- I was walking down Raminthra Rd in BKK, about to have a heat stroke, so I stopped to sit on a bus bench in the shade.


    A rather sweet, elegant Thai lady was sitting a few seats down & here came a dump truck going hell-bent for leather, with his front bumper caved in on the front left, which was cutting the tire, doing at least 100 kph, and smoke just BOILING off said tire...Luckily it still had air in it when he blasted by us.


    It just looked at the lady, she looked at me & both of us could only say TIT.


    Such is normal in Thailand.

  5. 28 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

    "I recall 30+ years ago when I was a teenager, a pretty good friend got into a fight, that he had started...I wasn't there..."


    "...I punched him in the jaw, which broke the guy's jaw."


    Even though you weren't there you were able to punch the assailant?  How does that work, then?

    Sorry Mate. Glad you caught that & pointed it out.


    No I wasn't there. It was a guy named Mike Monday (His friends all called him Tuesday).


    I mis-spoke/made BAD TYPO & it's a God's honest wonder we were not hanging out together that night, as we used to chase young women and go drinking like maniacs every chance we got.


    It was shortly after that, when the cops came calling at Mike's door that I decided to distance myself from the guy.


    Quite glad I missed the senseless violence.




    Oh yeah, Mike blew his brains out about 20 years ago, so I used his full name.


  6. 3 minutes ago, inzman said:

    Why are crimes like picking mushrooms feeding fish and talking about someone dealt so harshly here. But killing and maiming is often dealt with a small fine and a wai. Seriously <deleted> up judicial system. 

    Can get away with any rage (KT B2 convicted ???) run over a cop, do most anything you want if you can grease the right pockets.


    The cops HATE when you video them, but probably LOVE CCTV when they can use it to shake some money loose, which is what will happen here.

  7. Just now, Bluespunk said:

    It doesn't matter what is on someone's  mind when they leer/stare at women.


    The fact they are doing so in a manner to make a woman feel uncomfortable is harassment. 


    But look we've already established that how others feel isn't important where you're concerned. 


    You're need to stare supersedes other feelings of discomfort and harassment.


    It is more important for you to stare than it is for women to be allowed to move through the world with a sense of security and comfort. 


    You can do anything you like and as long as you're happy the world is good. 

    Sorry BP, but if she has nice legs on the Skytrain or a bus, and is wearing shorts or a mini-skirt that are inviting to my eyes....well, I just can't help but enjoying the view.


    I was having lunch with a (male) friend at Gulliver's Travels off Sukh once & holy-moly.


    This gal had on the shortest of short min-skirts!


    I couldn't help but keep glancing over.


    Sorry Bro, but nothing will ever remove testosterone from my blood.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

    Sounds more like the Russian model to me

    No shortage of oligarchs in the USA nor Thailand...Just like Russia.


    Same same, but only a little bit different.


    That's what has the US media in such a "whatever-it-is-tizzy" because Trump paid for his own campaign.


    He doesn't owe any special interest groups that "contributed" (bribed) him into office.


    Sorry. Didn't mean to get too political, just speaking the truth.

  9. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    I tried to grow my own back in the Netherlands.. just one to try. But it died on me quite quickly but it was fun to try.


    I think your right about what they are weighing... anyway i liked the stuff once in a while it helped me sleep real good. Problem was it also made me eat more :post-4641-1156693976:


    Here its too dangerous.. the punishment is crazy. 

    I had this crazy 2nd cousin (Dad's 1st cousin) in Florida that HATED any and stupid laws.


    He planted a nice weed plant next to his front door when I was about 15. He'd never toked on weed in his life. He just liked his plant.


    Had a watch dog named Smokey that would bark his brains out at night at anything that moved, but I was over there almost daily, so the dog knew me.


    I'd slip over there & clip a bud off every day or three.


    Took it to my Uncle's house (HUGE old house) & use a space heater & some tin-foil to dry it out.


    Got to a hardware store & bought some faucet screens and some brass fittings & made myself a pipe.


    Making weed illegal is pointless.


    I don't mess with it anymore because I could see, it just made me stupid.


    No amount of "Laws" ever deterred me though.



  10. 15 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Was your mate Thai or farang.


    They said he had 10 plants.. not sure how 10 plants can yield 36 kilos. (I have to admit I am not a grower off the stuff but it sounds a bit much)


    They're probably weighing the stems & leaves & potting soil.


    I haven't smoked weed in YEARS, just because it quit agreeing with me, not because I think it's evil.


    Been around MANY grow operations though.


    My guess is that a full grown, 8 foot tall Christmas Tree sized plant might yield one, maybe 1.5 (one point five) kilos of dries buds per plant, and that's a severe stretch of the imagination.


    Never let the facts get in the way of a good story though.


    Never cultivated myself, but stumbled across a couple patches in the woods in Florida.



  11. 1 minute ago, djayz said:

    10 out of 10 to the security guard for telling the t***er to keep the noise down in the estate! Man deserves a medal! 


    The retards need to be get their lives in grip - especially the two puppies in tow. 


    Sincerely hope the guard makes a full recovery. 

    Well said.


    I don't care what nor how rudely the guard might have said, whatever he said.


    That video was PURE BARBARIANISM!




    Reminds me of 30+ years ago in Florida & I saw this young lady I knew at a convenience store in the middle of nowhere, at night.


    Some drunk guy had gotten into her car, uninvited & she saw me. Had a 12-pack of beer with him in the passenger's seat of her car.


    As nicely as I could, I asked him to get out of her car (I was about 21-22 & a strapping young fella).


    He came out D-R-U-N-K wanting to fight. I almost begged the guy to just leave it alone & we'll part ways.


    He had a jacket on & started taking it off so he could fight better & guess?


    Had both arms behind his back and I went into him, w/ just my fists.


    After he gave up, I gentlemanly-like took his beer out of her car and left it next to him in the parking lot.


    He was all bloodied up with his jacket still halfway off, moaning & groaning.


    I should have took it home & drank it.



    About 2 years later, I was a at a bonfire & keg party and met this pretty cool guy standing around the fire, and somehow we got on the subject of karma, so I told him the above story....Told him it was 100% TRUE!


    He said "I know it's true. That was me you whooped up on that night".


    My eyes got as big as pie plates.


    He was cool though...said he deserved it & I did what I had to do.


    I COULD have easily stomped his head, but I used minimal force, and we became friends.





  12. 6 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


    Whereas in principle I would agree with you, but if armed, would it be responsible for the security guard to draw his weapon because someone was revving an engine? If the weapon wasn't drawn before the attack started, it really isn't an easy thing to do, no matter what you think. Also a big possibility of the weapon being taken off him and used against him judging by the type of attack that was inflicted on him.


    As for him being a trained professional, that would be extremely unlikely (to the level of firearm proficient) that the residents would pay for the service and that his wages would match his accreditation.


    I do fully agree that the attackers, especially the one doing the majority of the kicking and stamping, should be taken to the nearest tree................;) 


    Totally true Chrisinth, but hey, the liberals of this world get to live in fantasy-land. Why can't I?


    A retired RTMC (Thai Marine) with a licensed pistol and some training could have held the thugs at bay.


    Hopefully he'd have never had to shoot anybody, just enforce the community rules without getting his head stomped in.


    The poor security guard is probably getting, maybe, 300 baht a day, probably sleeps 90% of his shift & used to pick rice for a living.


    Just a sad situation all around that there are mean, evil people out there, and that "Security Guards" are paid a pittance.


    It's the same in the US. A security guard doesn't get paid squat.



  13. 4 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    theirs something wrong when people who continue to beat someone when there clearly no threat to you when there out cold. lucky he is still alive.


    I recall 30+ years ago when I was a teenager, a pretty good friend got into a fight, that he had started...(I wasn't there, but I knew the guy...And he wasn't very big - just MEAN).


    No meth or marijuana, just a few beers.


    He managed to knock some guy on the ground, ran off, and came running at him I punched him in the jaw, which broke the guy's jaw.


    To this day, I have idea why he did that.


    Too must testosterone I guess? 


    We lost touch after high school & about 5 years later committed suicide.


    Some folks just ain't right in the head?

  14. 25 minutes ago, jerojero said:

    And your company name has to be Haliburton.

    I forgot to tell you my Halliburton story.


    I was in Kuwait, checking every new armored $100,000 truck that went to Iraq, & my boss showed up.


    We ate at the Army mess hall, which Halliburton provided.


    Great chow. Indians & Bangladeshi's getting maybe $1,000 a month working there.


    My boss told me he'd heard that after Halliburton had jumped thru 19,752 (just a guess...I'm sure Cheney helped) bureaucratic hoops, it cost the US taxpayer $67 per meal to feed us, and there were around 35,000 people on that base any given day.



  15. 7 minutes ago, jerojero said:

    And your company name has to be Haliburton.

    Pretty close. This was a Thai company & I helped them edge into a few Thai contracts when I was working for a US company.


    I got lot's a wining and dining but no brown envelopes. They are a good company, but they have to PAY to get any kind of contract.


    There were 3 US companies in the industry I was in and they were/are engraved in stone.


    They're all HUGE, as in GM/Ford/Chrysler huge.


    Zero chance of an outsider getting in.



    I worked for the Thai guy on a contract basis about a decade after I met him, and he just supplied parts to supplement the end product.


    He had an office slap full of people cranking out mountains of paperwork just so he could even bid on the contract, next the brown envelopes...


    These were military trucks, and he recently emailed me, asking if I could locate some "Factory New" parts for a truck built in 1988!


    It's like trying to buy "Factory New" parts for a 1964 Maserati.


    They don't exist.


    I did find him a reconditioned parts source though.


  16. 15 minutes ago, webfact said:

    the position of regional hub of aviation, said Mr. Somkid. 

    Yet another "Hub".


    I liked U-tapao when the parking lots were empty & I could go to Samui or Phuket for a change.


    I came back from Samui once & some idiot appeared out of the blue wanting to charge me for parking.


    My truck had been there a 10 days & he asked me how long I'd been there? I told him 2 days and gave him 100 baht.


    There was about 30 acres of empty parking out there, maybe 6 vehicles... I thought it was funny.


    Ahh the good old days of U-tapao.

  17. Same thing happens in the USA.


    To even BID on a US Federal gov't project, you need to have been in business a decade & have 97 lawyers review the contract etc. 


    You better have a staff of at least 25+ also to get them to figure out the mountains of paperwork, just to submit the bid.


    I used to be deeply involved in many government contracts, both US and Thai.


    The Thai contracts were won with a brown envelope...I have seen it with my own two eyes.


    My Thai boss once told me he wished he could pay me more, but he had to bribe too many people for that contract.


    It's almost impossible for any small company to edge in against any big company = the same companies get the same gov't contracts forever.



  18. While what the thugs did was completely WRONG in every sense of the word, if the guy had been packing a .45 and/or AR-15, AND been wearing boots (he could have kicked back), AND was a trained professional, it probably would have never happened.


    Instead he's just a poor old guy with a uniform & flip-flops!


    Nothing against the security guard in the least, just saying he was ill prepared to provide any security whatsoever, so what's the point of him even being there, if he can only ask people to be nice & almost gets killed for doing so?


    The video is sickening and the perpetrators should be dragged to the nearest tree.



  19. 2 minutes ago, uchibenkei said:

    And you live in a world where you have some imaginary right to never feel uncomfortable and women never lie or falsely accuse men of sexual harrassment.  Somehow women can read a man's mind and determine he has sexual intent because in your world that's the only reason a man looks at a woman.  How nice for you.

    Wouldn't it be nice if men had ESP?


    Women try it all the time when they say "What are you thinking?"


    If women can tell what men are thinking, why do they always ask that?


    My standard answer is, "You're getting on my nerves".

  20. The skytrain is so nice, and I'm not talking about just the AC. I LIKE the eye candy.


    I've been groped in Thailand more times than I can remember, by many women I wanted nothing to do with, in areas that were NOT redlight districts.


    Sometimes irritating, sometimes humbly appreciated. 


    Somehow I managed to survive.


    Why can't folks the world over get over this "sensitivity" issue?



    I worked at a place that required us to go through a "Sexual Harassment" class once a year in the US.


    It's not what you meant, it is "How It Is Perceived".... Like I'm supposed to be a mind-reader!








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