Look at the changes is Malaysia and Indonesia. There has been a slow and pernicious eroding of women's rights in both for years. All of it financed by the Saudis.
The Catholic and Anglican courts were rolled into the Statute court system long ago. The Catholics still hold Cannon law courts in Italy though, much to the delight of many pedophiles.
As it should be. I have no tolerance for Sharia or Cannon law. The lack of equal justice should absolutely disqualify them. How prevalent is it in reality though? I can see vigilantly enforcement but there can't be any actual legal authority there.
Only for voluntary arbitration. Sharia law has never been supported by an American court. It is explicitly banned by the 1st amendment to the constitution.
They just tell the US war machine where to go while killing reporters and sending Wahabbist Imams around the world spreading hate and oppression. See Malaysia and Indonesia.