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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. Which of their policies do you disagree with, in particular? Creating a national energy company focusing on 100% renewable sources which, for the first time in history, are now cheaper than fossil fuels (and significantly so)? Freezing energy bills by using windfall profits from energy companies? Bringing rail back into public ownership by not renewing service contracts as they expire? Refunding the NHS and schools?
  2. Yes I do. What does that have to do with your original question and my response?
  3. This organisation will no doubt be the next one that the loony right start to blame for all the UK's problems. gexit, anyone?
  4. Never had a mortgage and not likely to ever be able to afford one now. I don't really see how that's relevant to your failure to understand what's going on, though.
  5. Yea... I don't think you really understand what cost of living is.
  6. You do realise that a cost of living crisis is about people who are working not being able to survive, don't you?
  7. Um.... You know that the post that your quoted a post that quoted a comment about leaving 3 and 4 star reviews, don't you?
  8. I hope thier checkout staff are quicker at handing out change than the average 7/11 or Lotus'sS's's
  9. Ticket prices aren't set based on average wage. They are set to the highest value they think they can charge while still packing the venue out. Clearly average-wage earning Thais aren't the target market in this case.
  10. As Britman pointed out in another recent thread on the subject; the longer they squabble over restrictions, the longer this period of total non-restrictions is. This is one of those rare times where we should actually be hoping this gets dragged out for years.
  11. If that question is directed at me, then I don't know. I certainly felt no urgency in leaving a review but I was promoted to do so by the organisation and had nothing better to do at that time.
  12. The whole reviews system is plucked, anyway. People generally only give 1 star and 5 star reviews, and 99% of the time neither is accurate. I gave up leaving balanced reviews after an incident with a delivery service in another country. I left a 3 star review and got bombarded with messages and finally a phone call from them asking what was wrong and how they could improve. Nothing was wrong, I said. 3 stars is above average. It's a good review!
  13. I'm really not sure the people would accept a coup right now. Usually they happen when there's mass protests but at the moment there is very little activity on this front. Maybe the line "where the military is concerned there are no conditions leading to a coup" is a threat, maybe it is supposed to read "if the results of the Pryut case cause mass protests, there will be conditions which can lead to a coup".
  14. It's not a case of being sensitive. Rightly or wrongly (wrongly...) a 1 star review, especially for a new business, has serious implications on search rankings and customer outreach and it takes a lot of 5-star reviews to redress the balance. While the owners reaction may have been over the top, your review was not justified (as you have since acknowledged, so fair play to you on that point, at least)
  15. If it were me I'd turn around and take my business elsewhere. No cuppa-soup is worth dying of rabies for.
  16. Technically I believe they still have the power of discretion, but they're far, far less likely to exercise it if you have a valid visa.
  17. 1-star should be reserved for exceptionally bad service, incorrect orders, overcharging etc. The owner not wanting a chat and you not liking the price of the beer sounds like a 3-star issue at worst.
  18. They literally just did that. I don't even think there was a dead-cat bounce in response.
  19. Of course you can't. Email addresses need to be unique. If you use the email address "[email protected]", then you can't simply change it to "[email protected]" as somebody else may already own that email address. Therefore you need to go through the signup process and set up the new email address from scratch. That being said, there's no need to do so. You don't gain any functionality or anything; the service you receive is exactly the same regardless of the address.
  20. I would imagine Lazada allow each seller to set their own delivery fee calculations choosing from weight based, per-item based (with or without multiple-item discount), flat fee or a variety of other algorithms. If this is indeed the case, then it would be impossible to compile the figures that you want.
  21. It's been well over a decade since I used it so I don't know if it's still any good, but I used to use a program called Sublight to download subtitle files with pretty good results. https://www.google.com/search?q=sublight+subtitles&oq=sublight+subtitles+&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j0i390l2.10872j0j1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 should point you in the right direction.
  22. Yes that's exactly what he means.
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