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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 11 minutes ago, caulfield2 said:
    If she had a green card or marriage registered in the US, she would have the ability to go after some of his money in the US, even with a pre-nup.
    Not unheard of for Russian/Ukrainian girls to allege abuse after they get their citizenship and then end up with a house and half the assets.
    More likely, they had a Thai wedding and a US tourist visa...and one of the bones of contention was probably her wanting US citizenship and him knowing that would open him up more to financial shenanigans.
    Breast implants even in Japan, South Korea  or Singapore are $8-14,000 usd, not a big deal to a multi millionaire if he actually desired to stay with her.  Cheaper by far in Thailand.  She can't earn much as a soft core model...as she's a decade or at least 3-5 years too old.  Photographs will have to be heavily photoshopped with plenty of makeup to hide her aging.  Her name will earn her some disposable income, but not a significant amount, barely enough to keep up with her credit cards.
    In the US, she could sell merchandise/calendars, do fan events, book different venues as a dancer/entertainer, but the money for that isn't nearly as lucrative as in the US.  Or even writing a tell-all book, a very American/European thing for porn stars to do these days.

    You sound like a man who is well informed on the silicone & US porn business.


    Personally, I do not like silicone in the least.


    I met a gal in Pattaya once w/rubber tits that had me fooled quite well. Said it cost her 40,000 baht.


    She was fun enough for me to overlook the rubber tits though.


    I agree w/ you in that she's getting to be a bit long in the tooth for her chosen profession.

  2. 2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Sometimes I wonder if it just me or am I becoming bitter as I age. My dislike list is growing longer by the day. My sainted old grandmother told me not to hate people and I try to live by that. The down side of retirement is that I know get to learn and study politics and realize its been a shitty effort for decades. Disgusting. 

    Ah Mate, we just need another 18 or 20 coup's & it'll be alright.


    I'll be 50 in a few months, but I realized about 10 years ago, that while politics may be utterly hopeless, they can also be hilarious at the same time.


    No matter what happens, it's always funny.

  3. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    Rather runs contrary to what global entities are saying. They are touting LOS as the land of scams while the TAT is touting it as the land of smiles. Having a world jet ski competition at a time when they have a bad reputation outcry seems to fly in the face of popular thinking well which is nothing new for Thailand. The people saying these nasty things better not set foot on Thai soil or its of to the gaol with them and a computer crimes act charge slapped on them. They will be made to pay for their dastardly deed right dick??

    It's truly sad, ain't it El G, that precious few people will even call it LOS anymore?


    I know I can't bring myself to do it.


  4. 14 minutes ago, pumpuy said:











    I really can hardly believe what I read here .... What are all you dog haters doing in Thailand ? In a country where people believe in the teachings of Buddha , to respect all life ...

    I can just tell all of  you that it definitely is better for you to leave this contry , you do NOT fit here . Better go back where you come from and spread your hate over there .

    Just one of the the soi dogs is worth more than all of you .


    So adopt the next 100 soi dogs you see.




    If you and folks with such bleeding hearts as you claim to have, would do that, then us folks who think there are too many mangy, stray, aggressive mutts would have nothing to complain about.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Jedsada3 said:

    Some Thai people also fear soi dogs but they will never think about killing them. They belong to the Thai life, same the monkeys, the snakes and the pigeons.

    Only strangers complain about soi dogs and snakes and pigeons... Strange, isn't it?


    If someone wants better car drivers on better roads, less noise after 10PM, no need to extend your permission of stay every year, no 10 times higher prices in national parks and no soi dogs, that someone should stay in his home country.


    Who chooses to live in Thailand should not only take the sun, the cheap prices and the nice life but also accept the dark side of the host country.


    Why should any country have a "Dark Side"? 


    Please, if you can fix things somewhere else, then, please do so.


    It's called being a consultant = somebody who looks from the outside at what's happening.


    I tried doing it for a couple years in Thailand. It went over like a Led Zepplin, just not as good as the band.



    What you are saying, is the equivalent of me saying that 4,000+ shootings last year in Chicago...Who cares? It's just the way it is, so we should never address that issue.


    Get rid of the mangy mutts!

  6. 1 hour ago, Mook23 said:

    Hey. Seagal. How did you kill them? You bit them to death? Or what ?

    Not sure about Seagul, but I often wear work boots in Thailand. Flip-flops/Roman sandals ain't worth a hoot.


    Never managed to kill one, but I HAVE caught at least 5 or 6 in a full-on charge at me right in their throat.


    I gave them a punt like the game winning shot at the Super Bowl or World Cup.


    I get as aggressive w/ them as they get at me.....And all I'm doing is walking by!


    All in a day's work in Thailand.

  7. 1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    Every major town have organisations that are involved in stray dog care, get involved (even if only with money) instead of shouting from the sideline, which will change nothing. 

    Give me a .22 rifle & I'll shoot from the sideline.


    I like animals same as my 11 year old daughter, but there comes a time when a culling is appropriate.


    That time was about 50 years ago in Thailand.


    How many soi dogs do you see on the streets of London or Munich or New York?


    I'm in Florida right now & not a soi dog in sight.


    My 84 year old Aunt has 3 dogs, two of which I'd shoot & bury without blinking an eye.


    The third mutt is cool though. She doesn't bark unless it's imprtant & she keeps the varmints (squirrels, rats, moles, cats, possums etc at bay).


    I like cats too, but even better, I like a dog that will hunt.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    Wow! You amaze me!

    How do you get informed. Nah, for people not thinking at all, it´s just not easy.
    For the people that thinks and plan their trip, there are news to read before go. Just not buy a ticket and think you know everything.

    Other sources is this forum, social media and friends that went before.

    Hope you get it now.

    When I first arrived in 1999, there was naught but brochures.


    You are correct though, in that today, a simple Google search will show you most anything you might be curious about.

  9. 45 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    I have walked through packs of dogs, stepped over tens of dogs in 711 doors and have never been attacked. They smell fear and attack only those they know fear them. The only time I was nearly attacked by an animal in Thailand was by a monkey at a temple. I made the mistake of making eye contact with a dominant male and he came for me. Fortunately he stopped his charge when I lowered my eyes. The sollution is for individuals to sponsor muting of stray dogs, because if you wait for government you will never see the end of stray dogs. If every foreigner sponsors the muting of 1 dog a year (less than B 2000) we will have very few strays left after 5 years. Every major town have organisations that are involved in stray dog care, get involved (even if only with money) instead of shouting from the sideline, which will change nothing. 

    Imagine your  8 or 10 year old daughter going for an ice cream at 7-11?


    She won't have the Clint Eastwood eye you have.


    One snapped at me next to a community swimming pool once in Pattaya....all I did was walk by...and they let him lay in front of the bar!


    Needless to say they had a tough time selling snacks & drinks there & just couldn't figure out why?


    Barmaids/"waitresses" constantly on Farcebook, leaving empty/finished food plates all over = a bazillion flies, evil dog at the bar.


    Yes they went out of business.

  10. 3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Must explain how he reached the ripe old age that he was. I like a guy that believes a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush unless your like Trump and prefer bushes. Considering his age and the 1000 baht tip I imagine the women had no desire to slap his face. Wiley ole fox. Its amazing what being old and rich lets one get away with. 

    Off topic a bit, but, you reminded me of a Florida incident where there was a "Slow" (mentally retarded) young gal living nearby. She was about 20.


    Some clown I knew did what men do sometimes to her.


    I was disgusted by it, but my boss said, "Hey, a 'Tard in the hand is better than two in the bush".

  11. I recall driving thru there many years ago.


    The outside lane was worse than a clay/dirt road, yet the inside lane was smooth as silk, so I drove on the inside lane.


    RIGHT AT the end of that bad patch of pavement/roadway, a cop ran out in the road in front of me.


    200 baht for driving in the lane where my teeth wouldn't get rattled out of my head.

  12. 8 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Well if he is a millionaire that should be no problem. They are more than likely lining up at his door. 


    I met a US millionaire in Udon Thani a looooong time ago.


    He was was pushing 90 & needed help getting up the stairs, drunk as hell.


    He got his wife (who was about 40) & my Buddy's wife (about 25) to help him.


    The old guy was funny!


    Handed them 1,000 baht each, put his arms around their shoulders, & had a titty in each hand to hang on to.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Sphere said:


    Well I never......that's not what the brochures said....I'd want my money back. :bah:

    I knew in mid-2000 that the company was going to station me in BKK.


    They took their sweet time about it, but in March 2001, told me to book my flight.


    I'd been reading everything I could find about Thailand in books/brochures & such, as the internet was still being born.


    I got to Pattaya & managed to rent a jet-ski..No biggie back then. (500 baht for 20 minutes or something like that).


    What got me, was all the garbage.


    I saw these two 13-14 year old boys out there chest deep & one of them decided he'd use a clear plastic bag for a diving mask...it was right next to him...Why not?


    Yes, the idiot put a plastic bag on his head & went under the waves, came up for a breath & it didn't work too well.


    Now that's what you call, "ROFL" except I was scared to roll around on that beach.

  14. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    That guy is absolutely insane.  How anybody could watch that, much less believe anything that comes from this nut, is beyond me.  Sad statement on humanity.

    How anybody could think Hillary would be better is beyond me.


    How anybody can believe that the Russians had an impact on the election is beyond me.


    The right & main-stream media starts screaming about "Evidence", yet have failed to produce a shred of evidence that the Russians affected the outcome of the election.


    If former President Obama DID do what President Trump is saying, he needs to be in Leavenworth.



    It's "The seriousness of the charge".


    We have to investigate!


    The left has been doing it for 50 years or more!


    The new President has barely been in office 6 or 7 weeks & the left is LOSING their MINDS!...(Not that they had much to begin with).

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