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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. I spent a week on Phangan when I was 37 (2005).


    I had NO IDEA about the full moon parties until I got there.


    I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the thumping loud music (Yes, just happened to be a full moon while I was there). Luckily I was staying on Had Leela beach, but the noise was still almost unbearable from 300-400 yards away at Had Rin.


    You could not pay me enough to go to a full moon party, at that age & this guy was 38.


    Maybe it was his first time out???


    RIP to poor fella.



  2. 17 hours ago, Canceraid said:

    Huh! Women from Africa selling in Pattaya????? How weird???? Who will buy them????? and what are their men doing.....selling drugs at Nana and the start of sukhumvit area?


    By the way that video is really obscene and should be censored completely....the sight of all that hanging surplus fat meat made me puke!

    I'd hate to arm wrestle any of them!

  3. Years ago a friend was headed towards the beach in Pattaya & made a right turn on 2nd road, when a moto zoomed around his right, in the wrong lane and crashed into his right front fender, .


    The guy went flying thru the air, tumbled end over end, jumped up and took off running.


    My buddy foolishly waited for the cops.


    He spent the night at the Soi 9 police station & got out the next day (after his wife paid the cops 50,000 baht).

  4. 21 hours ago, petedk said:

    I don't know whether it is because I am British or just old but I have never heard the phrase "tugging" referring to masturbation.


    My first thoughts were "what on earth do they mean? Was he trying to pull down the temple.


    Anyway, I agree the fact that maybe he tried to abduct 2 girls is very serious. He should be locked up.

    Yeah, reading the headline & I thought it was some guy with a tow-truck hooked to the corner of the building trying to snatch it down.


    I'm not British... I thought it just was British vernacular until I saw your post.


    Maybe I'm too old as well (50).

  5. On 2/21/2017 at 11:19 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    You appear to be lumping ladyboys in with all the other "bad" people. I guess you don't know anything much about ladyboys, including that there are thousands all over Thailand in most occupations.

    Plenty rude Thais in Bangkok and Phuket.

    As for illegal drugs, I could probably find them more easily in my "home" town than in Pattaya.

    Traffic standstill- never been in Bangkok?

    Phuket has a worse taxi mafia than Pattaya and Pattaya baht buses are only 10 baht on the circuit- way better than Chiang Mai.

    Money money money- same as any big place nowadays.


    Have you actually lived in Pattaya, or just had the 5 minute tour?


    Have to agree, the baht buses in Pattaya are FAR and AWAY better than the taxi idiots in Phuket.

  6. On 2/17/2017 at 9:07 PM, Enoon said:


    Just another newspaper, telling stories to titillate and sell advertising space.  It's not "news" in Thailand, it's not even news in the UK.


    It's just time for this years commercial sex "story".


    Next year it'll be Angeles City, or Mumbai, or maybe back to Prague.



    You forgot Madrid, Amsterdam & San Jose (Costa Rica).


    Also Sousa in the Dominican Republic

  7. 4 minutes ago, jaltsc said:

    And risk a defamation suit that the whistle blower will surely lose?  As absurd as it sounds, the best action in this situation is to get off and try your luck with another bus and driver. 


    Without proactive action from the top (Laws and Enforcement) this will never change. 


    They have a bazillion laws on the books, it's the enforcement part that will never happen.

  8. 1 hour ago, sstuff3 said:

    There is no way I would have just sat there and watched the driver drink and drive. At the very least I would have demanded he stop the bus so I could get off. I've exited taxis in Bangkok before because I felt unsafe by the drivers erratic behavior.  My safety comes first and foremost. Hard to believe no one demanded him to stop if they truly saw him "guzzling beer all the way"

    I was on a moto-taxi from Bali Hai Pier in Pattaya back home once after a day on Koh Larn back to East Pattaya, off Khao Talo (about 3 km) for 100 baht.


    The guy was waving thru traffic up S. Pattaya Rd & ANSWERS HIS PHONE!


    I told him to stop! And proffered 40 baht for his troubles & jumped off the bike.


    I had about 300 baht in my hand as I found a couple twenty's.


    He forgot all about his phone call and tried snatch all my money and started trying to kick at me.


    Simple LOGIC... Passenger SAFETY FIRST!


    Does not seem to be a concept they can relate to.




  9. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Thai Public Transport drivers drunk. Thats not exactly news to most of us is it?

    I wasn't driving, my mate was, but he has done a runner. Seriously? And I don't know his name. Classic.

    In total contradiction to what the witnesses said.

    The only thing that puzzles me is why the Police didn't apparently breathalyse him immediately.

    One does not have to search too hard to see why Thailands roads are the second most dangerous in the world.


    They should put breathe monitors on ALL public transport BEFORE the driver even fires up the engine. Seal the driver & assistant driver up front (so some Yo-Yo can't blow for them) & make them blow every 1 hour to keep the engine running.


    I think they call it an Ignition Interlock Device.





  10. 12 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    They fear there will be no somtam when they are sent to Mexico.

    I was working in S. California years ago for a few months & would drive down to Old Mexico (San Felipe) on the weekends for something to do.


    First time there, I got a bowl of tortilla chips & salsa with my beer at a bar.


    A Thai would have LOVED that stuff!  I grabbed a big old scoop of salsa & almost died!  Rather spicy to say the least.

  11. 18 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

    They are westerners that have been here for 30 or 40 years that have never been to a temple out side of a friends burning or wedding.No Sex in Pattaya,No Money in Pattaya.

    I've been to many temples, but kneeling on some burlap rug for 30 minutes...NO THANKS!


    At least give me an old style wooden church pew.

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