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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Nothing wrong w/ a plant that grows in the wild, although I'd rather have hot needles shoved under my toenails than listen to "hip-hop".




    I had this speech (see below) almost memorized & delivered it to my little brother once when he caught me & my buddies toking a J. 


    We were 20-21 & he was 10. 


    It made absolutely no sense, given the circumstances, but the way my buddies kept a straight face while I lectured the boy made it priceless.



  2. 2 hours ago, pumpuy said:

    We do what we can to help those dogs , that farangs seem to hate so much . I agree that there are a few aggressive ones , just buy a taser , they run away scared just by the sound of it ... If you fear for the safety of your kids , be a responsible fatyher and just do not take your kids to places that could become dangerous for them , If you do not and you encounter problems it's Your own fault .

    People so full of hate intoxicate everything near them with their negative feelings , and hate is not god for your own health , too . It makes you stressed , and that leads to heart attacks , strokes , etc.

    Learn how to live with it , or move on ... you cannot kill them all , in this country karma will have it's revenge on you , if you do not believe it , just wait ...

    Not an iota of hate on my part.


    If the dog wants to be friendly I'll gladly stop and scratch his head or rub his back.


    If the dog wants to try to bite me and my daughter for ridiing a bicycle down public, residential street it's OUR fault???

  3. 7 hours ago, pumpuy said:

    Here in our property we take care for 14 dogs in the moment , some of them partly injured ... We take care , feed and provide medical care for the dogs outside as well , do not know how many , may be about 30 to 40 .

    All of them are our friends , they are happy to see us as we are happy to see them in good health and condition .

    The problems are always caused by the people , not by the dogs , they are gentle by nature .

    I suppose that if everybody in Thailand were to take in 14 dogs, it wouldn't hurt anything.


    Just your neighbor's sleep.


    Old lady that lived across the street had a poodle & 4 soi dogs she'd feed right outside her gate every night = the lived right outside her gate.


    That poodle would yap,yap,yap for 12-14 hours straight every night at the soi dogs just outside the gate.


    That little <deleted> came over & sh*t in my driveway a couple times.


    Talk about a Florida Boy wishing I had my .22 varmint rifle, though I suppose a Walther PPQ .45 would have been more sporting.


    I had this beautiful house up on Mount Khao Talo, with wonderful ocean breezes, and had to listen to Yap-yap-yap-yap! All day and all night.


    My wife wanted to feed them soi dogs.


    Awww. HELL no! 

  4. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Nuting still keeps them on the road causing accidents.

    I'll pay for bullets for them, or even better let the cambodian workers catch/eat them.

    I hit a big one, once. I was going 110-120 KPH or so and he popped out of a ditch 10 feet in front of me...Great big rascal.


    He almost tore half the front bumper off my Nissan truck. It was 2 wheel drive & only sat about 5 inches off the ground, cars & motorbikes all next to me and behind me.


    Came pretty close to a wreck as my truck jumped about a foot straight up.


    I could later see that one of the frame rails nailed the dog in the head, so he had a quick death.


    There was NO WAY I was going to stop.


    I'd have been surrounded, with somebody demanding 10.000 baht for their "precious puppy".


    I almost ran over an idiot cop like that too near the Ambassador Hotel in Chonburi.


    I was on my way to Cambodia & they were running out in the middle of the road. They didn't want me.


    I glanced in my rear view mirror to try and see what it was all about? Just wanted to not do whatever those folks were doing.


    Some cop popped out of a ditch in the middle of the road & there might have been a centimeter of air between my mirror and his sexy, tight brown shirt....I was doing maybe 50 or 60 KPH.


    I almost had a heart attack!


    I don't think I'd have stopped for that one either.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tilacme said:

    This dog problem is not confined to the city or within the cool air of 7/11.  The head of my village has recently had his entire chicken stock slaughtered by a night pack of dogs, and just a few nights ago I witnessed 3 soi dogs running down a chicken. Nobody does anything about it,  the dogs own the place at nightfall.

    I had two Golden Retrievers at one point in time, out in North Pattaya, on the Darkside, 


    I only had two neighbors out there, & they both had noisy chickens.


    My dogs only cared about the tennis ball & their food dish.


    Their chickens were going missing.


    My dogs got the blame, till they found a 12 foot python with a belly full of chicken.


    That was a big-ass snake!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Seeker1953 said:

    I am NOT the cause of the problem. I live in a small village. I attempt to walk quietly and peacefully, not bothering anyone or anything. The dogs ALWAYS alert to me. I do not do anything to disturb them. So I'm pretty much a prisoner in my house. 


    Your comments reflect your own very narrow point of view. Good for you, dogs like you. You like dogs. Great. And it sounds like you are doing your part to help the situation. 

    But your wholesale condemnation of those who disagree with you and your incredibly over-generalized judgements are difficult and divisive. 

    Amen Seeker.


    I tried to go out jogging with my dog one day MANY years ago, before I realized the stray problem in Thailand.


    We hadn't gone 50, maybe 75 yards out the gate & got SWARMED by vicious strays.


    My tame dog ran back home to my wife & I had to kick the tar out of a couple of them to make it home in one piece.


    I've been lucky though, as none have ever broke the skin on me.


    I saw a farang guy walking down Beach Road in Jomtien one day, minding his own business, all alone, high noon = it wasn't 3 AM & a dog just ran up and bit him for no reason at all.


    I was on the phone with a friend who'd had been bitten at a temple the same way 6 months before & had to get the rabies shots.


    I just happened to be looking over that way when the dog bit him.


    Of course he turned around and kicked the shit out of that dog, & here came some Thai guy giving him a hard time for kicking his dog.



    I was once working in Pathum Thani with a Tesco express nearby, maybe 300 yards away.


    Figured I'd go over there & get something to eat.


    I had to walk by a car dealership & they would "Loose The Hounds" at night.


    Luckily the sidewalk was falling apart (I was ON THE SIDEWALK!) and I managed to find some large chunks of cement & nailed the pack leader mutt first & got aggressive as hell at the other dogs, waving my arms and yelling at them.


    Just another day in BKK.


    On my way back, the night (car dealership) watchman had my hotel night watchman out there, & the car guy was mad as a hornet!


    I had hurt one of his dogs!


    That dog was about to eat me ALIVE, as I walked down a flippin' PUBLIC sidewalk!


    If the pack leader had gotten in there, or If I'd ran....Same...I'd have had 15 or 20 bites.


    I pretty muchly told the car guy to go pound sand.


    I mean really? Get mad at me because your junkyard dogs were trying to kill me on the sidewalk?


    Hell yeah, I'm going to defend myself.


    I rather enjoyed nailing that dog, with his teeth flared out, coming at me for all he was worth, with 5 or 6 of his buddies.


    It was a 3 or 4 pound (about 2 kilos) chunk of cement right between the eyes from 10 feet.


    I pulled a Tom Brady/Brett Favre/Dan Marino on him.


    It was either him or me.


    If I'd had a pistol, I'd have shot him in a heartbeat.

  7. 18 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    But she is keen to go back into the porn business that she loves. Though she said it won't be hard core.

    Well, if you can do what you love.
    The high
    wages in porn business have been over for a long time.
    Guess her future market will be more the private client market.
    There are enough suckers out there, who would like to shoot their own video with her.
    Other ex porn stars (if you want to call them stars) can be booked for 20,000 - 40,000 baht per shoot.
    So 10 customers a month and still a little freelancing in the high end discos, will bring her 400,000 - 500,000 baht a month.

    This is certainly more, than some TV - members have available a month.
    For the next 5 years until she reaches 40, it looks quite good for her financially.


    Now, how can you mention the word Suckers without including this picture?



  8. 17 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    As "a rant" this needed to be said.  All it needs now is for a person with authority to implement a level headed version. 

    Hope you're not holding your breathe Amigo.


    If we get lucky they'll form a committee, and and then 5 other committees to study the first committee & hope everybody forgets about the original committee.


    Kinda sounds like the US Congress I know, but Hey! That's what they do in Thailand. They gotta copy somebody somewhere.

  9. 24 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    You have to acknowledge the problem first, but that's inconvenient because that'll require action, so....


    Yeah, always easiest to call the the guy who makes sense "Insensitive".


    Still waiting for PumPuy to tell me how many strays he's taken in & de-wormed (although heart worms in adult dogs are almost impossible to get rid of).


    I know a LOT about dogs.


    I've read volumes on training them and caring for them.


    I've even taken care of a couple kennels, shoved more worm pills down dogs' throats than I can count, picked fleas & ticks off them, dipped them in a 55 gallon drum to rid them of parasites,


    I've cut their hair, & trimmed their hair. I LOVE dogs, BUT....


    I could walk down just Soi Khaotalo in Pattaya and melt the barrel on a .22 rifle culling mutts. I wouldn't need a Gun-Bearer, just an Ammo Bearer....probably two of them with about 1,000 rounds each.


    I'd sleep like a baby, as long as I had a crew to bury them or haul them to Vietnam.


    I LOVE most dogs, but God/Bhudda/Allah you name it, gave MAN dominion over the Earth.

  10. 16 minutes ago, pumpuy said:
    21 minutes ago, jaywalker said:



    All the bleeding hearts need to adopt at least 100 dogs.


    Total B.S...

    How many strays have you taken in there Buddy?


    Are they spayed/neutered?


    Do you keep them inside out of the mosquitoes so they don't get heart worms. If not, do you buy worm pills for all of them?


    If you go to Had Nual on Koh Larn and a monkey bites you or your daughter, would you feel the same? If a lion snatched your kid out of a tent on an African safari?


    Soi dogs are just disease-ridden Lions and Tigers and Bears = WILD animals.


    Granted, most have heart-worms so bad they can barely move, thus 90% are harmless.


    I've run across my fair share of aggressive ones though...when my little 5-6 years old daughter with me.


    Scared me half to death yet I managed.


    Scared my baby girl 97 ways to Sunday.. She had her training wheels on her bicycle, I had my bike, just us, smelling the Jasmine flowers, enjoying life, in a small residential area & here come these junkyard dogs at us!


    I LOVE a good dog or cat, lion, tiger or bear. I like whales & sharks too.


    LUCKILY, I have so far been able to catch every dog that attacked me, right in the throat...I've done it in the US too, but mostly Thailand with a good solid shoe.


    That's an ABSOLUTE DEATH SENTENCE for a dog around me in the US.


    Peel out a rifle or a pistol & bang.


    Grab a shovel & bury it.


    Even the cops/animal control in the US will give a dog a lethal injection (put it to sleep as they say) if it gets aggressive against a child.


    I've had to shoot a couple dogs.


    Did I mention I LIKE dogs?


    I've cried my eyes out over dogs that I loved, but Thailand needs a massive culling of the vermin.


    Probably help their GDP if they ship them to Vietnam.



    I got into an argument somehow w/ my father-in-laws's dog in Surin once.


    His name was Daam (Blackie).


    I had to kick to be-Jesus out of the hateful mutt, and I was doing everything I could to be nice to him.


    This is what he looked like.




    Luckily that mutt died soon after (no thanks to me unfortunately) & we got Dad a Golden Retriever.




    I made sure the mutt got all her worm pills & has flea/tick medicine always.


    My wife's Mom & Dad had never seen a dog that was taken care before.


    Her name was Chompoo and was an absolute character.


    Super sweet mutt. Followed Dad everywhere he went.


    If she'd ever snapped at my kid though, I'd have grabbed the nearest meat cleaver & killed her on the spot.


    She was just always a super sweet, funny dog though & LOVED everybody. I reckon she was about 10 years old when she passed away.


    I LOVE dogs, but I have zero qualms for those that don't make the team, which is 99% of the strays in Thailand.


  11. 4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    I gettya. I used to do garage sales at home years ago. Each time an Indian or the equivalent walked up the driveway I would mentally double the price of any item. 

    Next you tell him, "But just for you Sir, I can give you special price today" & drop your doubled price by 1 or 2%.


    If you were really good you'd sell him a tailored suit while you were at it.

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