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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. As long as you can show the funds were in there continuously for the past year, yes.
  2. Thai Watsadu is the builders store. Homepro and Global are more for the weekend wannabes, It all depends on what you are looking for.
  3. The whole village will be there to ensure that there are no incriminating intoxicants left behind. The temple will be happy the handle the barbeque part, I just hope they do not charge by the kilo. Repatriating a body just to waste real estate is really dumb. I would be more interested in paperwork to be an organ donor.
  4. Are you talking about an open Molar or an impacted wisdom tooth? The former is easy and takes 5 minutes after sedation. The latter is complicated dental surgery and takes an hour under full anesthesia. You need to talk to an oral surgeon to get a realistic price.
  5. All gasoline has additives. That is what makes the brand. Color, detergent, even fragrances.
  6. What smaller planes? They don't exist, nor do the crews. How do you refund the return flight? Not on any ticket I ever had. Use it or lose it.
  7. Someone skipped their Econ-101 classes, it does not work this way at all.
  8. He is not the angry white man that scares me. He does not paint himself orange. This guy I would like to buy a few beers for.
  9. Take your TM30 and passport to the local immigration office and ask for two residency letters. They sometimes charge a few hundred baht for same day service, Easy. You need a separate letter for each license, and you need separate medical certificates too. You will need additional letters to title your vehicles as well.
  10. Snakes do not care about your plants. They care about the mice, frogs and lizards. Don't worry, the snakes will take care of them. Better to catch the snakes and move them if they are dangerous but please identify them first. https://www.snaketracks.com/snakes-in-thailand/
  11. Good for them. People who are not willing to participate in reasonable public health initiatives should lose their visas.
  12. If you are living here, see the local doctor and get a prescription for whatever the locally available ACE inhibitor is. They will be happy to hook you up.
  13. Exactly! No matter how bad it is, there is always someone with bigger problems and they are frequently in ambulances.
  14. Uh, right. Why not try thinking about the people in the back of the ambulances? I am sure they do not want to be there listening to the sirens either.
  15. This must be the same people putting Lao Khao in the juice boxes. It boggles the mind that anyone listens to this nonsense.
  16. We were going through nonsense like this yesterday. Someone called the tirak saying they were Surin police and they were investigating me for shipping forged credit cards to Singapore. She was pulling out a bunch of ID and bank records when I pulled the plug. Afterwards, I asked her if the police really call criminals from the other side of the country. We have seen the arrests on the news, if i was really dealing in forged credit cards there would be twenty cops sitting around me on Channel 3. The scammers bring a good story right up until you tell them to send the cops over to discuss it.
  17. They work pretty well if you actually file one. The Europeans use them all the time.
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