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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. I've had two issues with Chinaphones in the past. One corrupted the SD card exactly 1 year after the thing was first switched on. In fact this happened to three handsets of the same model, as I'd purchased one for my gf and one for a friend at the same time. They all had exactly the same problem on the same day. The other issue was a phone which, after a few months of use, started serving pop-up adds at random. After that I never bought another Chinaphone again. There's really not much need these days, anyway, with so many perfectly serviceable brand-name budget phones available.
  2. I'm sure you can. Which is why I named the company and not the broker as they are not significant. ?? An insurance company
  3. This is precisely the issue and exactly why I felt I was mis-sold the policy. Don't get me wrong, in general they've been pretty good when it came to in-patient treatment, but the broker advised me that out-patient was basically a waste of money. Which it wouldn't have been. ACS is the provider of the policy. I won't mention the name of the broker because, firstly, I don't recommend them and, secondly I don't want to fall foul of defecation laws.
  4. I don't have a Thai policy, there is zero deductable, and premiums for this policy do not alter based on claim history. And there would have been no per-visit limit if I'd selected OP care. It's pretty difficult to manage a 3000bt bill on a single OP visit, anyway.
  5. Far less. Otherwise I wouldn't have made the point, would I?
  6. This may vary from bank to bank. I was certainly able to update my passport information and get a new card in a Krugsri branch that wasn't the same branch in which I opened the account (different province).
  7. Maybe it depends on age but the worst mistake I ever made was getting a policy without OP cover. It's cost me tens of thousands of baht over the last few years. ????
  8. If you ask the hospital they will check with your insurance provider if any particular procedure is covered. I find this is better than asking a staff member of your broker or insurance company who may end up giving incorrect information (either due to error or misunderstanding). It's in the hospital's interest for you to be covered so you can be reasonably sure that they'll give the correct information to the insurer.
  9. Like many websites the landing page is woefully inadequate in explaining what the product on offer actually is so if anybody (perhaps the OP) would care to enlighten then I'm all eyes.
  10. I'm confused. I was under the impression that hotels were already exempt from this restriction. Either I'm wrong, which is forgivable considering I'm only a civilian, or the mayor is making a fool of himself announcing a relaxing of a restriction that doesn't even exist. While I'm quite happy to accept that I'm wrong if that's the case, I really hope the second possibility is in fact the correct one. Can anybody more knowledgeable on the subject fill in the blanks?
  11. JayClay

    Leffe Blonde

    Food Mart
  12. That's a reoccurring package, not a 1-off package So, you knew it wasn't a scam, but decided to use the word anyway in inverted commas. It seems that you only have yourself to blame for the responses you got. If somebody called me an "idiot", or somebody called you "stupid", do you honestly think either of us would react differently just because of the quote marks around the word?
  13. Or, alternatively, surprised by the bill they've managed to accumulate while drinking themselves into such a state that they're prepared to climb a building!
  14. Mong hen is see Mong is to look or stare Pom mong ter - I am looking at her. Pom mong mai hen - I cannot see.
  15. I was not around in those days but if, as you are implying, they latched onto a specific story in order to try and promote their safety products then I again agree with you that they went about their business in a very cynical manner. If the product genuinely saves lives then it should be able to stand on it's own merits. I haven't investigated the system that's been proposed by this advertorial but wonder what benefits it has over a clipboard and a list of names.
  16. Correct. I'm glad you agree. A blatant case of filthy opportunism, taking a tragic incident and trying to guilt-shame schools for not investing in a probably worthless product.
  17. While incidents like these are horrific, I have to say that this companies like this, looking to turn tragic news into profit are the lowest of the low. It's disgusting behaviour. As somebody else has said, you don't need tags or any kind of digital system in place to count how many people entered and then left a vehicle!
  18. Better
  19. I would use verb + ใช้เวลา. For example ทำแกงเขียวหวานใช้เวลา Yes. I would think the same.
  20. Is there actually a criminal offence that covers this???
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