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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 26 minutes ago, chainarong said:

    The first thing I noticed is that there has been no comment about increasing an arms build up by a bellyaching China, not like when Western nations upgrade or expands their military capabilities, buys gear or holds exercises with Co Partners, tanks , where can you use them in Thailand except on the roads or chasing students through paddy fields, not suitable anywhere else, Submarine, the waters around Thailand are shallow and also the confined space especially in the Gulf of Thailand, something submariners don't like. Both are not necessary and the money could be well spent else where. Toys for the Boys......................................


    The sub just in case they need to pull off another coup when BKK floods again.


    They could have driven it around many streets last flood.


    2 hours ago, Eligius said:

    'Action plan' to arrest the Abbot? It is anything but actionnon-action plan would be more accurate.


    I have heard on the grapevine that this new 'non-action plan' involves the police standing in a  circle around the temple, clapping their hands rhymthically and singing together with a Thai soap opera star: 'Oh please come out. Please, please, please! We love you - we really do!'


    Made me think about the US blaring heavy metal music outside the Vatican embassy in Panama in 1989 to get Noriega to come out, but then I had a moment of clarity.


    The louder the annoying noise/music is in Thailand, the better they seem to like it.

  3. 18 hours ago, ignis said:

    Far cheaper would fit all Public Service Vans/Pickup/Bus with a tachometer 

    Then have Inspectors stopping and checking them, as they have done for years in Europe.. Some Companies checked these all the time to see what there drivers were driving like..


    Another thing in Europe also years ago was PSV and HGV had governors fitted on the engine, you just could not drive at 140 kph +



    Many years ago (20+), when I was in the US Army, they had governors on the 2.5 ton trucks.


    It would barely reach 50 MPH. We quite cleverly figured out that four quarters ($1.00 USD stuck in a strategic spot on the fuel injection pump) would make it go about 70 MPH.


    GPS/Telemetric records/chips are the only way to go.

  4. 1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

    Just try to fix the problem with the maniacs in the minivans before you worry about pickup trucks. Baby steps.

    Pickups trucks with passengers in the back don't concern me at all; they are endangering themselves, but generally are not aggressive drivers. But I pay close attention when one of those vans starts to fill my mirrors. Same with the full sized busses 



    I recall driving Pattaya to Surin once w/ my wife and farang friend.


    He and I took turns driving. 6 hours to do 200 miles, as there was "SOMETHING" going 20 miles an hour in front of us every half a mile = average speed was about 30 MPH.


    Anyhow, several pickups whizzed by around us, risking life and limb with 8 or 10 people in the back.


    His comment was "I guess the more people you have in the back of the truck, the crazier you are expected to drive".


    I found it to be quite fitting.....this was 16 YEARS ago.

  5. On 12/6/2016 at 11:04 PM, madmitch said:

    Independent travellers already pay more than tour groups.


    I'm really not sure of the logic here as if hotels lose their tour group income they will be fighting amongst themselves for independent guests to fill their now empty rooms, therefore I'd anticipate seeing lower prices!


    Perhaps they raise the price then offer an even bigger percentage discount.


    If you try to apply "logic" to Thailand, you will go insane.


    The planet Vulcan it is not, perhaps Pluto maybe?

  6. 1 minute ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    Temples' bells, planes,... are sometimes loud at odd hours in the morning. Are they going to be fined?

    How about your neighbor's birthday party or wedding or funeral?


    Last time I was Issan I swore it'd be my last. I haven't been back. Walking Street Pattaya doesn't hold a candle as far as noise to an Issan funeral.


    Funeral followed by a wedding...Rather noisy to say the least.


    I love my wife and in-laws, but they just want to get deaf........what kills me is it doesn't bother them to have 30 feet/10 meter tall speakers blasting 24/7 for days on end.

    They must be deaf!


    If not, they're trying to get that way!



  7. Imagine this, if you will...


    Wife dropped kid off at school, trying to turn right on Threppasit Rd in Jomtien off Soi 4.


    BIG-ASS hash marks painted on the road so folks know there is incoming traffic from a side road. It's maybe 7:30 AM or so.

    A couple big trucks stop to let you make a right turn, as traffic is backed up anyhow.

    You ease around to the right, and BANG!!!
    Moto guy come HAULING ASS (in the wrong lane) & slams into the driver's door of my wife's truck, (in the wrong lane) breaks his leg, etc, etc....Just glad she was was in a truck.


    He's lucky he's alive!


    You have farang name....all farangs have big money. 10,000 baht or you have big problem is what they told her.

  8. 4 hours ago, jaywalker said:

    My wife was in an accident (Pattaya). 

    Totally NOT her fault (a speeding moto in the wrong lane T-boned her truck).

    I was miles away.

    The cop said "you have farang name, all farangs have big money"....10,000 bt.


    Unfortunately, when this happened to my wife, there was no martial law. (about 4 years ago).


    I was working with the Thai Marines and the Army.


    Not all proud of it, but it paid the bills (barely).

    The Marines fixed her truck (no charge).

    My only regret is that the IDIOT was wearing a helmet and lived...His helmet banged the B-pillar on a Toyota Tiger quite hard, and broke his leg.


    He had no license, no insurance, driving/speeding up the wrong side of the road, yet our insurance paid the retard's bill,+++that 10,000 baht to the cops.

  9. 19 hours ago, champers said:

    What exactly is the city's link with dolphins? I don't see any trips in the bay to go dolphin watching, I know there is the inland dolphin show, but there are elephant, tiger, crocodile and snake shows too. It's like sports teams calling themselves cougars and wolves and suchlike for no apparent reason. Rant over.

    It's future planning! They can can have dolphin shows there when it floods.

  10. Topless dancer causes stir at RCA night club.

    This is the farangs fault. Prayuth said the west has introduced these ways to Thailand. Look at the presenters dressed in western clothing and even Prayuth has fallen victim to western ways, he occasionally dresses in a suit and tie.

    I always thought he was modelling himself on Austin powers Dr evil with his fantastic taste in clothing. It could catch on. I might get an Indian tailor to knock me up a suit in prayuths honour.

  11. 12.10 AM, that is midnight isn't it?

    Actually at that location are at least 10 of those trucks parked along the road on a regular base. Do they really think they are parked full of money. laugh.pnglaugh.png

    They certainly aren't the sharpest tools in the shed are they?

    About as sharp as a bowling ball, or that teenager I saw in Pattaya that tried to use a plastic bag for a swim mask - Yes, he put a plastic bag over his head.

    The look on his face (thru the bag) when came up for a gulp of air was priceless.

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