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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 2 hours ago, Shadychris said:

    The Kings group bars are quite well managed, certainly no under age girls, and drug use  is not as overt as in some of the smaller establishments. You are right though, as one of the big players in the area they will of course have received advance notification of this - hence the zero positive piss test results.

    I recall a Kiwi (newbie) buddy years ago on a different forum saying how stunning and tall the women were at King's-Something-or-other bar on Patpong.


    Poor guy was in a katoey bar & didn't know it. BWAhahaha!


    He said he'd never mess with any Thai woman taller than 4.5 feet tall after we informed him of his folly.

  2. 8 hours ago, Mook23 said:

    Drugs are fun! (If u can handle them) ??

    Nightclubbing from grace jones + some cocaine + drinks + perky company = great (and the soundtrack of my life 15 years ago) ???


    Drugs are for people who can't handle reality.


    Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.


    Oh yeah, how on earth did they convert cocaine into a creme???

  3. 2 hours ago, macksview said:

    teacher suspended?, ped should be locked up until the investigation has run it's course.


    mind you the investigation into 10 young girls from nakon nowhere,  being groped/abused by their teacher, will probably be less thorough than the investigation into the poor bunnies, image theft case.


    Don't hang him high, just low & slow.

  4. 2 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    Many of the POWs from Changi/Burma railway had an unpleasant but essential introduction to exotic foods: they were forced to eat any kind of protein they could find, as there was little or none in the 'meals' provided by their captors. Consequently they were eating rats, lizards, geckos, cockroaches, insects...everything and anything. At the same time they enjoyed endless discussions and fantasies about all the rich food they would have when the war was over ...but when it happened they found their preference was for plain and simple: bread and butter, cheese on toast and the like ( ref: Stan Arneil, One Man's War).

    My father-in-law cooked up some rice field rats one evening in Surin.

    I stuck to eating fish that night.


    First time I ever grilled a filet mignon & some baked potatoes my wife was in LOVE even more with me.


    She can put away some lasagna & spaghetti as well. Not sure where she puts it, as she's 45kg (99 lbs) & 1.9 meters (4' 11") tall.


    She'd never had any of the above before she met me.

  5. 4 hours ago, starky said:

    Well actually I don't think he is. The paralysis tick to my knowledge is native to Australia (which is written in what you posted) and as nasty as the little buggers are most dogs aren't affected. Being an Aussie I have seen dogs that have been though and you can't switch it on and off. Paralysed or not. If paralysed will remain so until the tick is removed. 

    I saw it happen in Florida when I was a kid.

  6. 58 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

    What a strange diet the Chinese have. I saw somewhere that they eat horse penis as well. Why can't they eat normal food like everyone else. Shark fin soup, rhino tusks, tiger claws, bears gall badders, stop eating endangered animals, please!

    I once ordered what looked like kimchi (cabbage salad) in Taipei.


    It was a platter of pickled duck feet. Ooooh! Yummy! NOT!

  7. 18 hours ago, Savilesghost said:

    When you got to go, you got go 

    He must've found some som-tam in Moscow or London before he started his journey?


    I once made the BAD mistake of nibbling 4 or 5 little green chilies with some Issan sausage one day. I was flying BKK to Orlando (halfway around the world) that night.


    I spent what seemed like half the 27 hour journey on the toilet.

  8. 57 minutes ago, leeneeds said:

    More information is needed ,


    air con units if charged with incorrect, gas 

    can explode, piping has a set capacity and if incorrectly over charging they will blow out,


    Sorry for the guy , safety and training , 


    I was out with the RTA once for a 1,000 km test drive for an upgraded engine on some rather old equipment. (as an aside, we hadn't gone 10 miles before they ran out of fuel, but I digress)...


    We had quite the convoy. One RTA truck & some VIP's in 2 vans, our van & a Toyota full of tools & 4 soldiers in the military vehicle. They stopped at one point because the soldiers couldn't breathe inside.


    The batteries (24V NATO system were under the front passenger's seat, so inside with them).


    I surmised that the smell was muriatic acid, whereas the batteries should have been filled with sulfuric acid. I was right. I dumped the batteries & refilled them with distilled water & no problems thereafter. I was amazed the batteries weren't ruined!


    So, while I've never heard of an AC unit exploding, yes, you may be right when it comes to the incorrect gas.

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