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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. No idea what you are on about, but that is par for the course.
  2. Why is it any of your business?
  3. You can't get married at a foreign embassy anyway.
  4. And they won't sell you the one on display. Home Depot would sell in a heartbeat. No need for a display without inventory.
  5. Wait until you see the prices at the "Night Market". I'm staying here.
  6. Most people enjoy a trip to Las Vegas. I can understand how it would be frustrating leaving Pattaya behind though. Don't worry, the girls and boys will still be there when you get home.
  7. It is all still just misdirection. They are trying to steal the government money.
  8. I have flown a number of times recently and asked to go through the camera gates but was directed to the hand run gates.
  9. I have asked to do it but have not been able to register. Don't care about them having my biometrics in the least.
  10. My wife gets these all the time, I don't. At one point I had to do an extensive explanation of why the police are not calling us after finding a package with 5 kg of coke at Swampy with our names on it. It took a while.
  11. Or Russian anti-semitic, anti-American comments for some.
  12. All those jobs have been terrible, got it.
  13. Putin got what he paid for, an illiterate at the helm. It is not just America facing disaster.
  14. That is why you are not happy here, or anywhere. Most people are good around the world.
  15. Easy to see why you believe the anti-vax nonsense. You are not dealing in facts.
  16. Exactly, and there are good people and dirtballs from everywhere, mostly good people.
  17. Because "Those People" are coming in droves. It is no longer safe for those hanging out with their bar boys.
  18. I was referring to vaccines in general, but the MRNA technology may be a game changer. The only thing reckless is ignoring science.
  19. Like HPV. It is not appropriate for me. It would not hurt me, but it would not be helpful either. As for the rest of this nonsense, you are delusional denying one of the most important medical developments ever. That you are here to spread this mess tells me that vaccines work.
  20. At some point, the covid vaccine will be included in the flu vaccine.
  21. Happy to take any vaccine that are appropriate. The scaremongering is going to get the science denying morons killed. No great loss.
  22. Yes I am, it is you that goes to extremes pointing fingers and whining about how you are mistreated.
  23. True, but no group is entirely one or the other and regardless, it does not justify assault.
  24. As in this case, they will arrest the perpetrators if they can identify them. Laws are not selectively applied. Stop making up stories for your victimhood. You were not assaulted.
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